Resisting my Roots (DR + CFW)

If you can handle Dragon Reborn without big up and down swings then it’s ok to include other titels.

But if Dragon Reborn is a problem, then it’s useless to include other titels. Your system is occupied with Healing anyway,every other program is just overload.


I have started on Dragon Reborn July 9th One loop every other day with a rest day in between.

Curious about Elixir. Is that really necessary?


Wow! Some great insights for me here. I did CFW a month ago before starting DR. I am on DR 1 day 3 right now. Thank you for this open sharing. :heart:


Very true.


@FireDragon @Leandros

Thanks for the reply’s and your insights Dragons :wink:

I’ll think that DR ST4 will never be easy to listen to, at least not in 2-3 cycles. The only “problem” that I have right now is to decide if it’s time to stop DR (Did it for 45 days like they ask) and go for programs that helps heal the trauma that I figured out. For instant:

  • Expressing my sexuality and let go of the feeling of rejection and just feel enough already
  • Stand up for myself even when people are saying things in unconscious behavior. Been working as a mental coach for years so I see very fast when people are reaction from emotion that they don’t have under control so most of the time I’ll let it slide. Should not do this because I have emotions as well.
  • Expressing my emotions like anger and sadness what is going much better since DR
  • Letting go of old relationships and habits that no longer serve me.

So yeah, Stark, Wanted, CWon and Lovebomb are the ones that will help the most with these objectives I guess (Other suggestions are always welcome). Also, I had no foundation when I started this DR journey, I just went in all the way. Don’t know yet if this is Recon and I should go for a 3th cycle of DR4. Let’s see what will work best. Maybe indeed Stark, CWON and DR will be a good middle way or my subconscious is telling me that I’ve had enough healing and it’s time to move on. Also, it’s time to find a new job and house and I need to be fully focused on that to get these things. Feeling tired all the time and not being able to focus makes that difficult to achieve. Don’t know what to think atm haha

After 3-4 months of subliminal club I still find this difficult. When is it time to change and when is it time to stick to my stack? Especially because of the mind games that our brain is playing.

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It depends what you need the most with your healing journey. For me CFW worked best because I needed something to balance it out and become more introspective. @FireDragon is using GLM right now because he needs more of a masculine edge while healing. It really depends on what you need the most and only you can figure that out.

I’m glad that I could help :wink: If you have any questions about your stack, listening patterns or what ever. you can always ask me. Be slow with the loops and don’t overexpose. DR is a very heavy program.

Oh and do you have a Journal? It’s really great to share and let off some steam. I’ll follow it for sure!


I am going to start one! I have a paradigm around journaling because if I believe if I keep giving attention to something I don’t want that I feel it will persist.

I journaled from the age of 14 until my 30s. I found Neville Goddard in early 2021 and stopped journaling for the most part since then.

Some resistance for sure around journaling.

I have been using SC subs for a few months now.

I am only listening to 1 loop of DR1 every other day for 21 days. I’ll do a washout before I go on to step 2.

Did you skip steps 2&3?

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I did CFW on my last 21 day stack cycle.

That was intense!

I feel like DR solo is my best option but I also don’t wanna be angry or sad all day and not able to function as a parent or human being :joy:

Yes but I did that because I was willing to try how far I could push it and experiment. To give an example, while running DR4 and CFW I listen to Stark + Chosen before an interview after my 3 day washout. This honestly was like a smooth and lovely river in my ears compared to DR4 and CFW. So in my weird logic I was like “Let’s kill myself for 2-3months so everything after that will be much much easier”. Another reason was that DR1 was very easy for my while for most it’s quite difficult and I don’t have the time to heal myself for 7-8 months because I have a business and life. Doing the healing journey really turns down all my productivity.

don’t try this please Just go from stage to stage and don’t jump to DR4. I’m really an all or nothing kind of guy and can handle heavy recon. I would not advice to other people to do the same

I would advise to do something like Love bomb or Sanguine. Those are very easy and lovely to listen to and give that good feeling vibe. It can be a great primer before you listen to DR. For instant, If you listen to Love bomb before Dragon Reborn it can make it much smoother. I’ve seen multiple people do this like @Sungaze that used the love bomb in CFW to ease out the heaviness of DR.

Couple of tips:

  • Start with like 5 min and work your way up to 15 if you have too much recon.
  • Less is more with DR in my opinion, especially when you feel very angry or sad. You can skip 1 day of DR and fill it with more of feel good Subs. To give an example:

Day 1: Lovebomb + DR
Day 2: Rest
Day 3: Lovebomb
Day 4: Rest
Day 5: Lovebomb + DR

Hope that helps! Great that you’re doing this DR journey as a parent btw!


I’m going to stick with DR exclusively and see where it takes me!

I’m off from my school job for the summer with more downtime for “healing” but when I return to work I’ll be on stage 3 probably.

I handle heavy recon pretty well… I use my tools, such as getting myself into a state akin to sleep, guided meditation, yoga, reiki, nature, walking and smashing the drums. :blush:


Started to sleep better after each wash-out day in this 3th cycle. There is a lot of energy in me that wakes me up in the middle of the night, but I feel very tired. It’s such a weird feeling of having energy but also feeling tired. I’ll hope this will slowly fade away over time when listening to the subs.

Even with the difficult morning, I got so many insights when I woke up! First of all, I know now for sure that it’s time to stop DR and go on with the things that bother me and came up because of DR. First and foremost my sexuality and how I reject this all the time. I learned in my spiritual path that expressing sexuality is a waste of energy and that woman mostly take your energy. What can be true, but honestly I’m done with that path and want to listen to my desires that I have.

After this difficult year, by far the most difficult I’ve had in my life. It’s also time to build up my confidence again and start loving myself and my body again. Most stupid thing is that I’m ripped as hell :joy: Been doing fitness for 4 years now and I get complimented a lot about my body and people looking. But for myself, I only see my shortcomings because of negative thoughts that are still present.

And last I want to have my dream job and doing something that just makes the fire burn inside me. Everything in my life is on hold before I get this job, because there is a big possibility that I have to move again and after moving I can settle down and build up from there again. Right now that’s kind of wasted energy because I live in one city and work in another. So to do something that I’m passionate about. Tomorrow I have a job interview with a job that really feels like it could be perfect for me.

So how am I going to achieve this? I’ll do it in stage’s.

Fundamental stage

Stark: Will be the base of my stack for the next couple of months. It has everything that I need and want when it comes to productivity, wealth, romance and expressing my true self.
Wanted: To feel in-tune with my sexuality again and be proud again of my body and how I am as a person. Simply feeling enough and worthy.
CWoN: Was trying to figure out if Chosen or CWoN would suit me best and decided to go for CWoN. The nature part is a good bonus, but mostly the inner peace feeling and expressing emotions even better. Also, @SaintSovereign said in his Journal that CWoN could potential be even better than Chosen when it comes to job applications and promotions.

The stage after this will include Primal seduction because’s it very focused on feeling sexual again and being in tune with this aspect of yourself. I decided not to include it right away because I want to lay the basis first with wanted and find an amazing job. Maybe I don’t even need it anymore after running this stack.


Nice to see how you’ll go about it because I’m having similar themes in my life…

And I was thinking about PS (or maybe primal) being more “base” then wanted for example (like unlock/heal your sexuality then attract whoever lol)

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When I’m reading your journal it sometimes feels like I’m reading my own :joy: Indeed the same things we come across.

Hmm… That actually makes a lot of sense. Now you’re making me doubt my decision haha. I see people say that wanted heals that feeling of not being good enough and not feeling pretty enough. So that’s why Wanted seemed like the better choice. But how you put it, if I get wanted attention but have no idea how to deal with it, maybe that’s indeed not the better choice to make.

Sigh… well tomorrow I’ll start with Stark/CWoN because I have a job interview. That will give me some extra days to figure this out. Maybe even put it in the comment section.

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Yeah maybe ask to the more experienced…I’m not qualified at all lol

I was even considering going with Primal (instead of PS) to start with just the healing side, but I think DR heal the sexuality too so I’ll decide at the end of DR

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Did some researching and figured it out. When it comes to our problem with sexuality, if I may say so. Wanted will be more of the top layer and PS will be the one that goes straight to your core. Wanted is the one that makes them come to you and PS will help you with the seduction and the masculine edge it gives. Honestly, theses 2 programs together will be a blast but I have to run CWoN first to get a Job.

Wanted is better to start with IMO. Woman start looking at you, you start to get more confident and also changing in your face and body. Those undesired thoughts about sexuality and that you’re not enough to get amazing woman will slow away, but more in a relaxed way. While PS gives this huge caveman boost of going for it and crush those sexualities trauma’s. While this is very good, starting with wanted will be a little bit smoother to start with and then go to the heavy things. Especially after running DR for 3 months I want something smoother and just help with some top layer first.

For example, getting a new haircut and fresh clothes won’t help with the fact that you are skinny and insecure about that. But it gives a bit of a confident boost to feel better about yourself and start with the fitness journey. I’ve seen this multiple times with clients of mine. They first need to feel that they will make it before they make it. Also, Stark makes me want to talk all the damn time and Wanted will help me to be a bit more mysterious :joy:

But hey if you have the space? Don’t choose, use both. Amazing synergy

Can’t change the title for some reason, but I’m not starting a new journal while I’m trying to get my build my teacher custom for my job that starts the 22nd. That’s why I didn’t post anything here anymore, but did not anticipate that making a custom would take up so much damn time… :sweat_smile: I’m running CWoN and Love Humanity right now, but I’m switching a lot to get a feel of different subs for my customs. I’ll post my insights and stories here until I finished my customs.

Anyway, lesson of today. When new problems arrive, I want to solve them right now and be done with it. For Example, I heard 2 weeks ago that I got the job and will start on the end of August. The thing is, my home is way too far from my job. That means, I have to move to the other side of my country and going on a new adventure purely for my job. It pisses me off that I now have to look for a new house. Because this will take time and I don’t want to be putting all that time and effort into it, I just want to have a home and be done with it. It always feels like something is holding me back from moving forward, what is a complete Irony because that’s the definition of life itself. You moved/resolved an obstacle, and then a new obstacle will arrive until you leave this life. But for some reason, my body (Ego) just don’t accept that and wants to rush the process.

Another great example is me building my customs right now. There is one main goal that’s on my list, and that’s being mentally ready for my new teacher job. I decided to make a teacher custom that I’ve almost finished after 1-2 weeks of researching for the right modules. But… I also want to work on my sexuality and the unexpressed emotions that come with that. I don’t think the one can be without the other. So now I am in the dilemma to make 2 customs or use my teacher custom with wanted. What even takes up more time than I want to :joy: Also investing around 800-850 euro’s is an insane investment.

It’s important for me to understand that making decisions needs to come from a place of peace. Fortunately, that I learned this lesson multiple times in my life that I now remember it before making decisions. I need to give myself the time to figure this out and do it in a relaxed mood.


If you want the title of your journal changed, a moderator could do so.