RegenerationQ Journey

Khan: Total Breakdown for 7 months!? You are the real @khan. Respect!


Damn that determination man. keep it up brother


I feel wonderful. Still same benefits. I know lots of healing is going on.


I feel lighter and lighter. Many thoughts are coming up. I am having lots of fun.

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Elixir Ultima is really working deep with regeneration . I had childhood memories of when I was 6. I had memories of people trying to take advantage. I reflected on my teenage years and realize that people around me, including my parents did the best that they knew how at the time. I forgive the past and let go. I feel my energy is developing and getting stronger. I know that deep healing is taking place. I had tears. It is all good.


Like I said before, regeneration, Elixir Ultima are in my daily playlist for life. I am glad the major programs are going to be name embedded. Over the months, I’ve noticed my behaviour, my thinking, my habits have changed. I know that they are going to continue to change. I am growing and my awareness is growing. Thank you everyone for your continued encouragement.


I feel many more buried emotions, etc… rising to the surface. I am loving every moment of it. Elixir is doing its thing with regeneration. It is interesting what is being dug up. Butterflies in my stomach.


I’m heading towards Regeneration and Elixer myself. I’ve been jumping around a bit, but 2 days ago I had done RegenerationQ the night before, I did Elixer upon waking, and that day I had a noticeable emotional breakthrough.

I just finished a loop of Elixer Ultima. I’ll see what happens today. And I’ll likely do more loops.


Howsit going so far ?

It is going wonderful. I am enjoying life. Dragon Reborn is on my list to begin next year. This is a sub I have been seeing with my mind’s eye.

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Hey Khan, I’ve been doing Khan TB now for almost 3 months. I’m thinking about adding regeneration to the mix. Do you think that both can be used together with this new QV2 technology? Or should I just continue with Khan TB solo?

@Gilligan Hi Gilligan, have you used regeneration before?


Yes. I used QV1 for about 4 months before Khan TB.


@Gilligan Experiment with it. Try it out for 1 month.

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