Regeneration + Elixir

I often feel right now that the biggest obstacle I face is trying to reconcile my desire to become more mature mentally and emotionally with the delusional level of narcissism and immaturity around me. It’s hard not to want to say something to the disturbing level of hypocritical criticism thrown my way daily by the people we rent from without potentially putting our current living situation in jeopardy or constantly feeling like you’re always walking on eggshells.

I’ve been observing that trend of running plenty of loops and having too dense stacks for a while and I don’t really understand why even experienced forum members keep doing that. It’s just like trying to eat much more than you can digest and I don’t think that’s the best strategy of using subs. @SaintSovereign is playing Stark and BLU only (I don’t know how many loops) and in the past he ran his subs, stacks for a longer time without switching to a new sub/stack every week.

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Ever read The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher? First book is called Storm Front. You’ll have fun once you get into the series.


I haven’t but my Wife has read them all. I will start once I finish the current book I’m reading

Why can’t you just tell yourself; “fuck them”, let them talk their usual bullshit and just laugh on that deep inside?

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Working on that. Isn’t always easy to ignore especially when it seems to be never ending. You would think you would be far more grateful to someone who takes better care of your severely disabled wife than you do but apparently not

We all learn about human gratitude every day… I stopped resenting people for the lack of it and I’m more at peace now even though I didn’t give up on being kind and helpful whenever I can and want. Another thing I noticed on my stack (Regeneration+Elixir) is a lot of bullshit and misbehavior stems from miscommunication so it’s advisable to try another communication approach if the old one fails every time.

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@Sub.Zero I have been trying. Not always easy when you’re either always being interrupted or talked over as if whatever you’re saying isn’t important at all. For me at at this point I have to learn and accept that although I want to be a better person it doesn’t mean other people do. I should know from experience because for years if not decades I kept hope that my mother would change and I ended up having to end any sort of contract with her and the rest of my family for my own sanity as much as it still hurts at times. If ignorance is bliss then self absorbed narcissism must be some bizarre form of delusional enlightenment


Hmm… it think… hmm… self absorbed narcissism… hmm… get the fuck out of there! Change your address. I think the only way to stay sane among insane people is to say goodby to them once and for all and look for healthy relationships. Easier say than done but… I suppose you’ve been planning it for some time.


@Sub.Zero Yes we are planning that


Or if you had some reason to stay where you are, I would let them know that if they keep the current course of action they’ll lose customers. Sorry for meddling in your personal matters since it’s a subliminal talk forum but the specific of it is talking about personal matters and sometimes it’s hard to resist from trying to advise someone on things not related to the use of the subs. I’m sure you know how to resolve the issue by yourself I just wanted to show my support.


I actually didn’t run anything yesterday. I had a lot to do in the morning then just sort of lost steam and wasn’t feeling the best for part of the day. I think feeling emotionally exhausted pushed me into feeling physically down a bit. I need to find a way to figure some things out. I feel like there are days where I figure things out and find a direction to go and then entire days where things just don’t click like I feel they should. I don’t know if it’s my ADHD and depression medication getting in the way of my creative process and abilities and cognitive function or what. I sort of want to take a few days off from my meds and see how I feel. See if I feel more with it or not as opposed to always feeling like I’m trying to catch up.

Keep up the good work John.

Are you from America ?

Huh? Yes I’m from America. The J stands for James


For the last two days I have run one loop each day of Elixir and Regeneration. I feel ok even with some unnecessary drama thrown at me. I am definitely changing even if I don’t necessarily notice it right away. Just my perspective and outlook is changing. I had a phone visit with a new psychiatrist this past Wednesday and we discussed my meds and we added a low dose Adderall for the afternoon when I feel like I’m dragging. I wasn’t able to start it until today so I am going to give it a couple of days. I have also decided to give counseling or therapy a shot and I have my first appointment for that this coming Tuesday. I plan to add in Executive when needed just to push my productivity over the top and just shred any sort of procrastination.


Running a loop of Beyond Limitless Ultima

my combination of executive + commander has me getting work done on my company, personal life and work around the house, it keep me productive as hell

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@NinjaFox Same reason I may go with Beyond Limitless and Executive for a bit. Well that and my philosophical musings for @DarkPhilosopher

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Sorry for some reason i thought you were a John rather then a James.

Running a loop of Elixir and I will run a loop of Regeneration later. I feel really good for the most part. The change or addition to my ADHD meds has definitely not just helped me be a lot calmer but at times sort of indifferent and able to find a way to avoid unnecessary and exhausting drama. It’s cool not to be or feel like a bundle of nerves. Definitely something I cant wait to discuss with my psychiatrist when I talk with him next.
Obviously the other component to feeling better especially physically is to start finally working out to DDP Yoga which I see no reason I shouldn’t be able to do this coming Monday November 9th.
I have read or heard about how much better folks feel almost immediately after starting the program and it has me super excited to see how I feel after the first month or three