Reflections of Apollo

After some soul searching and 2 days of hiccup. Let’s continue. I’ll re-evaluate a month from now.

Day: 10

Dragon Reborn ST 3 - Day 1

Khan ST 1


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To note in my journal. I’m feeling like crap, also got some bad news yesterday, and essentially ended some relationships. So off to some rocky start.

Silver lining here is that I get to gauge my results from this stack from an almost clean slate. Sort of.

I have a good feeling about ST3. I don’t know. I feel lighter after I played it. Nauseous at first but I’m ok now.

Unlike ST2 which didn’t let up until the last week. We’ll see…


Nausea may occur during take off on Dragon Flight :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Soy is a phytoestrogen with a lot of evidence to suggest it’s highly unhealthy for both general health and especially for testosterone, it acts as an endocrine disruptor.

@Sub.Zero I won’t argue with what’s working for you, as everyone genome is different and you may be less effected. It’s effects one over time and habitual use so may be worth looking into :slight_smile:


Hahaha… oh yesss

I’m hoping DR is generally similar to how Khan panned out for several journals I’ve seen. Amash included. ST1 was alright, ST2 was hell and the fun and feel good started on ST3, and even got better on ST4.

I’m hoping with my fingers crossed and twisted like a pretzel that this would be the case, cause damn, I felt like Atlas on ST2.

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Running ElixirU v2

Feeling lighter today, more social, more open and less in my head.

Could be the initial honeymoon phase. Stark always does this to me, but I’m inclined to think it’s not the case this time. I’ve been running Stark, if anything I expect a resumption of the recon I experienced last week.

DR ST3 maybe? I’ll wait a day or two.


I find that leaving or ending certain relationships happens at times of my own growth. I’m not sure why, other than I might realize that the people may not have been as reliable or reciprocal as I would like.

Hang in there mate! I and others are cheering you on.

PS On the lighter side of things, what is Kanpai?

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Yes, and sometimes priorities changes or the criteria changes, what was okay behavior before became a hassle now. Thank you my friend, I have no doubt it’s growth indeed.

It’s a Japanese term for a drinking toast or cheers

Day: 11

Dragon Reborn ST 3

Khan ST 1


is this your nonchalant way of saying you switched back to Stark?:yum:

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Haha… yes Stark is back. If manifestations are so quick with Qv2, I wonder how Stark would be… :thinking: I’ve always manifested good things on that one.

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I didn’t see -Stark QV2 is out !?

or are you just prepping?

I’ll add I run wealth custom with Medici today in the morning instead of the usual Emperor/Primal

and I’ve felt very at ease and light today. I love the hardcore-ness of Emperor-but with another sub leading the flavor of the day- life can be less ‘heavy’

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Nah just prepping. No rush, I’m not even sure if I’ll stay on regular Qv2 when it arrives, I want to inquire if it still has the same healing components. As I undersand Ultima v2 focused more on the faster results.

I like quick results, but I am in no rush, slow and steady growth is okay with me as long as it’s deep, permanent and the healing is potent.

Indeed EQ is definitely hardcore. I tried Medici a few times, and it does add more finess in my interactions. It’s a beautiful sub, if I’ll make an EQ custom, that’s a strong candidate along with PS.

I wonder if there will be new modules added in Qv2 titles. No substractions, just additions of new modules.

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Hang in there mate!

And thanks for telling me about kanpai.

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that’s definitely something I"m curious about as well, @RVconsultant- do you know if QV2 has regular healing components or it was just the build method and nothing with the script that has been modified?

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Not even the build method changed.only the mandatory q core got changed


From what i can understand.more manifestation enhancers got added and the alpha scripting in the core got reduced like for ultima b core so you get it from the program your running instead of an extra dose from the core as well.less processing and more emphasis on results equals faster results


Think something like this happened for q too

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