Reconciliation is INEVITABLE: Becoming A Khan

To quote @Malkuth

“It’s a feature, not a bug.”

Fire said this many times before as well, reconciliation is part of growth. The mind is implementing it.

I guess while DR gives a great foundation to make the subs work BETTER, there will STILL always be things that need to be worked through. And Khan ST2 is a tough one at that! I remember that recon :wink:


This is a good idea. Now I have another reason to go get boba. :laughing:

One quote that I come back to regularly is “get comfortable in the uncomfortable”. And recon seems like an opportunity to do just that.

You got this man.


Like you I have begun Khan ST2 from a couple of days and like you the first two days I felt this incredibile negative sensation at the center of my chest.


I’m getting the kind of recon Saint is used to getting. It feels like physical pain but on a subconscious level, as if my subconscious was going through a subliminal purgatory. It’s the 4th day of my washout. And yes, I think recon is inevitable, especially, during washout.


And that my friend is why I’m spending more time on stage 1. I’m trying to minimize the recon. And I vividly remember how tough it was for you. Hopefully I can avoid some of that recon. Next week will be 3 months on stage 1 for me. going to shoot for 4.

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Wow. I’m almost done with another rest day. It’s weird to believe that I am 4 days into the new schedule with only two loops of Khan Qv2 ST2. That demonstrates to me that this new schedule is somehow satisfying despite the low loop count.

At the same time, however, this makes me think: I should not wait for things to magically change. Two days between loops is a lot of time, and that can add up quicker than expected. Certainly I’ve already noticed subtle things happening on Khan. The biggest is in terms of thinking about stuff related to romance and social stuff. Both how much I think about that stuff and what I think about it. I am of the belief that I am moving at a much faster rate than before when it comes to social subs.

In the interest of preventing reconciliation from getting out of hand tomorrow I wrote this in the other thread.

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Reconciliation is a real pain. Had it again today, though not as bad as yesterday. I countered it using what I suggested above, and that worked. Problem was, the sugar then made me lazier and less productive.

At least I can rest knowing that this is all getting processed with a great foundation.


I’ve been doing a washout for one week and it seems to me that recon is the manifestation of the core integration, the integration of the most important and challenging elements of the script and once you’re done with recon, you’re ready to go - ready to go back to the listening or increasing back the amount of exposure.


I do like that results flow in on the rest days. Unfortunately I still experience reconciliation of some kind, though it is definitely the sneaky type Qv2 is known for. I can see why this listening pattern was established by SC.


Next loop, wish me luck. Manifesting the best. Going to a big social event this evening.

Edit: 5 minutes in and holy moly, the pressure is ON.


@Malkuth @Sub.Zero @pacman @PurpleRT73


After the intense recon, be prepared for equally intense results. :muscle:t5:


Good luck! :slight_smile:

Some inspirational quotes for my gym bros

“Reconciliation is inevitable
Suffering is optional”



Be that one smooth, charismatic dude this evening. Best of luck.
And don’t forget what our colleagues here say.

Big recon = big results afterwards, that’s the rule.
Hang in there, this is nothing like DR back in February.
You got this, but most importantly…


Have fun.


Haha, funny that I just today saw a commercial with Hasselhoff for the Geman Bundesliga in soccer, and I almost never watch tv :stuck_out_tongue:

I been looking for freedom :musical_note: :notes: :notes:

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Satisfied with the way yesterday’s event went.

This is true, the recon is not going to be like DR in February. In fact, nothing can (or should) ever exceed the recon from then–otherwise, we’d truly be talking about destruction.

It’s great how with DR now done, titles’ effects are more pronounced in results AND reconciliation.

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@Malkuth how do you deal with reconciliation?

This reconciliation has been so continuous it’s crazy. I ran ONE loop of Paragon today (my break day) and I’m in another kind of reconciliation now. I’m considering not running anything at all the next time I have a break day.

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Running another loop helps deal with recon. I noticed that when I was running my stack every other day my mind had not enough time to get recon whilst now doing two nights off I’m experiencing a slight recon. Well, good since that means the programming has gone from the installing stage to the integration stage.

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#1 choice:

Taking brisk long walks. So far this has been the number one helpful approach for me personally.

I notice that the major shift occurs for me at around the 2-3 mile mark. By 5 or 6, the neurobiological reset button has been fully pressed and I’m feeling great.

Stormy weather here over the last month. Less outside walking. More disruptive reconciliation.


#2 choice:

Meditation, or some meditation-adjacent process.

I find that this helps me on the front-end more so than as a post-subliminal recovery method. It seems to make it easier for my mind to accept and integrate the input.

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