Reclaiming the Sea [Dragon Flight/Reborn Godlike Masculinity]

It’s time to heal and strengthen my masculine core a bit faster, therefore, I switched from Emperor to GLM. I’m sure that Emperor would get me there sooner or later but I decided to speed it up and thought of running both programs for two cycles. That’s the only goal for my new stack, although I expect some external results as well since as we grow internally, our outward reality changes as well.


Day 1
I ran my stack in the morning.

Upon the realization that my healing on Dragon Fire and Dragon Blood was really tough when it comes to my energy level and general drive, I cleaned up my room since it got quite neglected. I’m feeling really relaxed yet firm and determined to take my life into my hands to transform it the way I should and actually want.

I suppose the healing process overshadowed what Emperor was trying to accomplish although Emperor helped me go through the healing (Dragon Blood) without any perturbation.

Let’s see what my new stack brings.


Interesting combination

All the best to your Journey


Day 2
I woke up really groggy in the morning and felt as if I had got hit by a train. Oh well… :rofl:
I’m experiencing little regression (feeling a bit restless) whilst I was damn solid yesterday. Of course, it’s only temporary and it’s just a part of the process of transgression to my new “self”, my new “reality”. We shall see how it unfolds later on.

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At the end of this journey, Voytek will end up being a sea dragon like Tiamat, Jörmungandr, Hydra and Leviathan.


I would rather say that at the end of our journey we all want to end up like the Ancient Serpent in the sea of women, no matter what stacks we run and what other goals we may have. :star_struck: But now, let’s just try to get there step by step. Here’s my another step. :slight_smile:

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ROFL :joy:

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Day 3

Last night I had a dream about taking part in an orgy and at some point, there was my father watching me as if he had been trying to suppress my sexuality with his gaze (he didn’t manage :wink: ). It was a peculiar dream but suppressing my sexuality/masculinity by him in my youth was the main reason I didn’t develop properly as a man and now I need to reclaim the sea at the age of 40 only.


Very interesting my man. I had the same issue with my dad. And guess what, I am 40 too. Not 42. Forty too. Not forty two. Forty. Just forty.


I wonder whether it’s a common issue but my dad didn’t do that to my younger brother and he managed to develop a strong sense of masculinity.

I expected of GLM to start healing me this way and I wonder if two cycles are enough to do the “groundwork” but on the other hand, I’ll be running Primal along with Dragon Reborn (st 4) for sure and that kitten is really powerful too.


The power of my self-expression has improved even further and I feel as if some deep inner tension was getting released. I’m way more open when it comes to expressing my feelings and emotions both verbally and non-verbally and people are reacting to me in a more positive way.


Actually, I’m 39 STILL :ram: :butterfly: but another one is coming. Another year and another me :ram: :fist:


@Sub.Zero, I noticed you are so calm, and relaxed and there is an absence of darkness in you. Is this because of Dragon Reborn?

Did it open you up in such a way that you have made great strives forward, and got to experience much deeper growth with other programs?

That’s correct. Dragon Reborn has changed me in a way I didn’t imagine was possible and I haven’t finished my journey on DR yet.

It’s hard to tell when it comes to my current journey since DR (and other healing subs) tend to overshadow non-healing subs you’ve stacked it with but I ran DR (Q) last year and it definitely did it for me since running Stark was way smoother after I was done with it than before my DR (Q) journey.

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I’d be interested to hear about your escapades with the Dragon Reborn!

Day 5

I’ve been experiencing ups and downs when it comes to the way my new stack is affecting me. I’m not surprised since I know that I need a lot of healing regarding masculinity and that’s what happening right now.

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Day 7
I’ve become more steadfast when it comes to my boundaries but at the same time more of a shepherd than I ever was. I mean caring for people; my family, people I meet and talk to even if we’re not close.

The healing process was taken to a whole new level when I compare it with Emperor and Dragon Blood but not when it comes to emotional healing but when it comes to healing and strengthening my masculine core. I’m glad that I decided to go this route. Also, I finally can get out of the circle of overeating and procrastination I fell into when doing Dragon Fire and Dragon Blood. The emotional healing I got from those titles was really profound yet I avoided a lot of “negative” effects of such healing due to ZP and the healing I had gotten before.

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Day 8
I’m experiencing a lot of healing (=recon) but it’s slight and easily manageable. A lot meaning almost all the time but it passes quickly and then it comes back. It seems to me that I can squeeze out of GLM more than I could of the alpha titles I’ve listened to before when it comes to strengthening my masculine core (discipline, confidence, dominance, determination, drive, steadfastness, calm, maturity, masculine optimism, firmness, and strong boundaries).

I “downgraded” from Emperor to GLM since DR was overshadowing it (much fewer results than Emperor should bring) and Emperor didn’t provide me with as much masculine healing and strengthening as GLM has been providing me so far.


Good thing I tagged you and elicited a comment because I didnt know about this new journal!

Day 9

I woke up feeling as if I had got hit by a train. I had lots of dreams last night. The healing process is really intensive, I suppose because I introduced my stack to my mind only nine days ago and there’s still a lot of work that must be done. The side effects of the healing (healing=recon) are fluctuating but are easily manageable. The healing (=recon) seems to have been increasing since I started running my stack but it looks like it’s been hitting me deeper and deeper. Yesterday I felt a lot of healing (=recon) deep down as if my core had been getting melted down.