Reclaiming the Sea [Dragon Flight/Reborn Godlike Masculinity]

The healing process (=recon) got more stable today, meaning I feel more solid and congruent. It feels as if the scripting (both, DR and GLM) has started getting integrated on the deepest level they can reach.


Would you say the masculine healing on GLM is vastly different from Emperor?

It is different but not vastly. However, GLM hits deeper and broader in that regard and there’s much more healing and developing your masculine core than on Emperor. It acts faster too but it didn’t come as a surprise. I would encourage everyone who wants to heal and strengthen their masculine core to run GLM (stacked with Sanguine to get optimal results) before jumping on Emperor or any alpha title. No wonder both subs boost other subs’ results as they make you rock-solid and develop your masculine qualities destroying everything that stands in the way pretty fast.


I think I understand the meaning behind overshadowing.

Right now I feel I Am a lot, almost like whole layers of identity are getting rid of and broken down. Feeling a little like who I Am at my core long before subliminal programming. Just natural, without much flavours or additives.

Not much else from the Custom is executing right now.

It’s very interesting and I’m curious to see how pans out. Feeling so different it’s crazy.

I Am is a strange but powerful module!

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@Geoff check out reports on DR + GLM

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Day 10
I feel that my mind’s got heavily saturated with the scripting and I’m only halfway through this cycle. I woke up really groggy in the morning and I had had lots of dreams last night. I need to stay calm and in control since the negative effects of the healing may occur.

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Day 11

The feeling of heavy processing has been occurring recently as if new concepts had been getting instilled into my mind. I’m tired and not really eager to do anything but try working on my business.

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Day 12

Even though a powerful healing process (recon) has been occurring in my psyche recently I haven’t had any problems managing it. Yesterday it felt as if a blade had been stuck into my mind. It was almost like physical pain but felt deep in my mind. Growth through pain literally… Today I don’t feel that pain anymore yet the healing process is progressing still. Good.


Day 13

The healing process (recon) seems to have become much smoother and I’ve been noticing how much more I became immune to people’s negativity.

I felt energies coursing throughout my body when I was listening to my stack in the morning. It usually indicates that my mind started “loving” the scripting. Good.


Day 17

It seems to me that the integration process has kicked in since all the healing and strengthening of my masculine core feels so seamless and natural. I’ve become more in control when it comes to my thoughts and feelings, and more mature. I feel a need to get deeper into my core, into my Zero Point and we’ve just got a perfect title to do so, Chosen: the Way of Nature. I’ll resist the urge and finish off those two cycles as I was planning to do.

Day 18
I had a lot of dreams last night and that indicates that my mind has got saturated with the scripting. Despite the integration going on in my mind, there are also fluctuations occurring deep down in my subconscious. Again, this is that feeling of my “old” self or my core getting melted down.

Day 20

I’ve been getting a lot of recon (=healing) recently but nothing that I wouldn’t be able to handle. Apart from that, I’ve noticed that a smile shows up on my face much more often and even when there’s nothing to smile at. Just smiling for no reason.


I too experience this .

Do you know the reason for this ?

Ahhhh u funny guy I see what you’re doing

It may be that the healing process has got really deep clearing out some blockages and that changed my outlook on life and people to more positive.

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We see and we know but how we feel is tough… Can’t we feel?

I feel I’ll be finishing off my journey toward Godlike Masculinity today. It’s enough for me, I believe, even though I could go much deeper into it. The most important lesson yet to be learned is to control your semen and eating. It’s been really hard during my healing (st1, st2, and now). I mean it’s rechanneling something really deeply habitual. SEX and FOOD pathways in our brain. And I want to switch to CWN feeling there is something about this title that appeals to me… actually, almost all of it when it comes to the objectives mentioned on the sales page.

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Day 21

Healing titles demand of you to cope with the healing process somehow but it’s hard since those programs tend to affect your most important control centers like those related to SEX and FOOD where coping with stress uses very old neuronal pathways. Only steering the process consciously by semen retention and limiting your food intake seems to be the only constructive way of coping with the recon.

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Ok, this is weird… I have not really thought about you profile pic before. But just a while ago I clicked your profile to see a bigger picture of it, and I thought to myself; damn that looks trippy.

Minutes later I see this on my YT feed… Wtf :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I just realized that deep down in my core I would gladly run Alchemist and CWN to go deeper into my true nature but my rational mind keeps telling me that there are more important “errands” than self-actualization like sex and money (reproduction and survival) so running something like Emperor is more “reasonable”.