Reading. Energy

I know the topic is vague

But what are books to learn read the energy of situations energy of situations energy of people

Reading energy . I am interested in that topic now . Thanks for help .

Not sure about books, I will look into it for you. However there is a module for customs I came across-

Way of Understanding

Grow your ability to understand others and their lives – Way of Understanding will help you see clearer the motivations, beliefs, emotions, thoughts and desires of the people around you, and help you be understanding of it. Furthermore, Way of Understanding will help you understand your own motivations, beliefs, emotions, thoughts and desires as well as the why’s behind each one of them.


You could search for aura reading.

SC said multiple times, that auras are electro magnetic fields we create and their aura influencing subs work by concentrating thoughts on eg Love and thereby creating an aura of love.

We know that many animals can see different spectrums of electromagnetic fields than we do. Maybe some can see auras as well.

There are many books on the topic of seeing/reading the aura. I’ve only read Celestine Prophecy from James Redfield. It’s a spiritual/ new age novel with a lot of exercises.

I practiced a bit some years ago and started to see slight emanations around my hands.

That could be at least a start.


Sounds like we need an aura seeing and aura interpreting module… I"d buy that! However would it have the ability to turn it on and off or would we just incorporate the auras automatically when we look at things or people…

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Sounds like an interesting idea. Just add it to the roadmap. I’ll upvote it :muscle:

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Hey friends , seems there is a misunderstanding . I am speaking about different topic not reading aura .

But I am speaking about reading the energy of situations

You know will this situation reach complicated proplem
Will this situation be solved easily
Results from that situation

Businesses , relationship , work , family life , health situations …

Not a book, but have you tried Primal?

It gives great social insights, helps to read a room and intuitively do the “right” thing.

Had marvelous results with Primal in a complicated social setting with a lot of unknowns.


That’s exactly it what I want to learn and master :pray::pray: . I will try primal . And if anyone knows books about that topic I would be grateful .

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Understanding and interpreting energy in different situations is quite intriguing. Could you elaborate a bit more on what you mean by reading energy?

Are you curious about interpreting body language and non-verbal signals to understand people’s emotions and intentions, or are you interested in delving into more metaphysical aspects, such as sensing subtle energy fields or exploring psychic abilities? Each avenue offers unique insights and techniques for interpreting the energy present in various interactions and contexts.

Exploring the realm of energy can lead to discoveries about the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit. If you’re interested in body language and nonverbal cues, there are many resources available on topics like psychology, communication, and interpersonal skills that delve into these aspects. On the other hand, if you’re drawn to the more metaphysical side of energy, you might find books on topics like energy healing, chakras, or psychic development to be insightful. Whichever path resonates with you, cultivating awareness and honing your intuition can deepen your understanding.

Deepening your understanding of energy dynamics involves exploring various modalities beyond traditional reading. Practices such as mindfulness meditation foster heightened awareness of subtle cues in your body and surroundings, nurturing a deeper connection to energy.

In addition to mindfulness meditation, you might explore practices like Qi Gong or Tai Chi, which focus on cultivating and directing the flow of energy within the body.

One book for delving into the exploration of energy dynamics and subtle cues is “The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle. This book offers some insights into mindfulness, presence, and the interconnectedness of all living beings, providing practical guidance for deepening your awareness of energy in both internal and external realms. It signifies that all living things share a fundamental connection and influence each other in ways, whether through energy exchange, shared experiences, or collective consciousness.

By honing these skills, you can begin to perceive the subtle vibrations and energetic signatures that connect us all.


Peoples next steps and actions how they will react , the scope of there action and reaction . You know like there is a lot of books about dream analysing . I want to learn more about how to decipher walking life situations . Can I use dream analysing books in that regard . As walking life consider sort of a dream :thinking::face_with_monocle:

No not interested in this although it will be valuable .

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One book that comes to mind is “What Every Body is Saying” by Joe Navarro. This book offers practical techniques and real-life examples for interpreting body language and understanding the hidden messages behind gestures, facial expressions, and other non-verbal signals. It’s a comprehensive guide that can help sharpen your observation skills and enhance your understanding of human behavior in various contexts. I highly recommend giving it a read!

Check out Levels of Energy by Frederick Dodson. I just listened to the audiobook and he basically categorizes things by energy level and makes some interesting connections between energy levels and types of behaviors/thoughts/feelings people exhibit in general at each level. Sounds like it might be along the lines of what you’re looking for.

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