Raphael's Khan Journal

Some Khan Realizations during this month:

-Women won’t mind if you “mansplain” if they like you.

-Women won’t mind if you stare at them if you are masculine.

-Woman will love you talking to them, if you are comfortable in your own skin.

-They might say they don’t like “mansplainers”, men who stare, men who randomly talk them up when they are doing something etc. They are all just shit tests. But if you build yourself up, they can only look up to you and respect you.

-If you want woman to make exceptions for you compared to how they treat the boys, then be an exceptional man.

And that is what SubClub is for.


Something about today’s date:


A freaking palindrome that repeats 0s and 2s

PS: on my 444/444 post on this thread too lol

PPS: not surprising since 42 is my lucky number


As for keto diet, have you tried MCT Oil?


@Hermit - no. Do you mean using it for preparing the keto meals? I use coconut oil.

Other than that, I use Black Seed Oil and Chia seeds separately for their massive health gains. Also looking into Colloidal Silver.


Look for MCT (Medium Chain Triglyceride) Oil, preferable oil containing of only C8 & C10. This actually is coconut oil but only in it’s purest form. The thing with coconut oil is that is contains something of a 70% C12 which is not actually a medium fat in terms of energy absorption by the liver.

I’m using a 60% C8, 40% C10 MCT oil twice daily.


Very interesting. Will check it out. Thank you.

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Godlike Masculinity
Khan ST4 Day 31
Ultimate Artist
Quantum Limitless ST3 Day 12

Sunday. So relaxed. Had my cheat meals. Watched a lot of YouTube. But to be frank resting doesn’t give me a lot of satisfaction. The subs must be pushing me else am a person who loves to not do anything.

Caught some type of fever yesterday and thanks to Black Seed Oil, it’s under control. But yes, a bit tired from the energy used up to heal myself.

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I’ve asked this before but could elaborate on the effects of Godlike Masculinity.

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@Hermit - the simplest way of putting it is that one becomes more stoic. To elaborate, one feels more masculine and disciplined too.

Interestingly, I feel like it interacted with Sanguine to make my sense of humor more masculine. As in, I don’t run my mouth as much with Godlike Masculinity + Sanguine when compared with running Sanguine alone. But am still funny.


When running Godlike Masculinity over a longer period of time I could notice being my more truthful. In a way a shed off some false layers of identity and I was more of my natural personal self, everyone has this person inside of him, in fact it’s the energies encompassing your soul upon incarnation that matches the planetary alignments in the sky.

Everyone with an understanding of himself knows these inner energies and what the positive and negatives are. This is not something you can program with subliminal’s because it’s the way in which you act and not what to act for. It’s difficult to explain but the ones who have an awareness of this will know.

Have you experienced this as well? Godlike Masculinity making making you more of your natural truthful self?


@Hermit - this is possible since authenticity can be expressed in stoicism and being masculine for men. I didn’t think of that but it could be true since I did attribute Khan to help me accept my true self.

It could also be that I didn’t have much issues with being authentic since I largely strived to do so long before I sought subliminal help or even knew of subliminals.


Godlike Masculinity
Khan ST4 Day 32
Ultimate Artist
Quantum Limitless ST3 Day 13

Slept a lot in the afternoon thanks to my fever. The cold wasn’t full blown since I was taking Black Seed Oil and Chia seeds. But it took a lot of energy to heal.

Was a bit nostalgic today and ended up watching 90s and 2000’s Hindi songs to capture that feeling of a bygone time (interesting that I love hindi songs but prefer English movies and TV). Guess most of us feel that the music from when we were young were the best. Nothing more than nostalgia, I believe since the kids of today will say the same when they grow up.

I would love to capture that feeling of wonder from those days though (and easier spontaneous erections lol. Must be why am interested in getting Sex Mastery ASAP but once my finances are in order). I do miss the curiosity and freshness that life had to offer and hope to capture some version of it again.


Godlike Masculinity
Khan ST4 Day 33
Ultimate Artist
Quantum Limitless ST3 Day 14

Interesting to note that I had dreams of SubClub already releasing Emperor Fitness. Once I dreamed it a couple of nights ago last week. And the second time I dreamt of it yesterday. But there were no spoilers of what was in EF or the superchargers so DreamSovereign did a good job of keeping it secret in the astral plane too haha.

Also, my asking about whether there are fellow INFJs out here in SubClub was enlightening in another way. It made me consider the possibility of INFJ writers. A quick search did reveal that some famous authors like William Faulkner, Hermann Hesse and Fyodor Dostoyevsky were INFJ. And the way they wrote their books were typically big picture oriented and more focused on themes rather than characters. This was a relief cause even though I can write, I used to always bemoan that I couldnt be as detailed as writers who are INFPs. Guess that we need all sorts of books. And hence all sorts of writers. This knowledge actually boosted my confidence.

PS: not that I should pigeon-hole myself into only a “big picture” author. Just that the fact that there are writers similar to me, gives me hope that I too can make it.


@TheBoxingScientist’s last rvx attempt had @SaintSovereign closing that door. He’s thought of everything, don’t worry :smile:

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@Michel - LOL yes

Khan ST4 Day 34
Quantum Limitless ST3 Day 15
Godlike Masculinity
Ultimate Artist

Ended up getting my Colloidal Silver order a week early. Right in time too cause I was have a bit of fever left but 5ml of it under my tongue had me getting my leaky nose fixed in an hour.

Colloidal Silver has loads of benefits but it is the best Anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal medicine (will leave others to find the benefits out for themselves).

And it just tastes like water. @Michel. This could be a good replacement for Black Seed Oil since it’s just like drinking water. I use both of them though since BSO gives me a lot of other benefits. CS is also around 4 times cheaper than BSO, at least over here.


I was listening to Abraham Hicks on the topic of writing. There was a woman asking for advice on getting her book published and that her agent wasn’t getting back to her on the book she had given to review. She was frustrated that her agent wasn’t getting back to her and Abraham adviced her to not be frustrated since it’s using the frustration with her agent as an excuse to not manifest what she wanted.

This hit home for me since I was using many things like my parents and my health as an excuse to not go after the things I wanted. There is so much to say about this, but it is simpler and better to meditate on this and focus more on how I can get my life the way I want it to be regardless of the situations and people around me.

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I just got caught up with that thread and it’s eye opening that Hermann Hesse is still one of the writers whose books stand out and I will always site as lastingly impactful.

When I was younger I wanted to be a writer but I was never too good at character development. Maybe I needed more INFJ influences…

EDIT: oh and colloidal silver is a staple in my medicine cabinet!


@HappyHero - Woah! the similarities are too close!

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Re: colloidal silver, I’ve heard it’s best to only use it (internally) as needed for a cold, etc. And once you are over the ailment to stop the silver and replenish with probiotics as it can kill good gut bacteria as well.

Have you heard the same? But man, nothing stops an impending cold like it. I’ve also used it very successfully on a nasty eye infection and burns.

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