Raphael's Khan Journal

Day 2 (part 2)

Was able to get in a second session of eye exercises. And it’s about sleep time now and will meditate before I hit the sack. Have to do that first thing in the morning from tomorrow onwards though.

Was also able to hold off on jerking off when I opened a browser window mindlessly to some erotica. Thought it wouldn’t be worth the pleasure. So just closed it and did something else. Sitting idle or doing something unproductive is no longer relaxing.

Reflecting a bit on all this: one major benefit of the Khan sub which I feel within is the destruction of Resistance. Readers of Steven Pressfield’s book “The War of Art” know that Resistance is the obstacle that stands between doing what we have to do and the greatness that stands at the end of the journey.

Sure, Resistance is still there and taking the first step is still our choice. But while we take the first, second and every other step, the journey is easier. It doesn’t feel tedious anymore rather one feels a sense of empowerment from the action performed.

This must be why men love action movies where the protagonist symbolizes the epitome of taking action and winning and why we, instead of doing that ourselves, take vicarious pleasure in watching him from our couches. The same way we thrill in spectator sports. That’s why true satisfaction comes from taking action. No wonder there is ‘action’ in satisf’action’ :thinking::sunglasses::grin:

This was what I was missing from my life. Although I have a lot of head-knowledge on what to do, there was not enough drive to do it. The “ignition of the engine” is still our free-will but the engine is upgraded thanks to Khan

Firing all cylinders now!


Rock Lee from the anime Naruto has always been an inspiration. I know that the subs will help lift us up but the choice to never give up is ours and ours alone

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Day 3:

Nothing special today. Still getting wacky dreams. Still doing my stack and routines. A bit down about my eyes (and other areas of my health), feeling like others have an advantage. Must be another detoxing of my mind. Pushing on

Need a plan to earn more money and move out of my folk’s house regardless of the excuses I make or the Indian cultural pressure to live with the parents.

It’s embarrassing to share this but better to be open about it so that I can be a bit more accountable with myself.


That must be hard, and it takes a long courage to share that.

And it’s always best to face reality as it is. That’s the first step before finding a real solution. :slight_smile:


Very true @AMASH. The first step to a solution is admitting you have a problem. As always, I appreciate your encouragement.


Hey, I dont know about your health issue, but I highly recommend Dr Dispenza and Wim Hof, if you havent heard of them. I had certain problems myself, my doctor told me that it was uncurable and I proved him wrong (although it was nothing serious, yet).
So I just thought I share those tips with you, maybe and hopefully they can help you.


@anon3072973 - will be looking into Wim Hof soon. Have tried Joe Dispenza’s “Balancing of the Energy Centers” and "Changing One Belief " meditations but stopped because it was getting very tedious for me. Maybe I need to restart it again. Which meditations of Joe Dispenza have helped you? I have read his books “You are the Placebo” and “Becoming Supernatural”


I need to focus my mind on taking responsibility for what I manifest. Will listen to more Neville Goddard, be grateful for my present circumstances and also use my thoughts and feelings to manifest what I want by visualizing and feeling it to have already come into existence.


I read Becoming Supernatural and BHBY. The meditations I liked the most were for example the one from BHBY, Present Moment, Tuning into new Potentials and Walking Meditation (although I havent listened to his one yet). I get your point, but it shows that it seems to be very easy when people get such amazing results with the meditations.


@anon3072973- Yes, even I used to get excited watching his youtube videos with all the testimonials from various people. Will check out the ones you recommended. Thank you.


It gives you something to aim for, at least. Times are tough out there.


@Michel - very true, man


Day 4

One of those days when the phone got unplugged from the earphones while sleeping. No matter. Will listen to a bit more during the waking hours.

Heard this great quote today. Using it to continue on:

‘‘There’s always two pains in life, the pain of discipline and the pain of regret. Discipline weighs ounces, regret weighs tonnes.’’
-Jim Rohn


Day 5

Feeling more responsible in the sense of not really needing expensive gifts to be given to me for free. Since my financial situation is quite low, I used to always “hope” to be asked whether I want a particular expensive gadget like a phone or laptop once in a while. Don’t feel that urge anymore.

Now I feel the opposite and want to earn even more so that I can give things to myself and to others.

Khan is definitely working.

Since I will be on extensive travel on Day 6, i will skip journaling about it but will keep playing my stack and doing my routines in every bit of available time.


Day 7

Rested (like God did on the 7th day too lol). Was too jetlagged after the trip. But listened to my stack and did my exercises.

Interestingly, was inspired to purchase a lottery ticket at the airport when infact I have never done so in my life since I don’t believe in them. Don’t want to make it a habit but have the feeling that I will do it once in a rare while. While at the same time focusing on providing value in exchange for money.


Day 8

Very interesting. No desire for looking at porn at all. Nor any interest in masturbation.

Also, feeling interested in listening to a lot of self development videos on YouTube. And relaxing with watching a bit of cool dance moves videos. Always been interested in dancing but never did anything about it.

Inner Khan definitely rising up


So am trying to get the “set and forget” method working with the ultrasonic audios. According to SubClub instructions ofcourse. Below is the output of the FrequenSee app when the phone running the app is placed near the Bluetooth speaker. I made sure that the volume of 16kHz to 12kHz is below -20db

Is this fine, @AMASH?

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you have to measure right from your listening position. so place the smartphone where your head would be. otherwise the measure wouldn’t make any sense as the further you are away from the source the less dB you’ll get.


@infinite - oh ok. That makes sense. Yes, I measured it again from where am sleeping/sitting and it is about the same. Maybe slightly less cause the speaker is close to both my chair and bed

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Day 9

Played ultrasonic versions of my stack with the “set and forget” method. This is way easier (than masked) after learning the way to set it up.

This also made it easier for me to play it the whole night and the following day.

An observation I made today is that even though I was eating one meal a day, the quantity of that meal needed reducing.

Have this feeling that just as I cut down porn and masturbation after playing Khan(+Ultimate Artist) for a while, I will eventually begin to eat less too.

Khan definitely takes your desire and helps you manifest them.