Raphael's Journal: ByronQ + Raphael Ultima

  • Have to pause this stack because am finding myself needing loads of energy, leading to overeating and breaking my OMAD streak quite often.

  • Will be going back to the drawing board and making a light custom after all (as originally planned). And return to this stack (or a better stack) when some minimum wealth and health goals are met.

  • Will be restarting this stack. I have to admit to myself that I havenā€™t given it enough time and also confess that am falling to shiny object syndrome with regard to making new customs. And probably recon from these heavy customs.

  • It is extremely enjoyable to me to craft new plans but I need to learn to enjoy the journey itself rather than only take pride in its beginning.

  • Most importantly, I need to be able to stick to my promises. I am obviously able to do that in other endeavors. Let me do so for this too.


Iā€™m guilty of this to I said I would stick to emperor and I probably ran it like 3 times in the past 20 days.
Shiny new object syndrome is a legit thing

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Haha absolutely. Am getting it again these days. How you doin, bro?

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in terms on Nofap still pretty bad, my diet has gone bad, I started vaping again, my body isnā€™t as in shape anymore, and my sub usage is really bad. I been way to inconsistent.
I think Iā€™m trying to change to much at 1 time, I wanna get my Nofap on track, my masculinity up, study this thing for a job, etc etc
Iā€™m going to try to simplify things and just try to change 1 habit and focus all in on that for atleast the next 30 days hopefully 90.
I keep getting side tracked and wanting to change to many things in my life at the same time, when I probably should be focusing on Nofap first and foremost before I move onto to other things I want to change.


Exactly! Yesterday I came to the same realization and stopped OMAD and NoFap.

The habit am focusing on is skills and productivity (and a possible new custom for that).

I feel really good that am eating okay (not too much but tasty stuff) and not worrying too much over fapping. Some days I overdo PMO. Some days I donā€™t think about it at all. I think the worrying about it made it present in my thoughts which in turn led to more PMO. Now, not so much.

So skills and productivity for now. And through that money.

Good to hear you are taking steps in the right direction. Small steps are the best. Helps us focus and also easier as you already know.


When you say tasty stuff you mean like chocolate and bad foods ? When it comes to productivity Have you tried the executive ? I remember reading In the past some people having really good results with it, I think someone even referred to Listening to 1 loop as having a espresso.
I unfortunately first hand know how pmo kills my productivity and i been so sluggish itā€™s amazing what fapping does to ones life force


I have chocolate once a week. But I meant more like sugar in my daily chai.

Yes. I have used it before but not so much these days. I want to stick to one physical healing custom and one creativity / productivity custom. So donā€™t want to involve The Executive right now (although I must admit it is very good). You made a good point though. Will think about it.

Yes, I agree with you 100%. I prefer a nofap-me to a fapping-me lol. But more than that, I prefer myself happy and maybe just maybe, I might end up doing NoFap by not thinking too much about NoFap.

The OMAD was making me irritable too. So I gave that up too for my own happinessā€™ sake.

Frankly am changing things up to try new things out since extreme discipline always made me so stuck up when I was self-disciplined and guilty when I couldnā€™t keep my streaks.

Not telling you to stop NoPMO ofcourse. Just some self reflection on my part :slight_smile:


Shiny object syndrome is incredibly real and the reason I try and avoid the forum for the most part. I ended up buying Regeneration after reading your journal on it. Your journal on Regeneration and Elixir was incredible. I fought the urge to listen to it because I bought it during some serious recon. But still wanted to say thanks, after I told my wife about it and what you said in your journal she is interested in it. This is the first subliminal she is interested in.


Interesting so from this it seems like Be irritated can be a trigger for you. Its good to be aware that being irritable can lead you to pmo. So the next time you feel that way whether from Omad or something else a :triangular_flag_on_post: can go off in your Brain to be alert So you donā€™t self soothe the irritability with pmo.
Emperor seems to make people feel very disciplined so I guess that sub would be counter to your other goals right now.

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Amen! And thatā€™s a good idea to be off the forum to avoid shiny object syndrome. A worthy idea for me to consider too.

Damn! Thatā€™s some serious will power!

Glad to help, my friend. Thank you for telling me. Itā€™s always inspiring to have helped someone in whatever small way possible.


Excellent point, bro. Didnā€™t think of it that way.

Yup. Thatā€™s true. I really like Emperor but not for right now. For my creative juices to be flowing, a freer attitude helps.


Maybe you should try Intermittent fasting. I am going this 16/8 a few years now and I am very comfortable with this. Have my little sixpack and eating basically what I want to eat. Of course no garbage but I can eat honey or cheesecake if I want or dry dates, goji, whatever.

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Good on you, mate. I have tried all sorts of fasting (incuding 16/8) and they all work.

But not at the moment. Am focused on other habits now.


I fap a lot to feel good about myself. Not every day, but every other day. There are other things I do to feel good like food. But these are just examples of self-care. Healthy food can also be self-care and working on your true work. Itā€™s a question of quantity. Talking with friends is important to me, too.

I sometimes donā€™t eat, but that sucks after a while because when you eat again then it feels like you are becoming full too fast. I enjoy tea nowadays the sweet ice tee and the hot sugar free winter tea.
I am sometimes all alone, but this sucks also aftere a while, then I try to connect.

Money. I love the value it represents. Itā€™s my value I get and I give to others.

Thanks, that sounds fabulous. Small steps and taking rest seems important to me. I am too fast sometimes and want everything right now.

EDIT: Sorry, I wrote in the wrong journal. ARGH!

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I canā€™t enjoy tea without sugar so I better be careful lol

Very true

Haha itā€™s ok. I think I should close this thread.


@RVconsultant - Please close this thread, my friend.