R.I.C.H. Ultima Core Added to Q Store

We already made the name embedded script while testing, so we decided to go ahead and put it up on the Q Store:



Man! That was the fastest Q module add ever from a main title! Cheers!

Yeah, we had already made the “Q store” version while developing it. Might as well release.


How come there isn’t a male enhancement ultima? It would sell like donuts
You can even tag it as experimental, put a bunch of disclaimers
For the hype contest you can put a horse picture and the answer would be" horse cock ultima"
Come on please


I see it says “Ultima Cores are designed for custom Ultima titles only.”

So, would it be cool to experiment adding it to a Q custom, or it’s simply not a good idea?

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@SaintSovereign - what @meyer said!!! Also, please please please make The Seducer soon :pray::pray::pray:


Man, I wouldn’t. ROFL. No telling what Q will actually spit out. Could be brilliant, could run it and your reality shatters in half. :wink:

Nah, real talk – it won’t break the sub, but Ultimas are scripted and built for fast action. Not sure how well that scripting will work in a “traditional” format.


I literally came to this thread to ask this haha. Are you going to take this plunge @Simon?

Depending on how Ultima treats me on my return.
I’m thinking I might add it to a Q custom with minimum modules results enhancers

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The way I see it, if you do something like that, you could make a discovery that would benefit everyone and you would be at the cutting edge of technology… or you might be out a few hundred dollars.

You can build a male enhancement ultima

and how much would that cost?
500$ at least
fuck that

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actual if you kept it to 3 module minimum it would be about $295 :slight_smile:

  1. Male Enhancement
  2. Epigenetics and DNA modulator
  3. And I would recommend Diamond or Paragon-(as they both have been suggest to augment member size)

If in a month you’ve proudly gained some size it be worth it lol


Why is the size or lack thereof of someone’s naughty bits such a big deal?


Size matters :slight_smile:

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I’d definitely use both if I were building an “Enhancement” Ultima. 4-module Ultima Custom shouldn’t take long to get in there and get to work I think

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it’s still officially recommend to add one core to an Ultima custom so I don’t know if it works as well, haven’t read any reports to suggest either way but they may be around.

Saint confirmed for me recently that that guidance is for Q cores, not Ultima Cores.


can you say more-how many ultima cores can you have in a custom ultima build for it to still work effectively?

I couldn’t say yet as I’ve not built a custom ultima.

I PMd him to make sure, though, if that guidance was for Q cores or Ultima Cores. He confirmed it’s for Q cores.

So you could have Emperor Fitness ST1 Core along with up to 5 other Ultima cores or Q non-core modules and still be within the guidelines.


wow I didn’t know you could put Q cores in Ultima as a definite thing or that you could have 5+ Ultima cores ! Awesome good to know thanks

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