Qv2 experiences, comments, insights and questions

you see good results with just 2 lopps? wow,

how is it compared to you running a title everyday for 1 loop

what is better in terms of results with you

He said 3 loops a week cause recon so running one loop a day would cause it too.

Much depends on your energy level and how far you’re from the reality the sub is suppose to help you create. There’s a lot of some other, minor factors.

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So much better barely any recon and results are way more visible. Like I’ve been getting results like never before if you saw my post about me doing my blood test on QLQ ST1 and it becoming from 200ng/ml to 800ng/ml


This is a testament to what we’ve been saying. Sometimes, less is more, especially when using our titles.


@Vesper. When you mention your blood test values, the measurements of what specifically are you referring about?
Testosterone levels?
It’s unclear about which component had increase due to Quantum Limitless Q

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Yeah sorry I was talking about Testosterone levels in case it wasn’t clear.


Wow, and that change happens with Quantum Limitless?
I will understand that in my case, I have my brain in my genitals :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:!


I mean like I said in a previous post could be my lifestyle, diet, workout changes however I think Quantum Limitless play a role in it.
Damn QL will put your brain in the right place and not there :rofl:


I am looking for a long time to maximize the results with limitless and QL as well. I decided to start again. One loop QLQV2 st1 and one of Dragon reborn St1.
But, so far, my favorite is Emperor V3. I was a beast with that sub.

@Sub.Zero I just read your review for Dragon Reborn on the sales page. Very cool and incredibly happy for you

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Thanks! :slight_smile:
I just wonder what would have happened if I had let the Dragon do its job for more than four months. Unfortunately, I was much less an advanced alchemist and I tried to speed up the process the wrong way (rushing from one stage to another on higher loops).

We have to understand that increasing the exposure just for the sake of doing it, ignoring processing days and the signs of recon or overload, stacking multiple programs and jumping from one program to another will not speed up the process, on the contrary it slows us down a lot. The Alchemical Formula is only one and it’s been emphasized by SC so many times to no avail that is: choose the right tools (programs) and do the right things (take action towards your and your program goals), that’s the surest way to speed up the process.


I’m still curious how one is to take action with a healing sub such as Dragon Reborn

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Meditation for clearing out your mind and exercises to get rid of our body tensions should be a great aid. On top of that, sort of introspection related to our traumas and blockages done on paper could help too. Like describing your childhood with all the traumas an blockages related to it. Forgiving and praying for the perpetrators could help too. Another thing is rewriting on paper our interpretations of our traumas. For instance, if it was a rape, one could write down: it happened because of somebody’s weakness but not mine, I was a child only. Just an example but you got the meaning. I didn’t do that (the latter thing) just yoga (exercises and meditation) but I guess it could be helpful.


conscious work on traumas, meditation, and exercise I would second as fantastic for action on healing subs

For me -the best action for healing and imo on healing subs

  1. is to take care of any unfinished business-even if it requires uncomfortable conversations
  2. Do things you scared to do but you know is the right thing
  3. finding ways to genuinely relax
  4. Finding a way to have fun and enjoy yourself , and if you can-spend at least a little time doing something you love and enjoy despite whatever pressures from life or pressure that one may put on oneself

I hit an all time emotional/physical low in the last month, largely cause of the pressure I was putting on myself, and the only way back for me was to remember that life was about more than just surviving achieving. I basically had to force myself to have fun and relax for the sake of my health lol.


everyone talk emperor V3 , what is that?

healing is actually passive processing

you can practice minfulness or maybe read some books on self devolpment learn yoga staying present in the moment

healing will do its work but you can help out too

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That’s one of the previous scripts of Emperor. The current one is Qv2.


**Emperor timeline **

  • Emperor - I wasn’t here
  • Emperor v2 - I joined here. Nov '18
  • Emperor v3 - My favorite May '19
  • Emperor v4 - Around Nov '19
  • Emperor Qa -Public testing - I don’t remember
  • Emperor Q - Official release
  • Emperor Qv2 - Current version

why do you like the old version?

It was more effective for me somehow. I don’t have a logical explanation. I don’t know the script. Perhaps, it was more simple. I’m not English native speaker.
The more radical changes happened during Emp v3…

Unfortunately, it wasn’t the same With later versions. I have most of the titles since I joined. Except gaming, boxing, aegis, and alchemist. I bought all of them, looking to improve myself. But Emp v3 was the beast. Libertine v1 as well, somehow every woman I had sex with, squirted! It didn’t happen with later versions.