Qv2 experiences, comments, insights and questions

Get it @EmperorDaddy

I Coud not do it, after 3 days on Ascension my consciousness screamed at me : First healing then building :joy:

But I am so excited when my journey wit DR allows me to lisen to other subs

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I did try Primal Qv2 yesterday and that was something.

I was so Angry and agressive that I exploded a couple of times very hard, to the point where I knew : now I am Dangerous for real ( no worries, I have super control over myself)

After I let the Anger/agresion out I needed 2 hours to come down to a normal level

The most interesting point was, that Primal confronted me with : eating somebody or get eaten from somebody the choice is mine

I like this sub already


@Leandros It doesn’t have to be a stack necessarily. If you have a metric fuck ton of shit to work through by all means focus on that first.
I have a feeling that the reason @Hoppa and @DarkPhilosopher aren’t sensitive to the subs is because they have less to work through. I don’t know for sure with @DarkPhilosopher but @Hoppa is a good friend of mine and I feel he’s just ridiculously stubborn or hard headed :wink:


Hard to tell

No one has ever said such kind words about me. Thank you!


@Hoppa I am starting to think you are hungry for and determined to get some personal growth, maybe even prioritize it.

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Take a look at the Emperor for that matter too, please. :slight_smile:

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That’s the first sub @Hoppa ran

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Too much Love will kill you if can’t make your mind!


Fortunately, we can revisit our subs when needed and I would say it may be even required to some point. I think, especially subs like DR, QL and the Emperor.

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To be able to get sensational experiences from running subliminals.

Even medicine can taste sweet or bitter.

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I’m not sure what you mean by this. Would you please elaborate?

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There is a Queen’s song called “Too much love will kill you” Hoppa was thanking for kind words from JCast.


Love that song. You’d give your life you’d sell your soul, but here it comes again

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I think I agree. But define what you mean by personal growth?

Yes, Emperor is definitely in the mix. My favorite sub. I think it was Emperor that started me on this path.

I just have to figure out my stack once the upgrades are done. QL+AL+ME+EMP?

I like streamlined stacks, would prefer single stack. 4 titles… kind of against it. Might be too many.


Why not run the Emperor along with QL then change QL for the Alchemist and then the Emperor for ME? Running only two titles in a stack shall give you faster and better results. I’m doing the Emperor along with the Alchemist and then I’ll be changing the Alchemist for QL.

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My plan is to go QL1+AL1 first, maybe add in ME. I’ve run Emperor for extended time before. Also went through DR all four stages.

Healing first, as I think there is a mental block that needs to be removed. I think I have been going to the right direction, as I think RICH showed some signs (real manifestation) of working. That’s the first Ultima I ever got anything out of.

I will make my decision once I can test how I react to QL and AL in Qv2. Till that, it is all speculation anyway.

ME I want in as good visualization skill might make other modalities work better. It’s a skill I consider mandatory for myself going forward.


I have been more or less running only The Executive V2 lately because I have felt ridiculously lazy and unmotivated. Seriously debating switching things up for a bit and running that with Ascension QV2, Godlike Masculinity V2 , and maybe Spartan QV2. Get my motivation to just disturbing levels of being literally undistractable