Qv2 experiences, comments, insights and questions

I’ve never run EoG but HoM did this for me 1000x.


i went from 8 loops a day to 3 a week and even tho I DO NOT CONDONE anyone doing that many loops, including me, it was such an accelerated form of results i was shocked

ofc i monitor my body and that usually tells me the tale of how my subs are processing, with 3 loops a week the results came in nicely the first week, it was great!

then I realized it got slower and slower, this is why I am now doing this

1 week hard: 2 loops a day, alternating customs from one day to the next, 2 on 1 off

1 week lazy: total of no more than 4 loops a week

that lazy week blooms hard because of the hard week

basically i stole your idea, because I saw the sense in it just today!


So rest days should rather be called launch days or action days?
Was thinking along a bouncy spring, windup toy or windup clock metaphors, but I liked the bow and arrow one.


That got me attention. Can you elaborate?

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Funny that you mention this, because I was just thinking that I’m not quite satisfied with these terms. :joy: (what else is new?)

I like the wind up clock metaphor too.

:thinking: Maybe I’ll try out ‘hang time’ for a little while and see how that feels.

As in ‘I just ran a loop of my stack. Time for a few days of hang time. See you on the other side!’

So to start off. My first sub was Emperor. I didn’t have a good or healthy mindset about money growing up. I talk about that here. Thank you SC (a testimonial)

So my mindset was able to shift to have goals such as making 6 figures a month and truly feeling like I deserved that, which was an absolutely massive improvement from before. Like it feels so natural now. But I remember not too long ago when I felt like I somehow wasn’t qualified or good enough for any “decent” white collar job regardless of pay. All this while I saw all my peers getting “awesome” jobs.

Started running HoM last November. Two weeks later, I started getting heavily into crypto after being completely green. Like obsessed. Spending at least 4 hours of my day every day doing research and going down the rabbit hole. It took some months to not feel like some naive newbie. I can discern from legitmacy and potential vs. things I feel are overhyped. My mindset about money is way more developed. Every move I make and how I’m positioning myself is done with the long-term vision and goal of making 8-9 figures. Seeing HoM’s long-term goals, this makes sense. If I don’t 110% believe in or see how a certain project can help me achieve this, I drop it or move on. If I see an awesome project with potential but don’t see how I can acquire a large enough worthwhile position for what I project and forecast them going to, I also move on. I’ve done well so far and truly believe I’m on that path, even with the recent activity of the market.

Whether you believe in crypto or not and whether my research and intuition will be correct shouldn’t be the takeaway from this. It’s the fact that my moves now are planned with the explicit goal of making 8-9 figures in the coming years. Important to note that to achieve this I’m also planning beyond crypto as well but using crypto as the primary vehicle for my plan. I can honestly tell you that only making 7 figures in the next coming years would be a disappointment. But yeah, even if the digital economy doesn’t pan out like I see it, my mindset is still thinking about big bucks.

Should also be noted I started running RICH early Feb and went thru stints rotating Emperor and some customs. I kept HoM consistently in my stacks up until a two weeks ago to start DR. HoM has given me alot I truly internalised. Even before adding RICH, I was already noticing all the changes with HoM. I wasn’t really journaling during this time but was making some mental notes. One day I just woke up like “holy shit, I’m really trying to become Warren Buffet” lol

Edit: Like I mentioned I am planning long-term. Short-term… even medium term things, while annoying at times, don’t worry me at all as long as nothing fundamental has changed.


I actually think that is one of the better metaphors. The set up/build up/ then the release.


Love the analogy!

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@Sub.Zero had the great idea to call them “Processing Days.”

I’ve been using that term ever since because that’s virtually what it does.


So far, that is the best option to me.

since you guys ran subs for quite sometime (im fairly new)

do you find yourself conscious questioning things? are those the scripts ?

i read the manuel it said something about SC Subs make your question stuff and make it align with your new beliefs, is that whats happening to me?

have you encountered questioning things and making some guidance consciously with you knowing that this is very new like the determination and the purity of the questioning is weird, its like your comfort self wont interrupt,

maybe it has nothing to do with subs since its more on the low down working deep,

but im actually happy either way

can you elaborate or add up anything if you may :smiley: ? @RVconsultant or @fire or @SaintSovereign or @DarkPhilosopher :joy:

i really like my question hahaha :cowboy_hat_face::joy:

You’re changing and fast so no wonder you’re questioning your “old” reality,


I’ve run two loops of LD only so far (last Thursday and last Saturday) but that program started working on a very deep level already. I’m amazed on how fast and how deep it hits. I assume that every Ultima on the new tech works that way as well.

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I guess the idea was to think of a term that connoted a more dynamic and active feeling. Processing is exactly what’s happening, but it doesn’t convey that sense of powerful forward movement.

Its very weird and very fun im grateful :fist:t3:

I suggest writing your limits and your goals for this sub, ive wrote all my limits that i want to be erased

Anything that i see as a limit i write it down,


Alchemical days :smiley:

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I would like to share with you some results I got on Uv2 on here.
When I started running Rebirth almost three months ago I felt as if the boy I was at the age of 5-8 wanted to come back to me and be me again. I mean I noticed some emotional, thinking and behavioral patterns that seemed to me very familiar and like those I had at the age I mentioned. It felt a bit uncomfortable since those patterns were not “positive”. It lasted for the first 3-5 days and then it passed for ever, even though I ran Rebirth for over two months later on.

Now I’m experiencing something very similar on Limit Destroyer I started to listen to four days ago. This time it’s related to my limits and fears. Here’s something related to my fears I posted in my journal today:

'It looks like LD is working on some fears I thought I had dealt with utterly. Like a feeling of anxiety when bypassing dogs and strangers (especially groups of teenage boys). I haven’t experienced that for some years but today when I bypassed a dog I started thinking it could attack me from behind and although I didn’t feel any fear my back flinched and once it happened the dog attacked me from behind. I turned around and faced it with no fear and it stopped. It was an interesting experience since my mind remained fearless and calm and only my body reacted to it (the flinch).

Also, today when I was bypassing two teenagers I started thinking how teenagers used to laugh at me once I bypassed them when I was at that age but today I didn’t feel any anxiety and when I bypassed them I heard one of them laughing behind my back when I was like twenty meters further. I felt nothing but my stomach flinched.

I realized what kind of people used to do that to me and I taught of one word only; “cowards”."

Another thing I noticed today was my moves were not fluid but stiff and hindered, exactly how they were when I was a boy and my father used to call me “wooden boy” for that reason. It didn’t make me feel uncomfortable though but it seemed a bit weird.

To sum it up, I saw those old patterns in me for a couple of days (on Rebirth, on LD it’s been only one day so far) but I was totally detached from them on my mind’s level and it seemed as if they had surfaced only in my “body’s memory”.

It really looks like those programs on the new tech hit really fast and deep.

On top of that, Ultima seems to be really taxing but only for the first 30 hours after running one loop and later on it’s really fine.


Questions I ask myself:

What outcomes do I want?
How will I know I have them?

I start there.