Qv2 experiences, comments, insights and questions

Would you say there are any other benefits of running emperor qv2 compare to your q version of emperor?

was the ambition/drive part pronounced stronger using v2?

Well I can’t give an objective answer at the moment because I’ve only done the one loop.

The thing I noticed with both RM and Emperor runs is that with QV2 the effects often show up a lot quicker than the Q based subs (like during the loop even). It’s not perfect, doesn’t get noticed all the time, but I feel like I am getting closer to understanding what makes it work and what sort of action needs to be taken to get results. I’m sure I’ll have more solid insights over the next few weeks as the upgrades roll out.


My current strategy is almost exclusively Customs-based. The only upgrade I’m playing right now is Paragon Complete V2.

In 5 weeks, I’ll be ordering a Q V2 custom and re-ordering one of my current customs in Q V2. Other than that, I’m just downloading the upgraded versions of whichever programs I own and enjoying the show.


I just had two loops of RM. One x day.
The first day my mood was down and I had quite negative feeling (around work).
Today I felt good with some spark of new ideas. I don’t know if last night Elixir V2 helped the good feeling though.

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I think it’s because they ran a lot of sub either in terms of (time / titles) and released a lot of negativity, so it’s easier for them now.

We have some more on the new technology in here:

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Yesterday, first use of EmperorQ v2, one loop, and got an all-day-long headache.

Let’s see what I’ll get from now on.


Drink lots of water + electrolytes, and take a good choline source. It helps, trust me! I use phosphatidylcholine, but alphaGPC works great too I’ve heard. Should be commonly available from most supplement shops, health food stores, etc.


Must choline or alpha GPC be taken on off days as well ?

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It’s an essential nutrient, especially for the brain. So, yes. Ideally, you’d have it in your diet from food sources like eggs, peanuts, fish and broccoli/cauliflower.


Thank you for the recommendations. I’m aware of these supplements and have used them many times. Indeed, very helpful. Water intake, I’ll be increasing.

What took my my attention is that it has been a long time since I had any kind of headache after listening to the subliminals.

So, I thing, my body really felt the differences presented in v2.

Yes, take it every day. I pair it with a good quality fish oil as well. I do 4,800mg per day of fish oil.


First thank you for these ideas!

Advanced fish oil question:

At what point could fish oil thin the blood so much that it might cause a medical issue?

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Note to Qv2 users, I know this new tech is exciting. Until there are official recommendations, please start with 1 loop and wait a day to notice its effects. Please gradually increase the loops if you can tolerate it.


I’ve done up to ~9,000mg/day without any issue, but 2,400-4,800 is well studied and known to be safe. That’s assuming the user isn’t also taking blood thinner medications, of course. In that case, definitely check with your doctor.

When my wife had her c-section last year, she had been taking 1,200mg and her doctor told her to stop that 3-4 days prior to the surgery date to ensure there was no thinning at all.

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Thank you for mentioning this! I got eggs calling out to me from my refridgerator.


Quality matters, pastured eggs contain many times more nutrients (omega-3s, vitamins, etc) than caged eggs. I have to assume this applies to nutrients like choline as well.


I’m pretty sure they are somehow spoiled at that point…


I take omega-3 pills everyday,
since i started it my memory got better like crazy :100:

Thank you for explaining this!

This is the phenomenon that inspired my question.

I was reading at the Carlson fish oil website and they gave a recommendation too.