Question on Affirmations & Subliminal's

Exactly. Also, putting it in the form of a question, I believe, is almost like giving your subconscious mind a chew toy. It’s going to work to respond to that question; to answer it, if you will. It’s like a creative goad.

I did not know that was used in the superchargers. Haven’t started using any yet. I encountered it from Damon Brand and Gallery of Magick. Another great resource.

Yes, focus is paramount! Happy winter solstice!


If I may add my take on affirmations.

From my current understanding, it is not so much the words that are used, but the feeling behind them when we say them that is indicative of affirmations’ effectiveness.

It goes even as far as, let’s say, we speak a positive affirmation, but in that moment we’re feeling lack, then what we’re affirming and strengthening is the lack, not the positive idea of the affirmation.

If, when saying our affirmations, we can summon up positive feelings that are representative of the words spoken, then what we’re doing will be beneficial.

I wonder what if, for example, we assumed as best as we can the role of an emperor according to our idea and really feel it, and we held it for those 45 minutes, if it would facilitate the overall process of integration of the sub into our subconscious. We can also play appropriate music and try to really be in that moment the man we imagine we would like to become listening to Emperor.

On the same vein, I wonder if the best time listening to, say, Primal Seduction is while doing pickup. Is it?


Actually it is both. It is all about frequency and vibrations, upon saying a sentence you transmit a certain frequency to the universe, same goes for the feeling you put behind speaking those intentions. Same goes for the visualization if you visualize yourself being rich when you’re affirming “I am rich”. A combination of all three works best, saying “I am rich” while you feel poverty will not directly be destructive as you’ve mentioned, though it is important to understand that the frequency put out of a feeling vibrates at a much higher rate which in fact would turn out to be more powerful.


Informative & helpful, thanks @FireDragon



So I could change those affirmations around by applying the question technique. Instead of “Money flow easy into my life” I could change it around for “How did money flow so easy into my life?”, and do that for all those other affirmations on this list as well. Now I’ve seen Saint stating many times implementing your name into affirmations is way more powerful. I’m wondering how I can implement that into the visual affirmations I’m using to have them increase in potency. Perhaps you’ve got an idea how to do that? Anyhow if you don’t, it doesn’t matter I’ll find out how to make potent affirmations someday, it isn’t really a focus as of right now but if you may be able to help me out, any help is appreciated allot and will be returned by me ten fold. In regards to that I want to thank you in advance for your activity on the forum and the help you’ve provided for the community so far.


I’m actually very confident that you will.

You’ve already posed this question to your subconscious, and I believe it will generate very effective affirmation methods for you. After all, you’re asking it how best to communicate with it. It’s particularly well-qualified to help with this.

And, yes, you’re right, that’s precisely how the question method works. You pose the question, and the subconscious writes the narratives to answer it. But the pen of the subconscious mind is subjective reality. (Pretty awesome.). So it writes and draws with the realities of our lives.

As far as incorporating your name, that’s a fascinating question. But I do not have any experience with that strategy. Any affirmations or statements of intent that I’ve used have always just used ‘I’ or ‘me’. Some had no subject at all. Like “Thank you”.

Other random pointer from my (limited) experience:

  1. keep them simple. It’s best if you can envision the full idea as an image. That level of the mind thinks in metaphor and image.

I’ve used statements of intent more than affirmations personally.

The method I used for statement of intent:

White paper, blue ink.

Write what you want to manifest. Once a day for 90 days. Then put it away, and forget about it.

I think that @anon3072973 may have some good suggestions for affirmation due to his experience with manifesting.


One of the best techniques I currently use is “I remember when I wasnt a millionaire. My life was hard and I thought I would never do it. Isnt it wonderful, that I now am a millionaire and enjoy all the benefits of the life I always wanded?”

Replace “millionaire” with whatever your objective is.


I wouldn’t really remind myself of something negative. I’m rather [quote=“ExploringAstronaut, post:21, topic:2875, full:true”]
One of the best techniques I currently use is “I remember when I wasnt a millionaire. My life was hard and I thought I would never do it. Isnt it wonderful, that I now am a millionaire and enjoy all the benefits of the life I always wanded?”

Replace “millionaire” with whatever your objective is.

That’s interesting but not really implementable into this subliminal software. Thanks though (:slight_smile:

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Would you think affirmations have a more potent effect upon the subconscious when the affirmations are stated in your native language? For me that is Dutch because I am from Belgium. But I’ve been using mostly English affirmations as for now. My intuition would tell me yes, because my subconscious mind has more memory of me using my native language then English. Would you be able to provide your opinion on this, to give me another perception of the situation. Thanks. :smiley:

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The power of doing this lies in putting the negative into the past, and therefore into the distance.

I dont know what you mean?

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The magick that I’ve learned from employs a similar strategy. Damon Brand writes about this as ‘emotional transmutation’. As far as I’ve been able to understand, it is powerful because 1) it sets up a directionality, a ‘vector’. Moving from the undesired state into the desired state. It sets the basis for an alchemical transformation. 2) it makes equal use of ‘negative’ and ‘positive’ emotionality. It’s training your mind to harness all emotion in the direction of desired movement. Discouragement, fear, sadness can provide energy as much as hope. excitement, determination. Imagine how useful it is if, no matter what emotions arise, they’re all drawing what you want to you.

This is one of those areas in which I’ve noticed that religious teachers (and other charismatic leaders) definitely make use of magickal principles. They often employ a kind of rhetorical device in which they re-enact a transition from a negative (emotional/conditional) status of need and lack to a positive status of liberation and abundance. ‘I once was lost and now I’m found’. ‘Traveling through the wilderness to reach the promised land’. and so on. The emotional energy released in a catharsis can be drawn upon to fuel manifestation/magickal workings.

So, the idea is to begin by feeling the negative emotions and perceptions of the undesired states. That’s pulling back the bow. And then we feel the shift to our alignment with the desired state, the gratitude and pleasure and satisfaction of it. That’s releasing the bow and loosing the arrow.


Like you, my intuition says ‘in most cases, yes’. One’s mother tongue would be most intimate and is the way that language first ‘imprinted’ onto the mind. But I can also think of exceptions.

For example: Just as one’s native language is the ‘first’ verbal-conceptual system imprinted on the mind; so too are the cultural norms and conventions of one’s native social environment. Therefore, if one were working to manifest a reality that was somewhat at odds with the cultural values of one’s native society, the conventions and structure inherent in the native language itself might set up some mental barriers. (Just a theory. I haven’t tested this out.).

But it would be like a person from a peaceful city-state who grew up next to Sparta, observing the Spartans training and becoming hard warriors. If that person for some reason then chooses to become a hard warrior, s/he might choose to use the chants, drills, and songs of the Spartans to reinforce that state of mind, even though they’re not in his/her native tongue; because in his/her deep mind those songs are the most powerful symbols of strength.

So, I think the fundamental principle to apply is not this or that language, or even this or that particular method, per se; rather, it’s the attempt to explore and identify the shifting logic of the subconscious. Like learning to navigate an ocean. There are some logical methods and rules one can follow; but then there are many situations in which the ‘ocean’ (i.e., the deep mind) will defy our logic and control, because it operates on its terms. So, we become humble and observe to see what works. And in the end, whatever works is what works.


You are right about that. This year I noticed I became emotionally distant to my native language. Language transports meaning. Although it is a very very useful, moldable and beautiful language, I notice I associate certain limitations with it, which have no space in my current/future life. So I use the language less frequently. It is not the fault of the language, it is my association with the people who speak it.


It doesn’t complement the subliminal360 software I’m using to implement these visual subliminal’s as it is to long of a sentence. But it would work fine for saying the affirmation yourself of course. Yet I don’t need that kind of practices right now.

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Ah ok. Sorry, didnt read that part.

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Would one prefer to keep an affirmation short and to the point or would adjectives increase the strength of an affirmation. To give an example “How did I become so extremely wealthy” compared to “How did I become so wealthy” and even compared to “How did I become so {extremely} rich”. Changing subliminal’s around like this how would that effect the outcome. I guess you could say wealthy is more of a broader used vocabulary compared to rich. Wealthy doesn’t necessarily have to do with money while being rich maybe does? Not sure. At the same time adding in adjectives would that either increase of decrease the strength of an affirmation?

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I learned the shorter the better but thats primary because of the repetition. You will get more with shorter phrases if you use more than one. But if you only repeat a low amount of affirmations or only one it doesnt matter. The key imho is that you can believe it.
It was mentioned in the text i posted. In such a scenario it is maybe counterproductive to choose a affirmation which paints a picture from a scenario you didnt believe deep within yourself. Rich or wealthy is relative. I would prefer smaller steps. Maybe doubling my income in a realistic time frame. Or doubling my clients or sellings or whatever is realistic and more specific to my actual life. Realistic and specific with smaller steps is the way to go.


You are a systematic and exacting thinker. That is good. I do not know the definitive answers here.

My sense is that clarity of vision and genuineness of emotion are the truly operational factors. If you can hold the vision of the words and what they mean then it is not too complicated. (On the other hand, you do not need to consciously hold the vision of the words every time you use an affirmation. Still, I think that’s a decent litmus test to see if it’s too complicated of a statement.)

I think that ultimately the meaning and significance of the words derives from the internal dictionary of your own deep mind. That’s why intuition is such a valuable tool in setting your affirmations.


i looked the book up because of your comment. is this about modern magick ritual? or about affirmation?

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hey interesting program. do you still use it? what was your experience on it? did you use it with SC subs?
i dont know if i want to use it with subs from SC because i worry about recon and crash between messages. but curious about your experience.