Question about Ultima

I am learning about this site as I may re purchase StarkQ but I have some questions.

I read that Ultima is the most powerful subliminal but is a “booster” except for in some products.

If I purchase StarkQ would listening to Ultima give the biggest results or is it just a booster in StarkQ

It’s a booster. It’s not a booster if you listen more than once.

The Ultima version of StarkQ (is that what you are asking about?) has the full script of the StarkQ so it would not be a booster.

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Ultimas are narrower in scope than Q programs. Stark Ultima was just a test they did.

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Yes that’s what I am asking about. It looks like you are a veteran of the site that has the product.
What is the best thing to listen to in StarkQ? (is it Ultima like I assumed or something else) I would probably pick one thing to listen to and only listen to that one thing If I think its the best tape.

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You should listen to the Qv2 version of Stark. It’s the latest version.

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Since its a booster of a major program, Its best to listen to the Qv2 version for a while so that you may reap the most benefits and internal changes/growth before listening to the Ultima of Stark. Give it a month, not that jumping quickly into the booster won’t work, it will. You could also listen to both of them on tandem

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Listen to the Qv2 version(the standard one) for at least 3 months. Get results. Consider switching to other formats to improves on the results you already got.

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