Quantum Limitless - What do you want from this Kitten?

Boost teaching ability.


Refusing toxic frames of mind, frames-of-reference that inhibit effective learning and change.

Flushing frames of mind that say: “it doesn’t work…”.

Ive been on limitless for about five months now, and I see one major mental skill that if implemented well could open up the practical effectiveness of the program in the area where most all learning happens; reading.

The mind is capable of reading very fast and effortlessly when speed reading correctly.
The problem is all of the habitual bad habits and ingrained mental patterns that force us to say every word in our head, fixate on one word at a time, and skip over and go back.
All greatly limiting the efficiency of actual book learning when the mind if fully capable, of effortless speed reading.
I know because sometimes When i’m reading i just get in the zone, and effortlessly go through paragraphs with no hang ups. Than the ingrained bad habits creep in. If implemented effectively, I believe this part of the new sub could cause it to be infinitely more effective for learning, in the area where learning happens; reading.


Would be so nice if Quantum Limitless can help regenerate all the damaged areas within the brain. So many people can benefit from this in such a big way.


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Any updates on the release date?
@Fire @SaintSovereign


Tension is mounting. Fire is playing his cards close to his chest no release dates yet !. Quantum Limitless is going to totally shake the world of subliminals :slight_smile:

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I wonder how close to NZT-48 are we now with Quantum Limitless.


And I wonder if Quantum Limitless be renamed to a more powerful name after all the discoveries, updates and improvements being made at this date.

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