Q Modules Requests

I dont quite follow…

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I’ve never heard any of the higher ups talk about this so far.

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I did. On three other vendors. I assume I am not allowed to share.


Yeah you’re not. When I mean higher ups I refer to saint, fire and the dude that’s always in the dark cloak.


in commercial breaks are many subliminal instructions. different type, visual, in many layers . make your self more open for subliminal informations would be litle bit brainwashing experience

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Fire did sort of answer you already:

That said, the speed by which the brain processes the messages it receives is like a muscle. And like a muscle, there are ways to influence its development.

Yup, you will be very happy with the Q store’s “Results Enhancement” category indeed.

Yours truly,

The Dude


Results enhancement: I’m curious now.


Only now? Took you this long to get curious? I’m impressed. :wink:

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Do you remember (roughly or exactly) how many modules are in this category?!

Full Blue Skies

In my mind there’s a difference between being too easily influenced by subliminals from media, and being able to process subs more easily. Or at least they should be.

Easy Darkie. Sarcasm has teeth.


“Darkie” :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

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Remember? Nope. But it’s 44 at the moment I’m writing this. Some geared toward improving your mind, some toward removing blocks preventing you from achieving better results. So it’s not all about improving your mental capacity, there’s some healing in that category as well.

Wouldn’t do anybody any good, it was written for Saint’s brain. The module in the Q store is the part that is usable.

Sorry. :dog::house:

Still better than “DP” with its multiple meanings.


Yeah. Which is why I’ve never used it.

Darkie is specific and free from that minefield.

When used strategically, it teaches me humility. So I am grateful, even though I don’t always like it.

Anyways, back to the topic…

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I am sure Darkie absolutely didn’t mean me when he said that

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Someone use the Time Stone and launch the Q store already…


I’m glad that the Q store is coming. I had dreams of this the day before I first joined and started using subliminals here.

What if you’ve already experienced the Q store in the future and were so amazed with the results you decided to give yourself amnesia and go back in time to re-experience the opening all over again.

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