Q Modules Requests

they granting all wishes :star: ! im so amazed by tactical subs. personally i will use this a go on a chess learning phase

I would like to request a results enhancer module. This one’s purpose would serve solely towards the binding of the influence of the each of the submodules within each core in a custom to influence and impress upon not only that core, but its partner cores and the core as a whole.

For example, let’s use Primal. It contains Sex Mastery. But SM in this case contributes only to the objectives of Primal, not any other cores or the custom as a whole. I could wrong about the core part, however. As it currently stands, the best way to get the most out of Sex Mastery is to have the core in the custom, in addition to Primal.

My idea for this sub is that it would increase the presence of the submodules within the custom for the entirety of the canvas.

This would be useful in my head when paired with Mosaic, it being a very close counterpart with this module (I’ll call it Strongest Link for now) as it would, theoretically and on my roughest draft, be like Mosaic’s partner, complimenting any weaknesses that our gracious hosts may have noticed in Mosaic’s operation.


Passion. This module generates and maintains a sense of passion and excitement about whatever short and long term goals that the user has chosen and the goals of the script. Every small step the user takes toward their goals brings a sense of victory, momentum and fulfillment, and their eyes will stay eagerly on the prize throughout the process. Work toward the goal is so exciting that it hardly seems like work at all and obstacles that once caused fear seem like thrilling challenges. Passion turns the user into an unstoppable force of nature whose success is inevitable.


I like this. Would you perhaps post a bit more, such as how this would be different from Joie de Vivre or Carpe Diem Ascended?

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A master chef module: give you so high skills in culinary but also give you an intuitive sense for how much ingredients that is need for the food your cooking


+Mind‘s Eye scripting to „taste“ what you cook
+Innovation how you combine food
+scripting to plate what you cook to create art

See: Becoming a chef


Update suggestion for the Harmonic Singularity:

can it also include the head muscles? Right now it makes the whole body relax but if we could also relax the mind we could also enjoy the benefits that it brings

It might be similar to Carpe Diem, but more focused on creating and maintaining the excitement for a specific goal for a long time. CD is certainly helpful with this, but it’s more about general motivation. Same with Joie de vivre.
What I’d be looking for with Passion is something that makes my long term goal the first thing I think of when I wake up and make it so I just can’t wait to get to whatever step I can take toward it that day. Then make it feel great that I’ve accomplished that.


This passion module would be amazing. Not general motivation but specific willpower, motivation and strength for your individual goals to do and finish them even if it gets hard.

For the time when you come home from a strenuous work day, but instead of lying in the bed and go to sleep, go and work on your passion until you finish it no matter how strenuous it feels or how much one part of your brain wants to sleep or „chill“

A module to not get overstrained.

Sometimes we are facing challenges that seem to ask too much from us. Instead of trying our best and just work through them, such things often freeze us and instead we procrastinate or give up. This module will help you move past these negative emotions when dealing with a difficult obstacle, finish the task at hand and help you go beyond your limits.

One example would be when you need to go through hundred of documents in one day to finish a task. Instead of giving up before or during the process because you think it is impossible, you will work through the documents with sheer dedication with this module.


A module or maybe a core for dissolving the ego structure on all levels.


Not only do it but REALLY want to.

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„Just do it“ - ending perfectionism module

Perfectionism is a double-edged sword. While from time it can be one greatest traits leading you or your business to even greater heights, at other periods it can be the biggest thing holding you back. This module will teach you when to use perfectionism to your advantage and when to just apply through your work like dedicated machine. You will notice becoming faster and more efficient in you day to day life, getting double as much things done while retaining quality when you need it will now become a reality.


Identify patterns - module

Everything happen in patterns. Every action triggers a certain response. Learn to identify your own patterns and change them to your advantage.


#1 Someone who is often fighting with his wife will realize that those fights follow a certain repeating pattern. Even though on the surface the topics one fights over changes, the fundamental pattern stays the same. She does something, that triggers something in you leading you to example raise your voice, then triggering her again. With this module you will become conscious of those patterns and be able to take control over them.

#2 Somebody who is procrastinating a lot will realize that there is a certain pattern. For example, a certain stressor that triggers him to wanna lay down in his bed which leads to him watching one youtube video which again leads him to watch a whole series and stay in bed the whole day. He will be able to identify those triggers and then take action on them in the right time so that he does not fall into that pattern.

There are thousands of examples where this could be applicable in day to day life.

It is basically a mix between “The Lines”, “Eye of the Storm”, “Stronger”, “Wayfinder” and some introspection scripting, but going beyond those.


Bro, this is freaky. I just thought of this module yesterday.

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do all seeing eye do this i think or another one,

Eagle eye can do this if anything

No, Eagle Eye focuses on external observation whereas the module I describe focuses on introspection. It is about your own patterns.

Also Eagle Eye talks about a different type of pattern like body language. I don’t mean that.
The patterns I talk about are more like unconscious habits that you will start to become aware of and be able to take control over at the right time (in the moment).

So very different to Eagle Eye

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Oh ok now I get it help you obsessed you own behaviors hmmm this can have so good benefits

Way of the samurai.

The samurais contemplated death constantly.

As did the greatest warriors from all over the world.

The vikings romanticized death as the gateway to valhalla… warrior heaven for any who died nobly on the battlefield.

The japanese have their infamous “death poems.”

In modern bhutan, people think about and accept death 5 times per day. Is that why they’re the happiest people in the world?

This module will help you contemplate, accept, and be humble in the face of death.

If someone were to die or fall ill in your life, you would find a greater sense of ease, and you would be able to be the “man of the house” to support others in your family who are struggling.

If you were to fall ill, you would be fearlessly optimistic about your prognostic, and fearlessly optimistic that even if you were to pass, your ultimate being would still be alright.

But MOST OF ALL, THIS module will give you the contemplation and acceptance of the inevitable IN DAILY LIFE. You will find a greater fire than ever before to complete a legacy before you pass… and you’ll need to start right away because you’ll understand that you might pass away in 30 years… but then again… you might pass away in 30 weeks.

Note: many, many entrepreneurs have also contemplated death heavily and use it as their motivation and fuel. Henry ford was in love with the concept of reincarnation. Christian entrepreneurs, especially the protestant ethic christians, equate getting into heaven with how hard they work. Buddhists spend their whole lives meditating so that in the moment of death, they can remain as equanimous as possible… every minute of their life is preparation for death, so that at the moment of death, their mind is so peaceful and calm that THAT emotion is the driving force behind their reincarnation/karma.

Like carpe diem, the wonder, and joie de vivre, but specifically related to death and its contemplation