Update suggestions for titles & modules

SaintSovereign pointed out that you can just write critic or suggestions in your personal journal and the A.I. / machine learning software will pick it up.

Nevertheless, not everyone has a personal journal so it might be good to open a dedicated thread for that.

Drop them below


Primal Seduction

Libertine Ultima



You need to specify what changes you want to see in those titles lol

Primal Seduction -

  • I think the seduction skills are to the point but for a seducer I think far more equally applicable traits are persistence , resilience and patience .

  • Emotional Control is another big requirement so that even after getting 10 rejections in a row( worst case scenario) , the seducer brings the same vibe he had while interacting with initial approaches .

  • Enhance manifestation further.

Libertine Ultima

  • Make the aura more consistent


  • Enhance photographic memory.

  • Maybe add a little bit visualization techniques corresponding to the field what the user is using for.


I don’t know if this is the right place but I finally came up with my ideal titles.

Genesis is the closest thing already but I do plan on making an LBFH/Ascension custom. That’s going to be my next custom to start the year pending any big surprises! Which there are always a few around the corner around here.

The other title that I will probably custom as well is Chosen/Mogul. I just think those two would be a phenomenal fit rather and an upgrade and new take on Ascended Mogul. Plus it would be like a prep for those not quite ready for HOM.

Those are my plans for the next couple years ideally. My planned path anyway. I’ll probably sneak in Primal and/or Wanted Black at some point maybe for summer time.