Q Modules Requests

One specifically for developing a better memory in general. Not as big as quantum limitless or limitless, and not as general as IQ and Cognitive Booster. Just something to develop all types of memory, including remembering names (which I commented earlier)

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That stuff is in Limitless

Is limitless a Q core or is it available as a module? I always like the idea of a more specific module version of something broader like Limitless.

This one may have been mentioned here before but I feel like this would be such a gamechanger. Helping you to commit to your custom and avoid switching your stack.

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A module to let you study in bed without falling asleep, especially when it’s cold.

Awaiting Virtuoso, the sales copy is already perfectly composed :slight_smile:


I love this idea. I think it would be a huge hit in the Q store!

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More “Romance and Sex” modules :slight_smile:

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The one that gets you back on the study table and brave the cold.


A module that focuses directly on dominating social settings (like group settings for example) becoming the center of attention and the person all other want to speak to. Maybe also interwoven with slight healing that helps you embrace the needed qualities like for example being able to easily initiate conversations with strangers.

EDIT: Something like this would be just incredible. A module that makes you more social is truly missing in the q-store.


Extreme Study Motivation, similar with Extreme Exercise Motivation module :slight_smile:


A/SPS: Body Odor

A module that increases your natural pheromone production, changes your body odor, heals bad breath and making women wanna kiss you just because you smell so nice, and - if you are really crazy - improve the taste of your sperm.


Mental resilience and extreme willpower module


Second this request. You could call the module Grit


Module for not getting bored by your habits aka. routine work. Do the habit on day 30 with as much enthusiasm as on day 1.


A module that brings dead loved ones to your dreams so you can communicate with them. To help you grieve, make peace with the loss and move on.


You manifested this one man!

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Dude your great suggestion made it to the Q store. Love how SubClub truly listens to our requests and makes them into reality.


Optimal Breathing module

A module designed to make you breath better and more efficiently, increasing the oxygen in the body to the most desired levels. You will find yourself to taking deep breaths through the nose - eliminating unhealthy mouth breathing - even in stressful or fear-inducing situations. (During high intensity training you will be guided to breath optimally for better cardiovascular performance so you can become truly inexhaustible.)

EDIT: How cool would it be when furthermore this module would also help you hold your breath underwater for longer periods, so you can explore the beauty of the sea and life underwater when diving.


A module for reclaiming and embracing the innocence of the child. A quality we entered this world with(tabula rasa), and that we bartered away for temporary things, things we cannot bring with us when we leave this reality. This is the innocence we all know when looking into the eyes of a very small child. Combine this with an emotinally stable adult and see what happens…

Maybe called Innocence? :slight_smile:

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