Q Modules Experiences

I’m toying with this one in my Khan Custom, and I do like it, just a smoosh of that danger, not much but noticeble. Very early still but…

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Many of the subs include an element of temptation, Wanted is big on that already, so if I had to choose one, I would go with Earthshaker. You’re definitely considered to be a higher status person by the people who see that there are people who turn around to look at you with so much attraction. What I experienced was not the typical head turning women get. This was really intense, it was almost like a celebrity status. They were attracted to me before they even saw me.

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I have edge of danger combined with temptation and intensity aura in a ZPT2 custom. They have all combined to give me the most sexually charged aura I have ever had and experienced. Women have touched me casually more and more since starting this custom; and I’m talking about women I have just met. Dirty innuendos and invasion of personal space are a regular thing as well. The phrase you used, Sexually intense, is the best way to put it. Looks of pure lust and women indirectly escalating everywhere.In regards to answering your question I can’t isolate any specific module because my whole custom was geared towards this effect. It has definitely worked though (and those modules definitely contribute). Perhaps too well.


How is ZPT2 treating you? More reconciliation than ZP? What is your listening schedule?

Would you share what is included in your custom?

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ZPT2 is remarkably smooth. No recon. Tons of results. I’m listening every other day combined with renaissance man.

If you look on my profile I’m running the sub idea I posted on the zero point custom thread. I didn’t change anything from that original post.


Can you give me a review of Ethereal Presence pls?


Review of Wayfinder and Stress Displacement please

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I have been listening to my custom two times. One only 5 minutes (not much to say about that) and the second time 15 minutes.
After 15 minutes of listening to the next day, I was unusually chill and alfa.

Not that kind of Alfa like the man of the top of the world, but normal alpha. But what especially caught my attention was that unusual calm attitude which I think comes from Lion. Not only that my speech was way better and my reactions were just very chill and not needy.

I am not writing much about my experiences because mine is not that bombastic like from Invictus or Saiyan4Blue or Elme but maybe I will get there at least for 10% :slight_smile:

I am not sure if it’s the Lion IV or something else.
Also, temptation changed my style in how I responded to woman colleague. Was more mysterious and funny.

My custom by the way.

A/SPS: Organs
Carpe Diem Ascended
Financial Success Reality Shifter
Furious Ascent
Fusion Optimized
Joie de Vivre
Lion IV
The Architect



Here you’ll find reviews of certain modules that people have previously used.

Sounds just like the type of feeling and effect the Lion IV module triggers within you.

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Guys, which module would you say is best to keep others from “asking too many favors”?

You see, it’s not a bad thing to do favors for others, but a certain type of people keep asking and get to the point where all they do is ask favors instead of actually doing things themselves, and I really dislike that.

Like today I got a call from someone (an old “friend”; haven’t talked to in 2 years, didn’t even invite me to his engagement) asking me to “find” him a job somewhere, as if I’m a recruitment agent or something, and the thing is it’s technically my fault for how I used to be in the past (too nice, always helping out, etc.), but honestly it gets on my nerve when people use it as an excuse to keep “asking” instead of “doing”.

Any modules come to mind?

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Limiting people remover ?
Or modules to go through negative stuff ?

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I thought about this, fearsome, ebon maneuver, and fenrir, but here’s the thing:

These people don’t have bad intentions, they just don’t want to take accountability, and if I decline their “requests”, then it leaves a stain on my “reputation”, if that makes sense.

Like today I told the guy “I’ll see, but no promises”, a normal person would realize that I’m nicely declining, but these type of people see it as “omg yes man, I will do everything in my power to help you, even if it cost me my own job/success/relationships”.

Maybe something like “the boundary” could help?

And if yes, then anyone have any experiences with that?

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Have you tried the “F–k Off” module? It really works wonders, you’ll be telling hanger-ons to f–k off in no time :wink:


Well along limiting people remover
You can add ARES - FEEBRUS or yeah absolutely the boundary

But just saying no you don’t have time and the energy to do something he can is okay
You could asked him what did he do on his side concretely to find one and what astuce you could give him

I prefer to guide those people and if they eat too much time yeah, just no I have other things to do, I’ll tell them I need time for myself simply

In the end it all depend on how you handle those type of guys
Obviously you’re being tested and will need to find your proper type of answers for this kind of leech because they’ll keep coming


I think in my case, the reason I don’t do that directly is because of 2 things:

  • reputation (as I mentioned)
  • the casual effects of that “F**K off” (last time I was cutthroat, it affected my dad’s work)

And here’s a thing these type of people have a thick skull because if you help them once, they become leeches, and while I’m really not the nicest person you’d ever meet, I was also taught to always try and have the “giving hand” than the “asking hand”, but I’m beginning to see that my “giving hand” is giving me headaches now :man_facepalming:t2:

The way I used to do it (up until a few months ago) was by completely destroying their self esteems, making them see how lowlife they are, so that they can get the self-awareness to become better, but that is not the best way to go about things.

For example: there used to be a guy I was friends with, a few months back, and this guy always complained about how he can’t get chicks and stuff, and asked me multiple times to set him up with someone, and he kept going on and on (because I’m always surrounded by chicks), but when it got too annoying, this is what I told him:

Listen man, you’re an unsuccessful and lazy piece of fat shit, you have no ambition, no goals, nothing going on for you in life, you call yourself a powerlifter but it’s just an excuse to keep your tiny fragile ego from breaking, because you know you’re nothing but a lazy fatass, and I didn’t even say anything about your personality yet, but honestly, even if your mom was alive, she would have killed herself because of the virus she brought in this world.

And well, yeahhhh…. Don’t wanna go back there.

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Well that escalated quite a bit.

You can be to-the-point, honest and direct, without having to take personal shots. If you’re in the right (and it clearly looks like you are), ad hominem attacks do nothing but make yourself look bad.

I think this is the best way to go about it. If that person continues to pester you, you make it clear that you can’t promise anything and he will be better off pursuing the results for himself if he needs something ASAP. You can’t control the way they perceive things, so you shouldn’t concern yourself with them thinking that you’re doing everything in your power to help.

No one ever said not to lend a helping hand, if anything it is commendable and recommended (within the context of religion, definitely), but never to your own detriment.


That was louder than a fuck off
His soul left his body :trophy:

Yeah mister learn the in between :rofl:

The “Listen man you’re obviously only talking and not trying enough, you’re emptying myself from energy and precious time I will never recover” or the classical “Don’t have time anymore I’m busy can’t you tell ?” are a little bit smoother

You can construct once and far all a program to become good and and how to get a decent job you send the pdf each time someone ask you something

Put some good quotes and that’s it you got the magic self-improvement pill and if they’re smart enough they’ll get something from it

Or direct them toward greater people than you or gurus even better
That’s called flow :ok_hand:t2:

Let them leech someone else :joy:

Also @bombayduck

That feels fitting yeah :point_up:t2: :ok_hand:t2:


And that’s the thing, when I try to help and I feel like they’re just going on and on, my tongue let’s loose.
Like the guy today, he kept calling me during a meeting, then after that I called him to see what’s up, then he told me that he’d like some help finding a job here because he wants to leave his country and expand in his career, so I said “I’ll see, but no promises”, and wanted to hang up because I had another meeting, instead he was like “please man, don’t just ditch me, you need to help me”.

Now, wanna know what was in my head? I have more self control so I obviously didn’t say it, but this guy lost his father at a very young age, lives with a single mother and disabled older brother, and while I sympathize with him, the reply in my head was “dude, I’m not the reincarnation of your father to be looking after you like this”.

Guess my main issue is that I suck at creating healthy boundaries, and while yeah, I do have a very sharp tongue, it’s only because of them that my tongue “slips”.

Ahahaha and then end up being the one who caused the headaches for others :rofl:?
If they didn’t help, I’m the one who’s gonna have to deal with it eventually.

Now, from analyzing my own answers as well, it seems like I could do with the following:

  • The boundary
  • Fearsome (@friday @Yazooneh how would this do?)
  • Fenrir (I feel like this might stop me from holding back with the replies I stopped recently).
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The more you talk about the guy the more I pity him you should’ve stayed at his taking my time away
Now you’ve pictured yourself as the not so good guy :joy:

Now you make me worried with Fenrir in your list of choice

I see it go 2 ways :
either you keep your patience and do some help with him and then gently tell him to do his part - Chosen type
OR yeah just become the beast of relentlesness, but beware you might act too quickly some times and seing what you’re able to tell in the face of people you might create hatred, but if you don’t mind then by all mean go for FENRIR but you’ll have to face the consecquences - khan mode