Q Modules Experiences

Go for it. King’s Radiance is something otherworldly. Whatever they used in that one, I want more of it.

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Care to review?
Invictus said it was better than gloryseeker and somehow similar.

Ever entered a room and had that strange feeling where the very scattered atoms swimming in the air seem to stand still? Where the workers in the store would terminate their motion in the tracks only to look at your direction, followed by shoppers taking glances at the reason why they stopped?

Happens every time when I enter this specific store because we know each other by name (thanks to SB). These are just your everyday workers from poor countries, where many lowlives would look down upon them because they’re from the country side. After getting Kings Radiance, it feels like they’re addressing someone kingly, I see shyness, compliments and this look of awe in their iris.

Something strange happened last week at that store; of the men in there said something along the lines of “By God, I swear that whenever you come into the store it’s like there’s a light about you” it took me by surprise for a brief mental moment. We all share pleasantries, hand shakes and such, but this one was strange and unexpected. I’m not on love bomb or RoS

Aside from that, when I’m talking to someone, face to face, or otherwise, it’s like we’re taken into our own little splice of time. Nothing romantic, and folks offer extra helpful information and services. It has an effect on every hat and outfit. Wherever they might fall on the social ladder.

Always remembered. It also helps with developing that king archetype, at least I think I do. I’ve also observed that when I would imagine what kind of King I’d be and treat others the same as in my imagination, I’d get more out of it – the type of ruler that cares about their people, that kind of kingship. Also, I notice my seating changes on some chairs when feasible, something similar to the artwork. At that moment, the module pops in my mind, more often if I was running primal.

It goes much deeper and wider than what I wrote down here, an absolute masterpiece of a module.

It’s one of the modules that I’d add whenever possible, personally. 10/10

Edit: it’s definetly different than Glory seeker and SB fame. It adds this deep connection with others that is quick to bond between you and thems, and is imbued for other times. It’s as if you are in the Royal Courts addressing a King, there’s this sort of reverence that can be sensed and witnessed in their eyes. It sometimes feels like it’s something spiritual and esoteric.


Thanks man, great review. Very clear.

Is Deus really a staple module in most customs, and how beneficial has it been?

Is it true that for some, adding this makes it to become or feel like a terminus strength sub?


Anyone with experience with Aphrodite?


Gratitude Embodiment:

This one has been really great so far. Started off with small things, being grateful for the little family I’m building, appreciating things while out in nature, etc.

The past week I’ve been going through the heaviest recon I’ve had in a long time, and a lot of challenges emotionally as well as externally. It was a lot to deal with, but then took a moment this morning to express gratitude for the challenges that are unfolding, as while they have been difficult, they’ve also brought awarness to areas of my life I didn’t know I needed to work on, this was a very powerful reframe for me and a much more empowering ways of looking at the same situation.


Anyone have any experience with submodel alpha and mastermind?

Instant Spark is great for performances and large social gatherings with a lot unknowns.

Undivided attention and lots of heads turning towards you.


So that’s the magic formula :wink::+1:

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It definitely helps. If you want real magic combine Instant Spark with King’s Radiance.


Might be a trailer effect, but Machine Totality helps formidably with procrastination on the first listening day. Working as intended.


on day 7 of washout,today ,every one seems to be overly nice to me…people are giving me advices without me asking and extending their generosity to me for no reason…I went to a grocery store,the owner‘s child….a toddler looked at me like I am a great stature or something…he was in awe…I felt like he is about to salute to me…lol….I am guessing…it is the synergetic effect of king‘s radiance and ethereal presence in my ASBR custom …. :smiley: :smiley:


Anyone have experiences with Fenrir, Raikov, purity without, All seeing, furious ascent, and gentlemen speech?



There are some good reviews on modules in this thread.

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Approachability Aura seemed to make my nipples hard more often… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Yes, but is that helping you with being approached?

Honestly I’m not sure, maybe :thinking: the question is does the module make you appear more approachable or make you feel more approachable? Maybe the former.