Q Module Questions

Hi guys

Just wanted to know how do you get to the Q store?

I’ve just signed to the forum so forgive me if this in the wrong place or if I don’t know where anything is right now



And what banner was at the top of the forum? Was it the Q store announcement with the link to it on pretty much the first line?

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Yeah I literally saw it after I refreshed out of the thread lmao

Thanks bud I’m gonna take a look now!

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Does Khan Q ST 1 core include total breakdown?


Khan St1 Is total breakdown :wink: go look up the description on the official website my friend.

I thought it was Khan ST 1 core + total breakdown(i am module).

So is there a difference between I am module and Khan ST1 core?

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Khan St1 also has the basic Khan script :wink: it is just focus and called “total breakdown”.

They created the I am module because people wanted the “breakdown” part of Khan St1!


This gets me wondering as to specifically how the Khan St1 module and the “I Am” module differ and if it makes sense to put both of them into the same Q build.

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Fire said not to worry so much about overlaps.

Well if “I Am” can do the work of “Khan ST1” then it means I could extend the stack by replacing it with another module or even a different major program module like the “Ascension”.

I guess it all depends on your goals like if the goals of I Am seem more important then it could be better to stack it in there since it would make it more powerful, but if ascension is more important then for sure go with that instead.

Hey @Fire & @SaintSovereign congratulation on releasing the Q-store, I feel this is a major step in the positive direction in relation to subliminal development — subliminal club is literally light-years ahead of any other business in the industry.

For the purpose of having a reference, do you mind sharing which modules combine together to make Stark?

I’ve took a little sneak-peak at the Q-store and am surprised at how many different amounts of personalisation there is available. Are all of these modules new or are most of them taken out of the pre-released major subliminal’s, such as Khan, Emperor, Stark? Identifying with modules from past subliminal use would very useful when deciding which modules to go for.

Obviously it depends on one’s goals. It also depends on efficient use of the the module limits and the money one can spend.

What I’d really like to know is how “I Am” specifically differs from Khan ST1 and if “I Am” can do the fundamental work of ST1 as effectively as ST1 does it, which it seems most agree is breaking down dysfunctional aspects of the self in order to prepare for a process of rebuilding.

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I think the “Core” they are referring to is honestly the whole sub for the most part except for maybe emperor

That’s a bummer but thanks for the info

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Thank you @Fire for the great response. Helped a lot!

Would be great if we could have this information for all the subs, not just Stark.

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If T powered 2 is so intense on everything, then what is it its purpose? Who and where is it used?
For users that run something 1-2+ years?
For set of programs that focus on very few modules?

@fire @SaintSovereign

If i chose Emp core would i have to add Mogul, ascension, and sex mastery to get the full emp product?

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