Q Module Questions

Being thankful or engaging in acts of kindness will help you tap into the naturally abundant forces within the cosmos.

There is a Results Enhancement module called Jupiter…

Jupiter is also the planet of Luck and Good Fortune. Honestly I didn’t think much of the Jupiter Module, it doesn’t really describe much of it’s execution. It might be a profound and effective manifestation module though, who knows. Out of all manifestation modules I personally prefer Yggdrasil.

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What makes you prefer Yggdrasil over Omnidimensional?

The word ‘Jupiter’ and the Jovial energy was already enough for me. Was basically no way I was not going to include it in my stack.

But the same was true of ‘Yggdrasil’. I was excited about a module called Yggdrasil before I ever saw the description.

Saint and Fire really chose names that hit my buttons.

Here, to recap, are the descriptions:

from Yggdrasil: …the pathways will become numerous and wide. You will notice the most unlikely positive circumstances and opportunities manifesting to help you with your goals.

from Jupiter: …If we develop our ability to manifest more powerfully and more consciously, we will unlock heights we couldn’t even dream of. This is what control over your reality is truly about, and that is what the Jupiter module delivers.

Now, I’m sure that there’s more to these modules than just the 2-3 sentence descriptions, but even from these, we can see a contrast if we look carefully.

Yggdrasil opens the doors and gates of manifestation wider, deeper, more extensive. Like a great tree with far-reaching roots. Keywords: Power. Reach. Breadth.

Jupiter, in contrast, develops our ability to direct and shape manifestation. The description suggests greater mastery of the manifestation process. Keywords: Control. Mastery. Agency. Influence.


How would you contrast Jupiter to Divine Will?

Hahaha! I included that one too. :smile:

For Divine Will, one of my keywords would be ‘Soul’. It’s like tuning an old-style radio so that the signal comes through strong and clear. In this case, the signal is your Soul’s signal. The voice of your True Will. Clear, Bright, Unmuddled.

One module that feels close to that one (in my mind) is I AM. They can work in tandem. I AM clears the internal rubble and debris that blocks the expression/awareness of that True Will.

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You should do one of these descriptions for each of the modules you have in your custom :smile:


I do not, I just didn’t account for it as it is mandatory in every Custom I make, same goes for Deus. They’re to valuable not to have as a module.

I included Joie De Vivre in my second custom. I have Ego Adsum in my first. Not sure how they compare to Jupiter but I was or am a bit done with going to bed or waking up anxiously dreading the day ahead. I also have Attachment Destroyer and Rogue in my first as well as Lion IV , Iron Frame, and Total Nonchalance in my second.

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I also have Negativity Shifter in my second custom as I have to at present deal with quite a bit of criticism from an obviously incredibly miserable person and instead of allowing it to bother me I would rather let it become determination and motivation

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I was discussing with @GoldenTiger bruv over pm. We came to the conclusion that it we want to see faster results it might make sense to reduce the number of cores to a single one. If i remember correctly Saint was saying the cores are absorbed first before the licensed modules. So if this is the case keep the cores to singles for the 1st month observe results and add in another core later.

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Imagine you had a very POWERFUL light, capable of burning through anything. Which would cause quicker damage – focusing that light like a laser, or diffusing the light so it spreads over a large area? Which would cause wider effects?

A custom sub with a narrow focus will generate quicker results, but only deals with a specific issue. A custom with a wide focus will take longer to manifest results, but will (generally) change your life in a much more profound way.


Does Aura of Craving help win business deals?

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On Lion IV, just a hunch but reading the copy immediately made me think this is “Obama in a module” :slight_smile: Lion = Leo and IV == the 44th pres?

“Calm, nonchalant, focused, dedicated. The Lion module is about creating a sense of relaxed mastery in you. You will notice yourself becoming so relaxed, but at the same time an unshakable sense of power will be coursing through you. You will also massively develop your social abilities, your wit, your composure, your body language, and you will see your status steadily rising as you become more and more in tune with the Lion.:”


What about 2-3 customs subs, focused on different issues? How would that compare to a custom with a wide focus?

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Considering it’s in the “Romance and Seduction” session, I doubt so, but I’m all for @Fire to surprise me.

That would be interesting if you make them goal-oriented, otherwise I don’t really see the point. You’ll be getting reconciliation nonetheless, although you do have the ability to spread out your intake.

Basically, the amount of energy at your dispense equals the power level you’re able to handle, minus the reconciliation between your external and your internal.

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I think it would be like stacking for example primal and spartan. You would get results but remarkable results would be observed in a few months.


Considering what @SaintSovereignsuggested for broader effects , this appeals me more , this is like base custom sub touching different avenues of life like sex , money , status and spirituality ,
I ordered one custom with multiple cores , like QL , EoG , stark and other modules related to romance on terminus level
I will be making this as my base sub running atleast for year to observe broader and profound effects . Another custom now I will order witj more focused goals and I can play them as per my needs .

Also do you think more modules would be added anytime soon in Q store


That’s what I meant, goal-oriented.