Q Module Pack #7: TITANIUM - Available Now!

Way of ROI would pair nicely with Furious Ascent (take more risks) and The Forge (life will be a series of challenges that makes you stronger) as modules that encourage you to make big goals.


How do Wayfinder and Wisdom Personified differentiate (in regards to decision-making)?


Wayfinder, to me, is not only about decisions. It’s like an internal compass. Or a Geiger counter. Or one of those metal detectors that old treasure hunters use on the beach.

Like hearing the distant sounds of music in the distance, that enables you to find your way towards the party.

Wayfinder feels more open-ended to me.

Wayfinder strengthens your intuitive senses, making it easy to find what you seek and to discover what you didn’t even know you were seeking.

Wisdom Personified seems to be about distilling insights, principles, and experiences in order to more skillfully “read” and understand the world, situations, and people.


I really love all of these modules.

And I admire their creators.


I know what you’re thinking

“Doesn’t this mean not enough adversity to actually grow as a person?”

As you know, I am a big fan of struggle, adversity, and thus growth through FIRE and PAIN.

Yet, it says path of LEAST resistance. Not “no” resistance.

Like, if you build a business, there’s still A TON of shit to learn and grow along the way, but it will help you to not waste time and energy going into the wrong direction for your business.

At least, this is how I see it. In which case it is actually a fantastic module.

In what way is Voice Master different from Emperor’s Voice?

I suppose EV has a predefined “direction” of where the voice should go? And Voice Master will help you to create the voice in whatever kind you want?


@Sebastian_Po Aren’t you a singer?



Regarding Marvel of Engineering, what kinds of engineering? Does this include computer programmers?


@AlexanderGraves what’s your take on Organization Perfected?

I have so many powerful modules where I decided NOT to include them in my custom like Ares, Rebirth, Rogue etc.

And then comes this module… it sounds so simple, so beautiful. Something is drawing me to it (I am definitely struggling with keeping my environment clean and neat haha) and it reminds me of Steve Job’s philosophy…

But is it actually worth it?

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Niiiiiice. I love the business-focused ones! :money_mouth_face:

TBH I was wishing for a dedicated “inner peace” module, from Sage… maybe in the next pack? :sweat_smile:


yeah,thanks,I already incorporated it into my future custom Q and ultima…I am so excited…

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Depends on what you want to do.

It’s a wealth module.

If you want to attract good into your life, you first need to remove the bad.
I.e. you always see homes of rich people being clean, neat, and orderly. People who have their life fucked up live in a mess. In cluttered homes.

Wealth thrives in order. Chaos is a mess.

“Cleanliness is godliness.”

However, what I find interesting about this module is this part:

ensure that the environment around you is perfectly clean and organized for your success, as well as your mental space through Organization Perfected.

A clean, structured and organized mind.

This is what draws me most about this module!


All the best on your custom journey .
Please post the modules once its done and your goals if possible.

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Let’s just say that these two will be in my new personal custom. :wink:


Keep in mind that you don’t have to rebuild an existing custom to include these modules. You can build an Ultima for use as a booster / complement for the customs you have already. So, if you’re happy with your current custom, but there’s new modules that catch your eye, consider creating an Ultima booster build.


Creating ultimas that can help boost my stack at the point I’ll be at is actually good. Still don’t know if I will during a give year I like to lock in my module choices then use that all year

Ya’ll overthinking it. We say take action all the time, but action and high difficulty are NOT mutually exclusive. Society has conditioned us that we HAVE to go through tons of fire and pain to grow and if you succeed without going through that, you’ve somehow “sold out.” I actually had a good friend that I ended up dropping because he kept railing on about how running subliminals is “just a shortcut,” which is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. When did deliberately taking the “hard road” when you have access to help become a virtue?

The Way of ROI does not eliminate ALL adversity. It simply illuminates an easier way to achieve your financial goals. It opens doors, generates ideas and manifests things that improves your ROI.

Don’t get caught in the myth of “grind culture.” We tell you to take action, not grind 19 hours a day until your health falters. And yes, I know I’m being a bit of a hypocrite there, because I have a tendency to work until exhaustion, but I’m adding The Way of ROI to my personal subliminals for that reason.


I’m planning to create a light custom to clarify (or find) my material/wealth path and purpose in life. Could Way of ROI be a good addition here, or is it mostly intended for people who have already found their path?

@Meng123 I think this might be another archive. Would you please?

It does both. Those who have already found their path will probably see quicker results since those pathways to manifestation are already open, but this will help open doors also. Stack it with something like “Wayfinder” and a results enhancer (like Jupiter) for some crazy manifestation results.