Q Module Pack #7: TITANIUM - Available Now!

It was the module that appealed to me the most. It was a weirdly synchronicitous offering since I have just been working on that exact area. Due to a variety of reasons (all of them spelled H A B I T), I often create unnecessary difficulties for myself and overlook opportunities, resources, or options that are available and open.

Working and moving smarter is a skill that would benefit me highly.

hmmm…now that I think of it, this module reminds me of @Simon. He works smart. Don’t know if you’d be interested in this one, Simon, or if you’re already satisfied in that area. Hmm…@Hoppa too.

Anyway, for me, personally, that’s a quality that would really help. I bet this would be good for @James too. I think we’re both interested in using our time, effort, and energy wisely and effectively.


@friday - ROI (Return on Investment) refers to the amount that is returned due to one’s Investment. Basically profit.

The Way of ROI is, I believe, a way to multiply the effect of your effort in a particular custom.

In a physical shifting custom, it might need less effort to get more attractiveness.

In a wealth custom, you might be led to methods that require to invest the least amount of money to later get back huge rewards.

That was my initial impression of the module.

There is Index Gate specifically for programming and coding. But am sure adding both Index Gate and Marvel of Engineering would help software engineers even more


Are those new modules included in (or derived from) Sage maybe?


Ahh dude I was thinking about you when I saw that. All good with all the money you’re making from your current custom it’ll be easy to rebuild with the Sales module soon enough :wink:


Pretty sure tailored versions of ROI+Lines+Wisdom are in Sage Immortal.

This was what I called “Subjective Clarity Shortcuts,” while @Invictus named it “Google Maps for the Brain.”

These are why I was waiting for the Pack Release before finalizing the Custom. :grin:

A lot of times people take up convoluted / seemingly sophisticated paths to their goals, instead of simple / straightforward ones. Maybe because of fear, maybe bad ideas, whatever.

Modules like ROI, Lines, and Wisdom help you see that simple path – each in different ways, using your knowledge, experience, and reasoning. All done subconsciously, of course.


It’s pretty much a pillar in how I plan/strategize.

Ideation, my #1 CliftonStrength, is a constant seeking of Newtonian Inherent Simplicity in everything. 8020 Thinking makes it easier to find “the levers of reality.”

Wisdom is what I get paid for. Thinking and acting as a “Man of Sound Judgment” is an actual identity goal of mine. G4 New Dawn and Limitless used to help. Now, we got focused modules, thanks to SubClub.



Isn’t the visualization of Lines more going to be a conscious process?

Someone is creating a new custom :sunglasses:

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FIRST custom. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :joy:


I see some translation errors here, and if YOU are making them, some day some one else might too. So…

Goals vs Paths

I know you’re big on challenges, but Way of ROI will guide the user to the simplest paths to whatever goals they’ve set.

This module is NOT about choosing a challenging goal or a reasonable one; it is HOW to go about achieving it, without running into walls.

Good Judgement is about making Better Decisions, yes.

Everything you wrote after that were NOT examples of Decisions. :rofl:

You choosing to quit medical college was a decision, so was the one of going back.
Whether you should start the Health Center first, or go join Research Team before that, are decisions.

Decisions are subjective paths one takes based on their values, dreams, resources, etc.
Rarely are they conclusions of a rational research process.



The Organization Perfected one is strangely the one speaking to me the most. My house is a hot mess, as is my digital life, and I need to pull it all together. But I really don’t know what to pair it with other than Limitless or one of the QL’s. Any thoughts on modules to be synergistic in an Ultima dedicated to organization?

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Thanks for the clarification! This helped a lot :slight_smile:

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Same haha. I am going to include it into my Emperor custom.

Machine Action should give a great synergy

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Not that much. You may bring them to conscious awareness if you want, sure.

How do Omnidimensional or Submodel Alpha express for you?
I speculate this would feel similar.

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Never tried Submodel Alpha, so hard to comment that.

Actually I realized today that Omnidimensional might have a much more conscious presence than I anticipated.

Most of the work is happening subconsciously but you will most likely find yourself having some conscious visualizations from Lines during the day caused by subconscious triggers.

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Way of ROI would pair nicely with Furious Ascent (take more risks) and The Forge (life will be a series of challenges that makes you stronger) as modules that encourage you to make big goals.


How do Wayfinder and Wisdom Personified differentiate (in regards to decision-making)?


Wayfinder, to me, is not only about decisions. It’s like an internal compass. Or a Geiger counter. Or one of those metal detectors that old treasure hunters use on the beach.

Like hearing the distant sounds of music in the distance, that enables you to find your way towards the party.

Wayfinder feels more open-ended to me.

Wayfinder strengthens your intuitive senses, making it easy to find what you seek and to discover what you didn’t even know you were seeking.

Wisdom Personified seems to be about distilling insights, principles, and experiences in order to more skillfully “read” and understand the world, situations, and people.


I really love all of these modules.

And I admire their creators.