Q Module Pack #5 - Available Now!

Yo I’m hoping that something in there blows my knickers off and steals a good spot in my soon to come custom

Lemme run it by you quickly, that cool?

if your asking me-yea of course

I think you have shown your true colours you love bollywood movies :grinning:

Blackadder’s hero is actually Rajinikanth.

I will be content if Hero can make me even 10% of this man.


Lol. I was born in the land of bolywood :stuck_out_tongue: You have met me in person too dear Anil Chacha :wink:

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@mecharc is an indian :slight_smile:

Power to the indians and India.


First, we had songs about Hero. Now, this.

A moderator should move all these posts to the Not So Serious thread, or lurkers will think that HERO is about becoming a movie star. :blush:

And when will HEROINE release?
Or is our Hero unisex! :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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I am thinking that we can expect a pretty phat release in the next coming three days, what with the silence from Fire and Saint Sovereign.

If they include the testosterone human growth hormone enchancer it will be only for men.

Q Module Pack #5 is out now.



And once again you’ve made some of my custom plans totally irrelevant. lol. Thank you though, these modules look fantastic!

The obligatory question: If we have Paragon in a custom (or standalone) would these modules be redundant, or would it emphasize the results of a specific focus? (ie a shoulder or knee injury)


I fancy fat burn and hair. Never could grow a beard. Could it help?

Oops…I just had an awkward moment while checking out the new modules :see_no_evil:.

Edit: MARCH on to the road to Module Pack 6!

Anyway. Good Bye for now Subclub Fam! See ya again soon.


a custom fully focused on health: amazing!

question: does the sps:head module will also make your face more attractive and symmetric or it is purely for healing from injuries /brain damages?

Can this module make my hair THICK and STRAIGHT? @Fire



Thanks @Fire

Looks amazing

couple questions

  1. is there a limit or recommendation on how many of these we could effectively combine
    in a custom? Could we put them all in one custom for example?

  2. would/could A/SPS Hearing support non hearing loss related tinnitus due to eardrum retraction.

  3. In these models is the Eustachian tube considered secondary structure of either the ear system or the smell/nose system?


Brilliant work. Was right about different body parts related modules.

Which Main Core Module is recommender for these modules? Paragon? Emperor Fitness? Or an upcoming Hero Main Core?

Also, will Endocrine System and/or Reproductive system help in boosting testosterone? Was hoping for a separate Module for that



Is this finally the moment… I can create an ultima that targets erectile dysfunction?

SPS: Reproductive system = fix mental/physical ED problems? Or only physical? What does fixing the reproductive system mean from a male perspective?
SPS: Cardiovascular System = boost blood flow in general, resulting in firmer erections?

And I’d also chuck in SPS: Digestive System as I have issues with that when I’m under stress/pressure etc.

Sound like a good plan?

The possibilities with these modules are nigh-endless… I’m excited. :smiley:

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