Q Module Pack #10: Secrets of Alexandria

Was the art made with AI?


I never really thought about the art and who does it. But after seeing this module pack I’m pretty sure they’re AI generated.


I’m guessing this is in Emperor Black and easily explains my experience last week applying for a new professional license and this week organizing/filing my office paperwork.


What makes you think that?

would wheel of creation go well with void of creation?
is cosmic wealth more powerful than sultan and would these two keep the revenue coming?
why does Alexandria have the wealth tag?
what can i expect with formless clarity and single point in a custom?


@Brandon in case you didn’t see it, there is a Dance oriented module in this new module pack.

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Hey peeps, thanks for the tags. I’m on a cruise so my internet is horrific hence the lack of replies but I appreciate the tags for sure!

I was gonna ask for a dance sub but looks like the dance module may be in the EB custom I’m considering.


@Fire @SaintSovereign Hey, am I right to assume that with zero point you don’t even need the evolution/forge module? The way it works such that you may get the equivalent of 5-10 manifestations of challenges from the evolution/forge module, but it happens in “your head”/subconsciously. That’s what it seems to be the case from what I’ve observed, along with the “zero point pushes reality through you” saying. Or would said modules which are exclusively designed towards manifesting challenges be still incredibly useful?

Personally, I would find the challenge manifestation modules to not also just be super useful for growth but very entertaining, they would always search for the best possible outcome for you to manifest, it was like, you had a sort of control towards always pushing your life forward in a very glorious way. For me, it would always manifest as “taking charge” (your mind finding situations where you can take a leadership role, this was more Emperor), or becoming someone with the highest status in some sort of hierarchy (with constant manifestations that would build upon each other, this was more Khan), really fun stuff.

I hardly even caught a whiff of this, despite running Emperor ZP for 3+ months solo, :skull:.


Great questions. @Fire @SaintSovereign


When I read these questions, I thought the questions would be well-served by posting the Module Descriptions next to them. So I’ll do it myself.

(Keep in mind. when reflecting on the Module Descriptions: In general, there is one sentence in the description that aims to tell you exactly what the module does. This is usually the 2nd or 3rd sentence and it typically begins with the name of the module.)

[Edit: I’m going to re-read the descriptions and bold the parts that seem to capture the essences of the modules.]

Here we go:

Wheel of Creation

Creation is an endless mystery begging to be explored by the brave and the unafraid. Sprawling before our eyes is a universe of untold mysteries of being. If you have ever pondered upon the cycle of creation, upon life itself, then you know it’s secrets are not easily unveiled. Through Wheel of Creation, the doors have finally given way and granted access to the great enigma of creation. Uncover incredible secrets of the universe, of being, of the cycles within reality by adding Wheel of Creation to your custom. Finally, some spiritual traditions have very distinct knowledge about life, creation and its many cycles – Wheel of Creation helps you understand these mysteries on a deep, profound level. This is an advanced module recommended for advanced users only.

Void of Creation

What is the void, if not the limitless potential of the single point and of the infinite? Void of Creation is a module that aims to unlock your understanding of your inherent abilities and the underlying fabric of reality for the purpose of massively improving and cultivating your ability to manifest. Void of Creation is an excellent result-enhancing module to add to your custom, however please be advised that it is considered a more advanced module – we recommend having some previous experience with our customs.

Cosmic Wealth

Many are simply unable to imagine what true wealth looks like. It is a level of wealth that transcends understanding, for it is not simply buying anything you desire. It is a point of everything being as free as thinking. And even that, pales in comparison to what is truly possible. Cosmic Wealth is a module that juxtaposes wealth to a cosmic level, utilizing such juxtaposition to create the shattering of the illusions of limitation that we hold ourselves to in vain fear of what is possible. For the simple reason that for many such a level of wealth is unimaginable, Cosmic Wealth is an advanced module and hence recommended after finishing Ecstasy of Gold or multiple runs of Emperor. Finally, many spiritual individuals struggle with the necessity of material wealth – Cosmic Wealth is the perfect module to help you understand this seeming paradox.


Money, wealth, status. Sultan will help you develop your very own way of creating inconceivable amounts of wealth. It also works as a powerful manifestor of money, bringing more and more into your life. Status will rise in tandem with your wealth, allowing you to grow more and more economically. Being a Sultan means living in opulence, and this is what the Sultan creates out of you.


Our understanding is fluid, based upon numerous factors such as our knowledge, beliefs, mood, level of self-development and spiritual progression. And so, understanding can be changed and modified, and the texts we read and the ideas we partake in can be as malleable as clay. Alexandria is designed to consistently change, scramble and challenge your understanding of texts and ideas, allowing you to attain a greater grasp of the truths hidden within. Indeed, what you thought a book said previously will be different upon a new reading, or you will find completely new information. A perfect module to widen the horizons of your mind, opening it to greater possibilities and knowledge – especially useful to any analytical minds who thrive on creating patterns, systems and ideas out of information, for it allows untold knowledge to be synthesized. Will stack beautifully with Informaticon – one guides you to the necessary material, the other creates the fertile ground for you to grow new ideas and knowledge.

Formless Clarity

Have you ever wondered, who are you truly, beneath all the thoughts, beliefs, ideas? What would happen if your mind was truly empty, if you were completely clear? Formless Clarity pulls you into a journey of self-unloading, where all that which is extra is gently let go of, and you are allowed to tap into that purest sense of being without the buzz of thoughts, beliefs, ideas and even the ego – and then helping you bring that profound clarity into your day to day life. For anyone into practices that deal with the ego, Formless Clarity is the module for them. Works beautifully with modules such as Everpresent and The Flow.

The Single Point

We have worked with unbreakable focus in titles such as Limitless and Quantum Limitless – use The Single Point in your custom to develop specifically your focus and ability to remain in that zone of deep concentration. Utilize The Single Point when you desire that profound concentration on a single topic, be it during work, sports, or even meditation.


Same question !


Anyone using this module yet?

Im considering it for a custom after Im done with EOG in about 4 to 6 months. I would love to read reviews and results.

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I think @Pyro


It’s in my custom which is designed to essentially be EoG stage 5. Only ran it once, not sure if I could pinpoint results of that.

EoG in general, drastically changed how I felt about wealth. I used to have a very toxic relationship to it and have gotten so much better.


I used it in a test custom, and from what I can tell, the module is more about changing your perception and relationship with money on a spiritual level, and then work from there towards greater wealth.

The reason I like this, is because if you remember an issue I talked about before, which is how I just don’t respect money because of overly judging it as just a “mere tool”, leading me to just blow away money recklessly, and this module is perfect for those kind of beliefs to be reformed.

I would say if you add this with something like the way of ROI, then it would be an epic combo.

I know that @SaintSovereign is aware of my issue, and I’ve seen it being mentioned a couple times on the forum as well, so maybe it was one of the reasons it’s made :eyes:

But yeah, it’s basically like a spiritual liberation, but towards deeper wealth issues, that require much deeper changes compared to what’s available.


Good to know! Thats one of the main reasons I started EOG.

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I remember reading about that issue. Thanks for the detailed response.
I will definitely look into this module once Im done with this round of EOG.


So I have 4 of the new modules in a custom, which are:

  • Cosmic Wealth
  • Wheel of Creation
  • Sands of Time

And here’s something I just posted in my journal, which I consider to be just a tiny amount of the potential effect of the aforementioned modules;


Now you want me to make a custom with it… which I intended anyway, but I wanted to wait.
Because my biggest hang-ups around money ARE “because a spiritual person doesn’t need that earthly stuff”
I am getting better, but I do think some REALLY deep beliefs about that are still within me.


Haha I am keeping the module as my main replacement for The way of ROI, while that module helped me consciously make better decisions when buying stuff (I mean, I haven’t bought a strap or a case in over a month now :joy:), ultimately, getting better just on a conscious level isn’t enough, and if I target that recalibration of my money-and-me relationship to happen on a subconscious level, the rippling effect of it would be much better towards guiding my conscious action.

My biggest lesson from this module so far:

Believing money is just a tool is as bad as believing that money is the root of all evil, that’s not how it should be seen, instead you should just make peace with having money on a much deeper level.

If you believe you’re wealthy, regardless of the amount of liquid money you have on hand, that does a lot for you than you going out and buying expensive things to show off your wealth, or killing yourself (metaphorically) working in order to reach a specific amount of money to make yourself feel like you finally made it, cause once you believe that attaining a certain level of wealth is what will help you reach that “I made it” feeling, then you’re already positioning your thoughts in a way to make yourself subconsciously accept that it’s never enough, leading to you self sabotaging yourself in that aspect of your life.

The opposite holds true as well, if you’re a spiritual person and have worked on yourself to get over materialism, and somehow along the way you picked up the belief that money is low vibration and bad, well guess what, it’s not really gonna help you reach the level of wealth that you want, simply cause you’re deeply training yourself to stay away from having so much wealth and material goods, thinking that it’s root cause of all evil.

Don’t be obsessed with wealth, nor be repelled by it.
Accept it for what it is, and let it help you achieve your goals and desires when you need it to.