Potentially dangerous info on support page

Hi there, friends,

someone I referred subs to asked me if he should run the subs as much as possible because it says so on the website. I was confused about this, but indeed support page says up to 16 hours a day:

I guess this is outdated, because with Q and Qv2 I feel like this is not really the recommendation anymore?

I know some of you run Qv2 multiple times a day, but my gut feeling skimming through the forum says that most cannot handle many loops of it or stonewall quickly.

Maybe this needs a quick update or at least a different approach to running the subs (increase weekly)


Whoah. This page is giving legitimately problematic advice. Imagine if someone tried to run 16 loops of a Qv2 sub. It’s got to be changed. @SaintSovereign @Fire

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I dont see this link in support section of the site. how did he get to it?

It’s not a direct link on the page, you need to use the search to acces it.

“How long” in Search bar


Gives you this result, with the link mentioned above.


Tagging @SaintSovereign

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You might’ve saved a life


In case Saint doesn’t come online before @Fire, @DarkPhilosopher or @RVconsultant, here’s some extra attention.

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The instruction suggests to start slowly, therefore I don’t see any issue in here, unless some users thought they knew better than the general recommendations.

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Good catch, thanks.

Updated with proper info.


That’s a good point, and up until recently I think people could have assumed that people would read the instructions.

But unfortunately as a recent customer demonstrated so very clearly, not everyone even checks the instructions :confused: even when multiple people, including staff, point it out to them.

I do agree with you that there probably wouldn’t be an issue though, as @Rusty1 and @Liquidfire said, you had to go looking looking for that link.

But I doubt Fire and Saint want to leave even that chance of a liability out there.


I suppose we would have to create instructions “for dummies” since people who are new to the club may get confused on crucial matters. Also, the sales page are often written for “us”, the “old elite” who know the “lingo”.

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I hadn’t noticed this, in what way? I haven’t noticed acronyms like SM, or RM or EQ on the sales page before, or do you mean in another way?

I meant rather the concepts and general knowledge related to SC subs than the acronyms.
For example (Stark):

Created with our revolutionary, A.I.-powered Q platform and incorporating the latest scripting technological advancements, StarkQ is a subliminal like no other. It’s more than just a “combination” of our earlier titles. We upgraded elements of Limitless, Emperor, Daredevil, Primal Seduction: Iron Throne, etc. and created 75+ of pages of exclusive scripting, tailoring those scripts to meet the specific goal of turning you into a billionaire, genius playboy (or girl — yes, it can be used by everyone).

If I was a newbie the strong sentence would tell me nothing (unless I bothered to read those titles sales pages but even then) about the mechanics of Stark. There’s much more examples I don’t bother to mention, sorry.

Our instructions contain some concepts that may be difficult to understand for newbies too.

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Look at Ascension for Women:

What would you make of it as a newbie? Only some general introduction and a list of the modules.

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Ahhh, yes, I see what you mean looking at Stark.

As for AfW, I didn’t realize the sales page was so… Barely there for that one :o

Yeah, looking at the module list reminded me of looking at Emperor when I first started with these and being excitedly overwhelmed.

What’s a core? Why is this the same price at $35 when it contains all of these other titles, like Ascension? Supreme Rebirth? Is that Rebirth in here? I guess I don’t need to buy Rebirth?"

The forum is the only way to clear all of that up, perhaps that’s an oversight.

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Crap, I meant to get this in the last post. AfW is one of the least confusing ones, all it has that I’d wonder about when I started is the cores and what the difference between them was.

Definitely, it should be explained in a more accessible way. The instructions too.

I have a small list of things that I wish were better explained with these products, but I also understand why they can’t be more directly answered by the guys. To give an old example of one that’s been answered, but I saw many, many questions about: what is exactly in the core for customs? There was a time I saw someone ask this once a week at least.

The answer is obvious, but only cuz we’ve been around here: it contains the core scripting required for the functioning of that particular sub :man_shrugging:t4:

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We just rewrote the instruction manual, from scratch, adding about 30+ pages of information and content. We literally made it about as easy as it can get to start listening.

Using subliminals this powerful requires reading, asking questions and experimentation. If someone isn’t willing to dedicate a day looking at the material, honestly, I’m not sure if we want them as a customer. Look at what just happened with the recent customer who refused to read the instructions. He frustrated everyone and wasted our time.


That’s a fair point. All of us could learn it so everybody should be able to learn that (the usage) too provided they’re willing but the next generation is more… visual and critical and abstract thinking is their Achilles heel. How to prevent them from becoming your customers then? You can expect more cases like the one you mentioned in the future, I guess.