Poll: Introvert or Extrovert?

“I’m kind of both” are probably introverted. I might be wrong, but I wouldn’t expect many extroverted types to spend significant time on internet forums like this one. Maybe setup a poll, “what MBTI personality type are you?” if it’s possibly to add that many options to one poll. That would be interesting to see.

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Everybody is BOTH.

The question is: WHAT do they do in an Introverted fashion, and what in Extroverted?

You need to study about Cognitive Functions.


Also, we can ALL do each of these functions.
The question then, is of Default Tendency / Preference.



Guys, what do you think of Enneagrams?

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Wait I misclicked. Im an extrovert. I voted I’m an introvert now I can’t change it.

Classic scatterbrained extrovert mistake. Gawd.


You can change it. Just click show vote

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Stupid extrovert stuff. Talking before thinking. It’s how you know It’s true


I wish Saint and Fire would take this test… I don’t want to tag them, because they’re busy with ZP…I suspect saint is an extrovert… and fire… maybe a “classic” Introvert…

:asterisk: :asterisk: Search And You Shall Find :asterisk: :asterisk:


From Feb 2019:

And 4 hours before your post:



You have searched and you have found! Thanks bro.

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I am an INTP, but it never gels with me to put myself into any box, like “INTP”, as I am so so so much more than a few letters and functions…and I have developed my emotional side more and I am an amazing actor that is good at getting into character to play a role :smirk_cat:

then I go back to being a hermit and enjoying my own company on deep levels.

I have no friends, just acquaintances. Mainly because I don’t like frivolous attachments and to be true, I don’t even know what a friend is? The closest thing would be my girlfriend and she is my best friend.


I like to think of these things like being right handed/left hand/ ambidextrous. I’m “right handed”, but I also use my left hand a lot. I don’t walk around with an atrophied left hand… Think of it as being tendency or leaning…

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Sorry to be crude but I use to only masturbate with my dominant hand which was my right hand and at some point many years ago I decided to switch and only use my left hand to masturbate (because It felt different, like someone else’s hand haha lol) and many years later of using left hand only, I can no longer use my right hand to masturbate because it don’t feel right (no pun intended), it just doesn’t do it for me.

The moral of the story, you can become whoever you want because of neuroplasticity and shit.

I also found that when I thought I was a different type in the past because different tests gave different results, I could easily start morphing into that type because I believe and think I am that type.

What you think, feel and believe about yourself and your reality is far more important. Always make sure they are pointing towards what you prefer, than what you don’t prefer.


:rofl: I guess you want to achieve true hemispheres integration by changing hands? :slight_smile: no offence, indeed it hilarious.


Extrovert in the sense that I rather have external stimulations to distract myself from myself. Don’t feel like “thinking” just wanna “being”.

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Interesting, I thought there’d be more introverted -extroverts.

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I was thinking it would be good to have a map of the programs to MBTI types. I think that could be very illuminating for choosing most the beneficial programs.

Introvert yet always felt energized for many hours after social events. Chosen is bringing out the Extrovert in me. I’m really happy about this.


I’m pretty sure some DNA tests tell you if you’re introverted or extroverted. It would be cool to see if that would change with subliminals.

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Not really.

SC subs work with the user’s nature / being; they don’t force qualities. I’m pretty sure that a major part of why Saint & Fire are investing so much energy on Zero Point, was to make their products even more true-to-the-user than the Q scripts were.

Such mapping would not only be misrepresenting how SC programs work, it would also make people doubt & limit themselves from trying out something they wanted and could benefit from.


Anyway, this has been proposed before, and if you search, you’ll find a couple threads on it.

I do understand the excitement of Personality Types, but one has to use them, not be limited by them. Ultimately, you transcend them.

A case could be made that people try subliminals, specifically to go beyond the limits of their Type.



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Being very introverted, I am noticing this too with Chosen. I really want to talk and be close with people. I might not get there today, but I will get there :grin: