PLEASE READ: Qv1 and Ultima v1 has officially reached EOL status

Just a quick note:

On May 1, we will be removing access to all Qv1 and Ultima v1 downloads. We’re getting a lot of new customers who are confused about which files to download, not to mention the terrible user experience on the download page as a result of keeping all the various versions up. Please download all of your purchased titles and store them somewhere safe – like Google Drive – before then.


Thank you for the warning.


I sensed this was coming, thanks Saint.


Aside from unchecked nostalgia; is there any use-case / reason to be using V1 of either moving forward?

Preference, I presume.


No problem. The v2 versions are so much better!


If the name is confusing customers am guessibg there will be a name change to the new versions apart from what is said in the post

I doubt it if they’re just getting rid of the older versions.
It’ll probably just be kept how it is and the older versions will be deleted, meaning it’ll just be the Qv2 files now.

@SaintSovereign I understand why they are being removed. However, will you make the older version available upon request in the future for people who seem to be a bit sensitive to the new version? I have an issue with the volume level. It irritates my ears even at the lowest level.

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I doubt it, which is why he’s giving us 2 weeks to store it elsewhere. Same as when legacy stuff got upgraded to Q


Um what???

Not really. That being said, we always get the occasional person who swears up and down that the earlier versions worked better.


Am guessing*

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On the plus side, this seems to suggest all titles should be upgraded in the next ten days before May 1. Given how many multistagers we have to go, this should be a pretty impressive drop :wink:


I think it’s an effect of script load.

The volumes have been the same since about 6 months now … meaning Q/Uv2 are equally loud as Dragon Reborn Q and U, RICH Ultima v1, LEUv1, etc.

And yet, I too, am avoiding Uv2s altogether and playing Qv2s on speakers only. Not using the earphones at all.

It should be fine once we get accustomed to the density of V2s.


I made a backup of the old files. Probably won’t need them soon, as the subliminals I am currently listening to are on my phone in the V1 version.

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hi simon, thanks for the suggestion. I’ll give the new versions another go, and this time I’ll stick with them.


Is that a thing, that the script load can cause physical ear irritation irrespective of volume? That’s been my theory, so it’s interesting to hear it corroborated to some degree.


My ears are also sensitive, on Qv2 I find I need to set the phone I’m using at the lowest volume, just to make it comfortable for hours of listening.

I used to use one of those USB-C DACs as well, but since Ultima v2, the DACs just make the sound too loud.