PLEASE READ: Potential Temporary Forum Outages

The issues I was having, seem to be resolved now. My workarounds are no longer necessary.

Thanks Saint. :slight_smile:

What do you mean by it’s not working? What’s happening?

Everyone, when reporting a bug, please provide more information than “it’s not working.” What’s coming up on the screen, if anything?

nothing at all. It is Android

On my Iphone, Safari with wifi there is a blank page when I try to load the forum.
With LTE it’s also a blank page. I try another browser.
On firefox it’s also a blank page, but the favicon is loaded although I never used the forum with it.

Edit: I am posting this from my desktop computer (Chrome) which is in the same network.

Yes same for me. Just a white page appearing

Yes, @Simon is right. does not work to open and the above happens. It is the standard address on my iPhone. is the only domain that works (works also on iphone).


For the past week or two, I had similar issues too, as in the subliminal results dot com web page is blank on my phone when I refresh it or when I login (both on chrome and Samsung browser).

It usually works on the desktop or ipad and I used to solve the problem on the phone by “going back” to a previous page (in case I have “history” on the forum as in I can “go back” on the browser).

In case logging in leads to a blank page, I try to get the page repeatedly by refreshing it or after a while it eventually shows up some other time when loading the mobile browser.

So these days I am just careful to never close my browser window on the forum or never refresh the forum page either lol


All the issues should be resolved now. The “white page on login” issue was resolved yesterday, the other error resolved today. We think. At least it’s fixed on all of our mobiles.


Yup. Just tested it. It’s working great :+1:

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Thank @Simon for his post and @friday for linking to it. I missed the original posting, but as soon as I saw what he said, I knew what the problem was and how to fix it. :wink:


Yes, I haven’t thought that I am using the wrong sub domain. I noticed it in the past when I was opening links in the forum to the other sub domain with www in front of it.

Now it’s working properly. I just had to login again (cookie policy).


It now auto-redirects if you use non-www. No worries now.


Hey guys, is it just my pc or is the background now matte black?

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I have the same thing. Dark mode.


Sometimes my computer does some really weird funky shit. So I wasn’t sure if it was one of those times .

My PC seems okay. I did get a Windows notification when you replied to me. Possibly a forum update of sorts.

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I changed mine back from dark to default in settings under interface.


I’m experiencing no issues and I haven’t been for awhile.

I did note that there’s a layout change in the like and share buttons which I see now means it’s being updated.

I use a Google Pixel 4a, on 5G

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Bookmarks now have a reminder feature. :ok_hand:t2:

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What subliminal are you running? :wink: