PLEASE READ: New Roadmap and Product Portal [Trial]

This makes me think something such as
Music Producer product


Here we go with Badass Confidence


Ok. I just entered a similar one myself. If they do a simple focused title like that, I think they should also do Optimism, courage, stoicism, and a bunch of other things.


Could someone add a height and a ME sub. I assume a lot of people want this.


Had added this 2 months back. Please upvote it on the roadmap:

Separate Height increasing and Male Enhancement subliminals


They already said they are gonna release a pure ME title.


What about a sub that its goal is to help you hack online game. F.e. help you find your unique style and marketing both for tinder and ig game, clothes, develop your own texting strategy, make you extremely photogenic and relaxed on camera and also manifest women that want to be taken by you like khan st3 does. Also help you with finding your own style of high value and engaging stories and posts on ig that women respond to. Can someone add this on the roadmap?

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Ultimate Music X: Unlimited Creativity for Profound Transformative Musical Expression


There is a music producer on the roadmap,
I guess it can be expanded with for all musician. Please upvote it.




A title like this would be such a hitter, so for all my fellow entertainers out there if you wish to become that one special individual who excites any room and social gathering, leaving that legacy of the greatest entertainer/comedian/speaker who ever lived, go upvote this title now!

add https:// roadmap

Can’t post links here I’m new here but If you like this concept and decide to vote for it, that would be cool


Power Circle
(credit to ouroboros for the idea)

Combining Power Can Corrupt with Inner Circle to manifest powerful friends, lovers and mentors and help us deal with them.

Please upvote:
Power Circle


Psychology Adept

Q Store Module for psychologists, psychotherapists, psychiatrists and the curious, Psychology Adept helps you decode human nature and relationship dynamics between parents and children, men and women, men and men and any other combination of human to human interaction whether it be verbal or otherwise. In addition, it helps you plumb the depths of your own human nature and those of your friends and family, lovers and enemies, acquaintances and strangers and their motivations and drives from a psychological perspective to truly understand the mind of the homo sapien.

Similar to Science Adept, it will be useful in academia, work or the real world, Psychology Adept is adept at helping you understand and handle it all.

Please upvote
Psychology Adept


Any chance any of the wealth subs (EoG, Mogul, RICH) can get the Black treatment? Maxing them out like Khan Black or Wanted Black?


I think that’s what Saint and Fire are working on right now. Not exactly getting the Black treatment but updating all the wealth titles.

Also, I noticed that only Alpha titles get the Black treatment like Emperor Black, Khan Black, Wanted Black.


Aura of Healing

Module to generate an aura of healing of the body, mind and heart of people you come in contact with. Be a source of peace and health to your loved ones and use conscious guidance to be the solace of those who are in your thoughts and prayers by sending them healing energy.

Please upvote:
Aura of Healing


Paragon for Humanity

Main store title to:

  1. Project an aura of healing and heal those near you.
  2. Send healing vibes for those far away using intention.
  3. Be a source of comfort to those in mental, emotional, physical and spiritual distress.
  4. Be protected from psychic attacks.
  5. Be a shield for others against psychic attacks.
  6. Strengthen faith in god/universe.
  7. Be accepting of people who come to you for help.
  8. Detect hidden ailments.
  9. Help people to love and forgive themselves.
  10. Embrace humanity in your arms.
  11. Have the healing touch.
  12. Be the Healer

Please upvote and give your ideas on the roadmap:
Paragon for Humanity


@Lion, I must say I’m impressed! Sub for healers/psychologists/therapists and much much more. Be a healer! Excellent idea!

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Thank you, bro. I hope to use all of them myself.

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I suggested a couple of things I think might be useful.

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