PLEASE READ: New Listening Pattern

Has there been any experiments on a listening pattern where you rotate 3 different Q subliminals every other day? For example

Monday: Subliminal A, Subliminal B, Subliminal C
Tuesday: Rest Day
Wednesday: Subliminal D, Subliminal E, Subliminal F
Thursday: Rest Day
Friday: Subliminal A, Subliminal B, Subliminal C


i also find that when i wake up feeling a litile bit tired, that i cant sleep more,

like lets say i wake up after 8 hours of sleep, i wake up and feeling the need to sleep more cuz my body tells me so, when i try to sleep, i can barely sleep for an extra hour more, its like you cant even fall asleep even when your body is telling you clearly that its in need of more sleep

i keep twisting in bed and moving around and switching sides until i wake up, its very strange however thats a form of recon @SaintSovereign said something about that

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The Fibonacci Listening Pattern

  1. Listen to Subs
  2. Take 1 Day Off
  3. Listen to Subs
  4. Take 2 Days Off
  5. Listen to Subs
  6. Take 3 Days Off
  7. Listen to Subs
  8. Take 5 Days Off
  9. Listen to Subs
  10. Take 8 Days Off
  11. Listen to Subs
  12. Take 13 Days Off
  13. Go back to #1, Repeat

A thirty-eight Day Cycle, with only SIX playing days.


@Azriel @pacman @Meng123 @Malkuth


What’s the reason or logic behind this schedule?

So you mean exactly the official listening recommendations? :wink:

The logic is that with increasing exposure to a topic, you need less exposure to learn more of it because you already have the basics.

Idk if this works for the subs as a listening schedule, but it’s definitely the reconciliation pattern. If you keep exposure steady, the recon will become less over time.


Instead of “programming the mind”, you’re only “reminding the mind” of how you want to be.

Less Reconciliation, Clearer Nudges, Self-Paced Action.


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What’s your opinion on staggered months?

I want to work on 4 areas during 2022. I’ve created 4 customs, Standard Qv2. I don’t want to play them all at the same time because I don’t want to slow down the integration process.

So instead, I divide them into Stack A (first two customs) and Stack B (latter two customs).

In January, I play Stack A in a 1 day on/1 day off schedule. In February, I play stack B one day on/one day off, and I let Stack A rest.

For the rest of the year, I keep to this pattern of alternating stacks each month.

I wonder if during Stack A’s “rest months”, Feb, April, June, and so on, there would be a partial washout effect?


This thought keeps occurring to me all the time.

Do “older” subs still process / washout if you listen to another direction meanwhile?

I got some VERY vague experiences of Khan still doing things although I haven’t listened to it for months. Could also be part of AM that I am mixing up. Not quite sure, but it feels like they do. I just don’t know to what extent.

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I am doing this pattern, but since I am quite a new user of subs I can not say much about if it is the same, worse as a normal one A rest A rest.

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I don’t have any real opinion on how to do the “whole life approach” with subs.

I can relate to Saint’s style of “cycling Life” as periods of Achievement Leaps and Healing Retreats.


Or … a Complete Bloom effect!



Right. Usually we talk about bloom in periods when there is a complete rest from all subliminal input. But I’m thinking it could still occur when one has switched to a different subliminal.

Guess we’ll see.

By ‘whole life’ do you mean a) dealing comprehensively with multiple domains of one’s life (i.e., breadth), or b) lasting for a longer than average period of time (i.e., duration)?


All domains … at the same time … with long range goals … in each of them.

I have no opinion because my experience is limited to working on 1-2 short to mid term goals at a time. I prioritize my major actions, and don’t run subs for what is not the main project right now.

Notice how Mr. Simon never talks about fitness titles. :joy:

I picked the “whole life” term from the Scalpel-Sink-Spectrum discussion. :slight_smile:


I’m thinking of something slightly different. Not Scalpel or Sink. But a long-term project approach. Call it the ‘Mountain’ approach. Based on the idea that a mountain has a wide base and then narrows, as one climbs, to eventually reach a narrowly focused point.

As a real-life example, last year I ran Alchemist, Quantum Limitless, and Mind’s Eye for 10.5 months, so that this year, I could create a single custom that contained all three of those cores. That was always the intention.

This year, I’m running two customs, but possibly next year, I could create a single custom that contains the 3 to 5 most important cores from these two customs. (I’m not actually planning to do that. But it’s a possible example.)

In the above example, the strategy was not focused on my whole life, but it was focused on a specific long-range goal. (There were actually at least 4 or 5 other life areas that were waiting patiently in the background while I worked on this.)

Got it. This answers my question.

I think that my chosen timeframe for goals was about 2 to 5 years. It was not that I had a calendar fixation. It was that the area that I wanted to work on needed a lot of work.

I’m only now beginning–very slowly–to warm up to Ultima-focused approaches.

I wonder if the happier you are with your overall life is the more appealing that short-term goals and approaches will be.

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When you do switch titles because your goals change…like maybe from mogul to Limitless…do you not get reconciliation due to the previous sub still processing?

You might find me walking towards you, down that mountain.
Slowly warming up to taking on projects that may take longer than 1 year to accomplish.


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No. Not in the way members here think of “reconciliation.”

At most there will be some nudges over the next 5-10 days, that I won’t feel sure about acting on.

You have to understand that Simon’s Instructions actually work for me.



How do you think of reconciliation?

This will definitely cause reconciliation when not acted on.

Write the ideas down. Give them a Start Date. And you’ll be fine.

Next, note down your questions & concerns. Give the Mind something to solve & manifest.



Yes but because your mind is occupied with new stimulus it will be far less pronounced.

From a feeling, I would say the processing / integration will be only a tenth of the processing of a real washout.

But it mostly depends on the action you take. If your action is still aligned with the old subliminal then yes that number should be much higher.


How are your results so far and how long have you been running it?