PLEASE READ: New Listening Pattern

I’m thinking of something slightly different. Not Scalpel or Sink. But a long-term project approach. Call it the ‘Mountain’ approach. Based on the idea that a mountain has a wide base and then narrows, as one climbs, to eventually reach a narrowly focused point.

As a real-life example, last year I ran Alchemist, Quantum Limitless, and Mind’s Eye for 10.5 months, so that this year, I could create a single custom that contained all three of those cores. That was always the intention.

This year, I’m running two customs, but possibly next year, I could create a single custom that contains the 3 to 5 most important cores from these two customs. (I’m not actually planning to do that. But it’s a possible example.)

In the above example, the strategy was not focused on my whole life, but it was focused on a specific long-range goal. (There were actually at least 4 or 5 other life areas that were waiting patiently in the background while I worked on this.)

Got it. This answers my question.

I think that my chosen timeframe for goals was about 2 to 5 years. It was not that I had a calendar fixation. It was that the area that I wanted to work on needed a lot of work.

I’m only now beginning–very slowly–to warm up to Ultima-focused approaches.

I wonder if the happier you are with your overall life is the more appealing that short-term goals and approaches will be.

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When you do switch titles because your goals change…like maybe from mogul to Limitless…do you not get reconciliation due to the previous sub still processing?

You might find me walking towards you, down that mountain.
Slowly warming up to taking on projects that may take longer than 1 year to accomplish.


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No. Not in the way members here think of “reconciliation.”

At most there will be some nudges over the next 5-10 days, that I won’t feel sure about acting on.

You have to understand that Simon’s Instructions actually work for me.



How do you think of reconciliation?

This will definitely cause reconciliation when not acted on.

Write the ideas down. Give them a Start Date. And you’ll be fine.

Next, note down your questions & concerns. Give the Mind something to solve & manifest.



Yes but because your mind is occupied with new stimulus it will be far less pronounced.

From a feeling, I would say the processing / integration will be only a tenth of the processing of a real washout.

But it mostly depends on the action you take. If your action is still aligned with the old subliminal then yes that number should be much higher.


How are your results so far and how long have you been running it?

Ive been running it so far for 2 months. Recently I had to switch from emperor to AM. Emperor was too dense for me. Fitness custom is working very well and I cant complain overall. So I think this pattern A rest B rest is working, maybe slower than A, A but I am ok with that.


I still don’t understand how listening once every other day is enough.

I started noticing much more results and got much less prone to overload and recon after I switched from 5:2 to 1:1 pattern.


You have to understand that when I say we spend all day talking about this stuff, reading books, conducting research and more, I mean it. We generally start our day by playing some kind of co-op game to prime our minds for strategy and thinking outside of the box. Sometimes it’s Minion Masters, sometimes it’s Wargroove, or Civilization – anything that requires deep thought and different forms of cognition. Then, we jump straight into discussion and that doesn’t stop for about 11 hours, lol.

Then, at the end of the day, I usually relax and either spend time with the lady or do even more research and reading until around 3a. Our tech is exceptionally honed on a level that even WE don’t 100% understand yet.


That sounds awesome.

Happy for you guys.

May we all manifest beautiful working situations.


@SaintSovereign So I don’t misunderstand you regarding this is what my listening pattern would be ?

Monday : Dragon Reborn & EOG Stage 1 one loop each

Tuesday : R.I.C.H. one loop

Wednesday : Dragon Reborn & EOG Stage 1 one loop each

Thursday : R.I.C.H. one loop

Friday : Dragon Reborn & EOG Stage 1 one loop each

Saturday : R.I.C.H one loop

Sunday : Dragon Reborn & EOG Stage 1 one loop each

That schedule with RICH as a booster (at one loop) works.

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Your enthusiasm is admirable. I assure you that twice a week for a Qv2 program can lead to results.

Please take rest days. Not a rest day that has an Ultima. Rest day with nothing.

Monday : Dragon Reborn & EOG Stage 1 one loop each

Tuesday : R.I.C.H. one loop

Wednesday : Dragon Reborn & EOG Stage 1 one loop each

Thursday : Nothing

Friday : Dragon Reborn & EOG Stage 1 one loop each

Weekend: Nothing


Paragon x1
Spartan x1
Wanted x1
Every other day

Thats how am supposed to do it right :face_with_monocle:

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Yes that’s how it’s done

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how come the negative programming from my up bringing hasn’t gone away (yet)?

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I’m doing 9 subs on listening days, is this too much for my subconscious to process ? does any one know please. thanks

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