PLEASE READ: "Everything Comes to Light"

As I thought out loud awhile back ago, on the Emperor Black thread to the answer that @Fire responded to…

Something about, how in my personal chemistry and the way I get down, I don’t journal in a monk mode.

Whatever @Fire’s answer was…

I would strongly advice that any individual considering this artisanal title re-consider what you wish to receive by adding this to your stack.

I recommend a strict schedule of journaling and notes, for the people who respond to this like a ‘mad scientist’ stereotype-like result-response.

Meaning, (humbly, in my own experience, take what you will)…

Stark, Renaissance Man, Limitless-esque title users.

Make use of that creativity when it comes to mind, immediately. There is no need to hesitate really, least consider the direction before you move that right foot forward!

Take notes of the entire experience, take at least a day of your week to cleanse your mind.

Refer to @Fire’s post; particularly the responses to my question about journaling.

The memory is only eh, but he did reply something to the affect (strongly, strongly paraphrased)

“You may not want to journal on this one but still, go ahead and do so. It’ll help.”

In my year(s) here… I’ve seen that I don’t always keep a steady journal.

My recollective skill is pretty sharp so, I don’t always hold on to much personally. I can think of it later and nearly have full recall.

“The Black One” (my personal name for Emperor Black: Ragnarok - A Concept)

If you don’t really empty the bucket of water but just…


“Imma just, ya know… Let a little splash over the rim as I walk and when I get to the village well, I’ll see how much of the well fits in here, hmmm?”

The village idiot.

I’ve been him, before.

“I’m going to walk with this pail on my head, cuz I get bored on this walk that I do every single day. Maybe I’ll spill some and the plants on the parched, hot earth will not suffer so much…”

Oof. Riskyyyyy…

The point is, don’t lose your mind to foolish endeavors.

Seeker’s Discernment

Been waiting for a module like this, and will likely become a new staple of any custom, up to and not limited to seduction customs.

See, guys. This is how my mind gets up, down and all around now a-days…

I’m unique.

I accept this.

I study your custom ideas to see what unorthodox ideas I’ve not yet seen.

I don’t even really think about it, go to my Custom - CREATION - Induction sort of…

Monk Mode…

Then, I fashion customs left and right, discarding them as quickly as they come to mind.

The man of renaissance, deftly searching the darkness that embraces him, sensing cold currents of air, smoke glinting from his naked eye…

O’, but the cascaaades.

Fealty… fealty… fealty…fealty…

His gaze sharpens without warning and, whispering, he relinquishes the fine silver coin in his pocket and delights to hurl her deep into the deepened everglades, beyond the maw of the Skull.

And listens…


When the chime of his silver has clattered its peal, scattering from the cave walls, back into his thirsty ears…

His eyes soften and he walks back into his lonely abode

And so on, is the kinda thing that my mind operates on, my guy.

I need stimulus to do things.

Action, then.

Catalyst, necessary.

Spark, where?


In conclusion?

Emperor Black is not to be trifled with, my friend.

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Wow. This is fucking mind blowing.

I don’t know if people are seeing what I’m seeing here.

So, you mean to tell me… that this autistic virgin who ran WANTED for 5 months… got laid with 3 different women?

I don’t believe it.

If this kid is getting laid on these subliminals, then ZP is truly a different level.

This guy might be the greatest testament to the power of Subliminal Club’s products that I’ve ever witnessed.





This is legendary, I’m holding back tears. I’m sorry but this might be the greatest results I’ve ever witnessed.

Went from a complete nobody with no self-worth and not even taking showers(wtf)… to bedding 3 different women like a badass.


Subliminal Club is unmatched in what they’ve done. This is madness.

LMAO. If any man or woman out there understands the dating scene right now, then you know how crazy this is.

Subliminal Club is incredible.

I’m even more motivated to run my subs now.

There’s hope for everyone.

This made my day, lol.

This just further proves and cements that Subliminal Club is the top subliminal producer ever.

He would still be a virgin if he hadn’t used these products and I doubt that any other subliminal out there could have saved his ass.

Instead of making nonsense conspiracies, he should be grateful for his amazing results with WANTED. WANTED is just 1 area of the Subliminal Club catalogue… they have everything from wealth, fitness, love, leadership, artistry, spirituality etc. He can go and excel in any area of his life that he desires. If he is into Christianity and Jesus, whatever that’s cool. Why not try out Alchemist or something to further his faith?

To the poster if he’s reading this:

This is an extremely mature community. We have people starting their first businesses. We have people starting families and raising children. We have people getting their dream jobs. We have people finally stepping foot in the gym for the first time to take care of their bodies.

People here legitimately make over 6 figures and some people even 7 figures. This place is no joke, it’s the real deal.

Subliminal Club unlocks the winner inside of you.

We have people here who have hated themselves their entire life and are now finally learning what it is to love themselves. We have people overcoming traumatic childhoods and embracing their power.

I’m making this post because I’ll be damned if I let some one come and spew fearmongering nonsense to try and demoralize people.

Good, honest people. People who are trying to become the best versions of themselves - at that.

It’s not even about Subliminal Club, I’m just appalled by the immature behavior. People literally spill their hearts out on journals in here. We are purging limiting beliefs and overcoming limitations. The last thing people need to hear or see is this type of nonsense.

“Mind Control” - fucking really? I don’t know how else to say this but grow up.

Dear poster, if you’re reading this please for your own sake, seek a mental health professional or at least talk to a therapist.

Continuously making alternate fake accounts and spreading conspiracies only makes you look worse and discredits you even more. Nobody is buying that shit.


I have just conducted a washout and am in a new cycle of Khan Complete, EoG and R.I.C.H. after figuring out what I need to run. I am not mind controlled. That would be silly to think. I wish I was mind-controlled to get some easy results. I have to actually conduct work.


I agree with you, but read your post again and ask yourself if it is an “extremely mature” post.

On a different note, subliminal club subs have helped nudge me in the right directions, but it was up to me to take action and advantage of opportunities that the subliminals were guiding me towards.

Sometimes I could describe subclub subliminals as a GPS unit to get you to where you want to go.

A GPS doesn’t drive your car, you have to choose to drive in the direction to your destination. If you put a destination to something that you don’t like, that’s on you, not the GPS (subclub). I know I’m preaching to the choir, but that’s another RoM Revelation.


Washouts are nice, its a nice feeling to have when you know the subliminals have got a breather and you can restart again.

To a different topic
It would be nice if the option to create a sub from scratch came back.

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Person A: Your post isn’t very mature.

Also, Person A: I agree with your post.

Would you sleep better at night if I had left that part out? Lol.

(I’m joking, I hear you. I apologize.)

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First off,
@SaintSovereign, this is a beautiful post. I am proud to be part of this community, I applaud your every effort to do right in the face of difficulty, even FOR these individuals, and I am bolstered
by trust in who you are.

Secondly I stopped running sub club for months before ZP with zero desire to continue.

I’ve washout for a week here or there but honestly I love ZP and am excited to get back on it.

My life has progressed more on ZP then in the last several years before.

Now- I am concerned for myself at being somewhat villainous - because the idea of refraining from interfering others abilities hits initially like a limitation :joy:

On deeper thought, I would never actually want to do something to someone against their genuine will or my own.

however how is will defined here? Is it open to interpretation by the sub user, Is it predilection in the moment, ego based will, something else?

-how does that effect our ability to change/evolve push ourself in difficult directions, directions we may resist and not want to go in?

What does it mean to consent to a script fully?

Does this non-interference effect our capacity to influence or push? I’ve pushed people into some of the best decisions of their life and they didn’t like it during it and after were extremely grateful someone like me was in their corner for them, after the facts. In the case of a drug addict I could see this, would their will crave substance abuse or would it be the ‘spirit’ that seeks freedom from addiction?

Like if it would leave others resentful or upset will the influence not have capacity? If it went against another’s current ‘will/mood’ of the moment would it be negated.

What does it mean that others have to consent to our aura? I have noticed my overall attraction on ZP is lower- but when it hits- it hits bigger. Theoretically might one’s will prefer more shallow attraction at 80%

I agree with all the encouraging messages from others 100% and
I hate/love to be that guy, devils advocate but lets crack open the debate on this a little- at least for

What are the practical implications/limitations of this for running ZP (or will this be in the masterclass).

Both for ourselves and our abilities on ZP in relation to others.


Lol! This is hilarious! A person who believes in the power of the divine is admiting that such divine power is weaker than “mind control” from subliminals.

How weak is your faith? For faith as small as a mustard seed would have been enough to throw down this mountain of SC subliminal programming.

Now it is okay to have doubts and questions. And ask them. But to slander Saint and Fire despite their helpful nature and helpful deeds is intolerable.

Which is why many of us are very protective of Saint and Fire. Yes we know they can handle things on their own without our help but it feels terrible to not defend those who have had our best interests at heart.

After more than 3 years of being here at SC, let me tell you that Saint and Fire are here to help with the best tools for the job. And at the most reasonable prices too with free tech upgrades of main store titles and discounts for custom upgrades. Free customer support and discount coupons based on forum interactions. And much more more in the future.

Why do I always sound like a “fanboy” and “cult member”? It’s not because I am mind controlled! It’s because as @Simon aptly put it “we are more in control of our minds with SC products”. And how can we not rave about products that bring us freedom? Freedom from societal programming and free to be ourselves through the power of Zero Point.

If anyone has issues that are not resolved yet, I as a customer of SC myself and who am still working on my own issues, encourage you to continue.

The best things take time to come to you. But you will cut that significantly by using SC audios as long as you follow the instructions. The many testimonials over here are witnesses to that.

Lion over and out.

EDIT: regarding washouts, it is the easiest thing to do washouts since ZP v1 came out. I have gone 2 months without any subliminals while enjoying bloom benefits and benefits of having my mindset changed to a more positive and powerful one thanks to the audios here. There is no mind control. You are in control. But will you be a victim or a creator? Up to you


This is what I have been thinking for the longest time.
The positivity scripting is just what keeps you coming back and gives a feeling of “Lack” when you washout. But it’s not mind control. You would feel the same if a good friend you have fun with each day suddenly disappears for a week.

That’s funny because RoS made me run titles LESS. Meaning I stopped just running and switching ALL the subs and focus on what matters the most now.

So clearly, there is NOTHING in there that makes me run them more.

My wife runs these subs, she constantly forgets to run them if it weren’t for me to remind her.

Exactly my thoughts.
SC has this POTENT tool to UNDO societal programming on a large scale.

So that individual CLEARLY is pointing in the wrong direction :smiley:

I was thinking that recently as well.

I don’t even recognize the person I was just 1-2 years ago.
Back then I was concerned with getting mind-blowing sex, threesomes, and all that claptrap.

These days, I couldn’t be bothered with sex. All I want to do is discover the depths of the spirit and make enough money to support mental freedom.

And you know what, initially I was afraid of losing that sexual drive because it’s so prevalent in society. Much like that individual is afraid of gaining that sexual drive as a devout Christian (apparently).
So certainly there isn’t scripting in there to make you A, because so many people do B, C, D, and everything else.
How would it happen for so many people to have different effects if it were directly scripted what you should become?

This individual is simply afraid. And many people express their fear with anger. It’s easier to be angry at external things (SC) than looking deep within yourself and accepting that this sexual drive is a part of his and clashes with his belief.
The only solution is to reconcile this within HIMSELF and HIS God.
This is NONE of ANYONE’s business.

Generally, though, I like the idea of just making it public.
Silence is consent in my eyes.
This is why they keep abusing you guys on SC.
Just post their trash in a dedicated corner or smth so everyone can make up their own opinion about these people. All other posts they do that ruin ACTUAL customers interpretation, we can of course, delete/flag.

As bombayduck said, your main business should be the core business of SC, and other parts should be delegated.
But I understand how this specific person kept you on track because of legal issues and the doxxing stuff.

So V3 will just be like “Do whatever the f*ck you want, friend” in the scripts? :wink: :wink:


Or maybe rather like “love and do what you will”. :blush:


Honestly, when I read this I was thinking of putting this story in one of my next videos about the subs.

Then again, it sounds so outlandish, probably nobody is gonna believe it :smiley:

People didn’t even believe my physical shifting results on Wanted, regardless of the IMAGE PROOF I posted :smiley:



Image courtesy of @Malkuth IIRC


I have been using SubClub products for a year now. Last year there was a time when I felt depressed (for which blame myself as I had overexposed myself) and I had decided to do a longer washout. I went on without using subs for a whole month and could have done more. I didn’t go for longer because there was demanding work and assignments at college.


When I started reading his post even I thought “hmm would I write something like that?” But I was thinking like a Forum Ambassador and being diplomatic.

But even empaths have to draw the line somewhere since some people don’t care about others’ boundaries and will step all over it (like Saint described with the doxxing). And people like @Luther24 are very much necessary to shake us up with their tough love.

Brilliant post by @Luther24 to give us some perspective. That “WANTED meme factor” was so spot on.


What mind control? Cause I have a habit of forgetting to run my stack.

Most of the time I just enter a washout phase if 3 days have gone by without listening.


“Oh i got laid using your product that was specifically made for getting laid, now i want to get laid again and it’s your fault because you made it(sex?) addictive.”


Situation so absurd that i legit thought if this was a publicity thing at first, later i remembered this is SubliminaClub lol.


Remember, this is all theory (even though we’ve seen great results from it):

I’ll have to go into more detail later, but the script doesn’t prevent you from consciously interfering with someone’s free will (since that would be impeding on yours). It just prevents subconscious impulses generated from the script itself from doing so. For example, passive auras. The average person can’t consciously control their aura, it’s generally subconscious. The aura the script generates requires subconscious consent from anyone it affects. An aura is just energetic information, which the people around you can receive, decode and subconsciously (or consciously) decide to act upon the information in the aura. With the free will scripting, the aura basically encodes a question “asking” the individual whether they truly consent to being affected by the aura.

As a result, anyone who would “half-consent” (let’s say an individual who would be open to flirting and drinks, but not sexual intercourse) is automatically filtered out. And those who are open to everything can readily present themselves without being surrounded by noise.


Powerful stuff, I’ve noticed this but never really paid attention. The number of people I attract now are lower than prior ZP however the ones I do attract are all in my face. Just like 2 days ago, I was on my way to the bar and met up with a woman who was about to go all the way with me. I just kissed her and left.


So I’m clear, are titles like Wanted, Libertine and Primal Seduction already set up with this the way you’re describing it? Or is this the “update” you’re looking to put into older titles?


Ok, thank you for the clarification.

This makes complete sense.
I feel frustratingly invisible with certain people at times and it seems massively in conflict/incongruent with my internal sense of power/self and what else I see showing up with other individuals.

I remember the ‘attention’ I got on previous builds- and while ZP blows them out of the water in every other way. I could not quite rationalize the absence of that element.

Not sure how I feel about this one
I personally prefer the volume of attention/engagmeent, my sense in can still be spun in other ways. An unconscious could not ‘consent’ to an aura for instinct/ trust/ projection reasons and then later on that same person could be totally open after a conversation.
How would this apply with something like Emperor or HOM?

This seems more like a style choice- I mean a non- DTF filter is pretty cool setting on the universal dial but someone not open to intercourse that night might still be great to meet, for relationship/sex down the road or even other reasons.

edit: I mean to me this essentially sounds like people have a choice based on their instinctual comfort or yes/no unconscious response to be effected by the ‘auras’/subliminals effects of what we are running, which in a way defeats the purpose of influence or effecting things we couldn’t normally. Creates more definitive yeses and more solid nos, rather than more yeses out of no’s.

I mean, if yall think for ethical and/or efficacy reasons this is a better way to go, I’ll rest my case, but I’d be curious how ZP works with an aura just simply having its effect.