PizzaShaman’s journal - Ongoing

Woah! That’s so cool to know! Thank you for letting me know.

Bro!! You are already there! I enjoy reading your journal too.



This should be on the roadmap!


It should be! But the niche is too small, me thinks.

Cooking Mastery X is a good idea and @Detective_L had already put that on the roadmap.

Please upvote:

Cooking Mastery X

I guess Cooking Mastery X + HERO Origins = PizzaShaman ZP
; -)



Hmmmm. A thought just now. Out of nowhere.

“In this moment, I am in control.”



Crazy torrent of thoughts earlier. As usual, I lost most of them passing through the doorway. To be remedied soon! I’ll find a chromebook this weekend.

One thought that did remain: The HERO build.

HERO, Spartan, RM:UW cores. Covers my needs and satisfies the writing itch. I’ll be able to keep up the discipline with working out. I will miss aspects of Wanted Black, like the physical shifting and the conversational skills (I’ve had a HUGE improvement in this department). I will want to find modules to touch on those. Gonna be fun figuring this out!

Just got done talking to my oldest daughter. She had stopped by with some classmates earlier today to take my picture for a project. Representations of power! LOL. I obliged, but I didn’t have all the details and they left right after.
Apparently the ‘groups’ had a half hour to find ten photos of power on the campus, and then go back to the class and do a presentation on their collection. My picture was the first one shown for her group. Power. or…DOMINION? lolol

Or whatever else is rolling through my head.

I wonder… How many hours of developmental work went into what I listen to? How much experimentation to find out how to prompt such self-interpreted change effectively? How many sleepless nights or stress filled days to get the company to the point it was when I found it back in February? Gotta be a lot there, I know I’m new here.

I suppose I’m saying I see much value in the $34.99 I spend here from time to time. Any time I have a good interaction with someone, or show calm and patience, or have a new revelation about myself I’m thankful for muh subs. Thank you, Saint and Fire! Your work is awesome!

:slight_smile: Read a Luther post to my wife tonight. She found insight too!


9/21 Morning Time!

I feel pretty good this morning. Got a couple support tickets out, here’s hoping for those answers!
Mother in laws’ birthday today. Wife is getting ready to take her out to breakfast.

I’m getting pretty good at leaving the ‘wake and bake’ behind. Only on days off now, where I don’t have anything planned in the morning. Progress!

Oh. Weighed myself this morning. Broke 40 lbs lost since 2nd week of July. (306->265.8 today) Thanks for the help, SubClub! I might even post pictures of myself soon, feeling good! The weight loss and body shifting are 2 of the 3 reasons leaving WB is hard.

Question, I suppose, for the OG’s that read my stuff: Does everything in your stack sort of blend together in your brain? I was considering putting Alexandria and Informaticon in my HERO custom, to help with gathering info for writing. Would they hook up and work with what else I listen to in my other custom? I presume so, but I’m not sure.

I do know I’ll be trying out some new Modules in what I’m crafting now. Exciting times. :smiley:


Yes. Alexandria and Informaticon can affect other customs and titles in your stack. But not as strongly as the way it affects the custom it is in.

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Note for later:

Purple hair girl story



A few interesting things today. Let’s see. I had barely clocked in at work when …I shall call her “Red Queen” came by my station. Red Queen works as our host, and could possibly be more popular with the customers than I! Late 50’s, curly red hair, and a hearty laugh. She reacts to my Listener energy often, stopping by to tell me any sort of story on a frequent basis.

“So PizzaShaman, the students that came in yesterday with your daughter…”

“Oh, yes. They wanted a picture for class. Thank you for letting my daughter in for that, Red Queen.” Normally, entry requires a meal swipe. Red Queen guards the door.

“Oh sure. Anyways one of the girls with your daughter was going on about ‘PizzaShaman is so hot, oh my gawd’” Red Queen grinned. "Then she goes, ‘Oh please don’t tell him that!’ "

I thought about who had come in with my daughter. I thought maybe 3-4 other students. Dude took my picture. My daughter. A girl with purple hair. Another chick or dude? Not sure.

“The purple hair girl, Red Queen?”

“Yes, that’s the one. How did you know?”

“Lucky guess. Thanks for telling me!” We shared big grins and a laugh.

About an hour later, purple hair girl comes through for food. I was curious. Was it true?

She walks by with a friend, makes eye contact with me, and smiles. I smile back.
They decide to get pizza, walk over to my spot. She makes eye contact again.
“Hello!” Big smile.
Damn this girl is bold. She never spoke to me before today.
“Hello!” smile What’s your name, miss?"
She’s thrilled I asked! I can feel it in the air.
“Purple Hair Girl” She tucks her hair behind her ear.
That means something good! My brain was asserting me in the moment.
“Well, pleased to meet you, Purple Hair Girl.”
The girls finish getting their food.
“Thank you.” I say it to the students. They eat my food, I keep my spot.
PHG gave another big smile. "Thank YOU!
My brain instantly pulled up an incident from …at least 10 years ago, maybe 12, when I was working in Pizza Chain and this lady was leaving the store. I said thank you to her, and after she left my (female) boss asked me why i was flirting with her (departing customer). “I said thank you?”
“Thank YOU! ??” she shot back, “sounded like flirting to me”
So my brain was telling me this girl was flirting with me. LOL

I’m thinking this is WB. I’m 42, this chick was 18,19 tops. Hilarious. Flattering. Bright colors means it’s dangerous!


:joy: :rofl: :sweat_smile:

For real!


9/22 Morning Time!

It’s Friday! Day before my weekend off. I have some plans for Saturday, that should be a fairly productive day. Sunday has a birthday party for my niece, but I plan on skipping that, if at all possible. I like my Sundays off to be chill.

Still need to listen this morning. I’ve been debating the line up for today. HERO, ALCH1, and InnerWork?

…Why not?

My brain is hungry and craves instruction!

Computer isn’t recognizing my headphones. Gotta reboot. BLAH!

And we’re back! With working audio.

1.5 min ALCH1
1.5 min HERO
3 min InnerWork!

I don’t mind doubling the time on customs, as the name embed drastically reduces the recon I get. Either way, I’ll see if this was too much or not.

Lets see. Notables:
Old friend I met with on Monday and introduced to SubClub. I wasn’t sure if …hmmm. Gotta come up with names and stuff. :grin: I shall call him Hanzo, from our Overwatch playing days! Anyway, Hanzo hasn’t been in the best spot mentally lately, his own words. He’s coming out of it. I had been only too eager to tell him about my experiences with SubClub, but I recognized he might not be ready for it, if he was interested at all. I think that Genesis and Sanguine: The Elixir would be great for my brother, and told him as much. I mentioned the free titles and he got himself on Love Bomb for Humanity. Started it on Monday, with a 5 minute listen per my recommendation.
I checked in with him late last night. He had skipped Wednesday listening, wanting to tinker with the audio and find the scripting! I laughed and relayed the story about the recent thread with someone finding the watermark, although I couldn’t find it to link it to him. It’s protected IP brother! Haha!
I believe he decided to leave it alone.

I get a snap this morning, asking what is this Love Bomb is supposed to do? After making sure he was still on LBfH, he told me

“Idk if it was that I just found myself hating myself again this morning
But then
My head went to a meadow laying with (His Significant Other) and my animals and I just stopped and usually I’ll hate myself all day and shit idk if it was coincidence or not.
Like it was weird
And I just sat here trying to hate on myself again but it’s not the same as usual where I dwell on the shit for hours”

Welcome to LBfH and SubClub, Hanzo! hahahaha
Negative self talk gets taken out like trash mobs! (Gamer analogy. IYKYK) lol

That’s all for this morning. I’m feeling good, humming with energy.


My man!

By the way, am forty two too.

The story about your bro discovering Love Bomb for Humanity and SubliminalClub is so great.


The great Douglas Adams would approve highly of both of you.



And the great Bishop Desmond Tutu would approve of that sentence.



I get that reference! And here’s Captain America approving.

Ah! Bless that 2 2 's soul!


My goodness. I haven’t seen this many buttcheeks since I was still looking at porn 3 years back. Especially bad today, or good, depending on your point of view.

WB hits I presume

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Many LBfH hits at work today. It’s part of Marriage Enhancement, which I gave 90 seconds last Sunday.

  • Lots of praise for my product today, including in front of my department director. I thanked that young man for the job security.

  • Definitely felt some recon during the mid day. Anxiety pangs. Strange though, I was …cackling internally at these various feelings, as though this anxiety didn’t know who it was fucking with. It went away after a couple hours.

  • Young man stopped by to talk. We’re friendly. He had previously asked me for dating advice. (LOL I met my wife on the internet, this was disclosed). Young man gave me some ideas for easy chest exercises, knowing that rowing doesn’t hit that too much.

  • Couple guys cleaned out a whole pizza, with one of them exclaiming he was “a slut for pineapple”. I haven’t heard something like that since my last boss a couple years ago.

*Notable for my friend Hanzo: His result was from a single 5 minute listen. I checked later on, and he hadn’t done so yet today, though planned on a listen after work.

  • Wife listening to Spartan has gotten 4 workouts in already this week.

Thought occured to me earlier: I wonder if, by putting KBC4 with ME and RoM in InnerWork, did I link Manifestation with SR for myself? I suppose I didn’t consider the unfolding effect of RoM on KBC4. It would affect it, yes?

Made me think of an old computer game. I can’t remember the title for sure. Perhaps an Ultima game. During character creation, different choices would grant differing colored liquids to be poured into a larger beaker, which would determine your class, (I think) when all choices were completed.

Starting to think of customs as differing colored modules poured into a beaker, 3 different beakers poured into your stack. Could be some insight, could be crazy talk.

Big day tomorrow. Lots and lots to do on a day off.

  1. Pull overhead cabinet in kitchen down, it’s falling already and needs done.
  2. Make it to the movie theater with son by noonish–He wants to see Oppenheimer
  3. Opportunity to get chromebook
  4. Row. Either 90 minutes or 15,000 meters
  5. Got some baking to do.

I avoided going to bed at the same time as my wife on purpose. I need my energy for tomorrow. Such growth! Younger PizzaShaman would have ran to get laid, and accomplished nothing upon rising. #3 is optional.


You’ve got really great energy. Even radiates off your writing.

Got to tell you that.

I don’t mean that you’re always happy or cheerful or some nonsense like that. More just that you’ve got that kind of Wombat thing happening. Where other animals like to be around you. I guess that LBfH meshes extremely well with that.

That’s a program that I’ve still never had the opportunity to play even once. Actually that whole area of the subliminal club spectrum.

Some day soon, I hope…

I expect it will open up significant experiences.

The closest I’ve gotten has been Chosen: The Way of Nature. I just played it for a pretty short time and experienced a bunch of openings.

I’ve told this story before, but a bird literally flew with me and brushed my arm as I walked on the street.

A really lovely woman gave me this wonderful smile that I’m still appreciating.

I think there were one or two other things.

But I think that when the time is right Love Bomb for Humanity, Chosen: The Way of Nature, and Heartsong may be a pretty psychedelic ride for me.

Anyway, peace @PizzaShaman

haha. which makes me think of:


Used to play that for my daughter when she was a toddler.


Much appreciated! Saw that right before I fell asleep, remembered it upon awakening. A great feeling!

This right here! I can relate, good sir, and I’ve been wanting to share this one for a little bit. Thank you for the prompt.

I make the effort to smile as often as I can, especially at work. Home, I could work on, I suppose, but I do smile whenever I put one of those emojis in a post.

About eighteen to twenty years ago, I was going through the grocery store on my way home from work. Midnight shift at the water company, running an mailing machine for customer bills. I don’t miss that.

My oldest was a newborn, and I think I was stopping for formula. I remember my skin condition on my face had been flaring up terribly at that time. Very red and blotchy, dry peeling skin. I felt like a lizardman or some sort of troll whenever that shit flared up. I wouldn’t want to talk to anyone. Super self conscious.

A blonde woman was walking in my direction. Long tan overcoat, her hair done nicely. Attractive, I suppose, but in an untouchable or appreciate from afar way, not a straight physical thing. (Hindsight tells me it was her having a much higher vibe than I) She looked like a business lady, heading to work in an office.

In walking past, she made eye contact and smiled. She smiled at me! I couldn’t believe it. Why would this woman smile at my splotchy self?

I don’t know that definitive answer. I know how it made me feel.

I’ve thought of that encounter quite often since it happened so many years ago.

So now, I try to smile often. I’ve been working on it for years now. Easily comes to me at work.


Time to get some coffee and begin. BONUS, did a round of Shu Jin Gong before hopping on for this post. Wasn’t even on the list! :slightly_smiling_face:

I missed that book when my children were little. A shame!

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