PizzaShaman’s journal - Ongoing

Haha brilliant!Literally!


Late night thoughts

Had to type this down for some reason. Compelled!

an interesting feeling thought

how i think the subs work to move things >>>>>

once they are loaded in the queue and you start processing the scripting, that information will be constantly fed to or running by the reticular activating system, where habits and beliefs are reinforced, and which is always looking for reinforcement from the environment for confirmation of beliefs. Since changing your beliefs changes your reality, and the scripting load What beliefs you Want reinforced into the RAS, your mind will be on the constant lookout to move its recorded or set beliefs in the direction of the sub/your stack/your choice!

my father did not do a lot of the dad stuff with me. i should not let that, or my feelings about that, get in the way or affect my relationship with my son.

hmm. is this rom?

It was a few powerful feeling thoughts. I dunno.

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Exactly! And the name is sometimes pronounced Pradeep which also means the same:


It’s funny, I was thinking of typing Pradeep, but I thought that was wrong!

Thank you gentlemen!

In other news:
I will not recon rage on my female boss who is shit checking me today.
I will not recon rage on my female boss who is shit checking me today.
I will not…


1/19 Noonish!

Called out of work today using PTO. I didn’t feel like driving in the snow.

3 min Primal Nights
1 min RotNW

Already got laid. Yeah dude!

Odd or interesting things in my feed today. A story on the first ruler of the Timurid Empire, and I have an Andrew Hubermann video on visualization going in another tab.

I can see the Visualization vid popping up as I got ME in my Generator Custom (man Terminus works fast!) but the Khan story? I mean I read the copy last night for the new Khan, and it sounds intriguing, but I don’t own it (yet). Some sort of presult or minor manifestation?

In going over mental notes on various events, I have had the most success with thoughts becoming reality when I am in a supremely relaxed state.


Felt the Monday listen ‘clear the queue’ this afternoon. The headache and sense of tiredness lifted. I’ll see how I sleep tonight, if it’s good I’ll know for sure.

Hmmm. From a 3 minute listen. I suppose I could either listen to 3 minutes again and see what that feels like, or go down to 90 seconds and see what that does. It’s powerful…


“Keep constant observation of your surroundings, for your greatest learning opportunities are always with you.”

I just typed that out in some creative writing I was doing. Seemed like scripting to me! Good stuff!


Striving for a habit of 3 rows a week while this semester is in session at the college.
Week 1 done!


A lot of typing today. Some creative writing roleplay for the DnD group.

Eh, why not. But you gotta click first.

He rolled over and sighed, uncomfortable in his bedroll.

Ever since they had laid waste to whatever sort of monster that was, down here in the depths of the earth, some amount of extra energy had somehow made its way into HIS system. This extra chi needed used! Fortunately, the half-elf knew what to do.


There were far easier options to rid oneself of excess energy. He supposed he could act as a profligate would, perhaps take his chances bothering the bald-headed sorceress. A half smile flickered across his face at the thought, “Couldn’t do any worse than Thar.”

But no. For one such as him, there was only one option.


But now, he had some new things to work on. New ideas on moving chi, based on his battle experiences with his comrades in arms.

He slipped out of his bedroll quietly and eyed the others. Everyone else seemed preoccupied with what they were doing. X appeared to be having an animated conversation with the pipe smoking Ranger while squatting at the edge of the platform, relieving himself of dirt. The Sorceress was sitting in a familiar meditation pose with her staff in her lap, likely going over her spells in her mind.

He looked over to check on his original companions. Gilain was checking the heft and balance of his warhammer again, while Thar stared into the fire with his slit pupil eyes. The monk thought his eyes were glowing red apart from the flames reflected, but a second look saw nothing. Merric was nowhere to be found. “He must be practicing his sneaking!,” the half elf thought.

It was as good a time as any. The other side of the platform ended in a rock wall, and in front of this he squared up.

“To move without thought, trust your instincts.”

As he punched at the stone wall in front of him, the young monk stared ahead in fixed concentration. Each blow, precisely controlled, lightly thudded against the rock. Physical strength was not the point of this exercise.

He has been watching the paladin in combat.

“Keep constant observation of your surroundings, for your greatest learning opportunities are always with you.”

He believed that he could replicate, in his own way, the Paladin’s mighty Divine Smites. His radiant energy seemed familiar, and the monk believed with a little experimentation, he could figure something out.

As each fist landed, he pulled from his chi, sending Radiant Sun Bolts into his palms. With his hands clenched into fists, the chi stayed within and his hands began to glow with a golden radiance. His now Radiant Fists struck the wall in rapid succession but it remained intact, impervious to his blows.

His pointed ears twitched as he focused his chi into his next right-hand strike, pushing more energy into the effort. A Radiant Punch rained down upon the under-mountainside, and the stone cracked deeply beneath his fist. The monk felt some energy leave him from the exertion of the blow, but he smiled. That technique felt very natural! He couldn’t possibly be the first to figure this out…could he?

He looked to his hands, noticing the golden glow had dissipated with the Radiant Punch. He clenched his fists again, charging them with chi power, until they turned to Radiant Fists once more.

Could he hit even harder? Was it possible?

The punching rhythm resumed. This time, he chose a left-hand strike to empower. More chi was sent to that fist; more chi was expended in the punch! Double, he felt, as the energy left him and the radiant glow dimmed from his hands. A larger fissure appeared in the stone beneath his hand, but not as large as he expected. “Hmmmm.” He analyzed the strike. “Double the expenditure for half again the result. Efficiency going down. Well. Now I know.”

Still, he was excited with what he had learned, and there were two more experiments to try!

First up, Radiant Fists! The monk turned around and spied several small rocks near the platform edge. They would make perfect targets. He thrust his right fist forwards, sending another Radiant Sun Bolt towards a rock as he opened his fist and exposed his palm. The Bolt seemed hotter and brighter as it left his dimmed hand, and the rock it struck glowed radiantly as it fell off the edge into the dark depths.

Success! More knowledge gained! The half elf turned his mind to the final experiment, something he’d tentatively named a “Radiant Stun Bolt”. A merging of two different monk methods, the Stunning Strike and the Radiant Sun Bolt. He started with sending Bolts at the rocks again, with the intention of imbuing the stun into the Bolt upon impact. However, he never felt the Stunning vibe get properly applied, as though he was unable to do so from a distance.

It was at this point X finally took notice of the monk shooting bolts of light at rocks. He shook his head sadly and muttered something about ‘need to get that one some sunlight soon’ before returning to his conversation with the Ranger.

An idea crossed the monk’s mind: What if I imbue the Stun into the Bolt before it leaves my hand?
His mind spoke back: That Bolt will be Stunning. But if you Miss…
And he knew. If he missed his shot, the chi would still be spent. But if it hits, it would have as much of a chance of working as if he had Stunned with his staff or his touch.

One last rock. Kind of a biggun, the size of a well-fed turkey, but he knew that a Chi fueled strike would shatter it, if he used his fist. From thirty feet away, he pulled from his chi and sent it up his arm, forming Stun and Bolt at the same time. His chi left his palm, and the Radiant Stun Bolt burned White Hot compared to the usual golden Radiance. As it struck the rock, the Stun Bolt exploded in white flame. When the lightfire dimmed, only pebbles and chips remained of his target rock.

As the last of the excess energy left his system, the monk embraced the return of his inner equilibrium. Now he could rest.

I’ve been feeling more creative lately. I don’t know what it’s from.


Definitely enjoyed that.

Thanks for posting!


Interesting things:

  • While the immediate results of my Primal Nights listen were a bit lackluster with my wife, yesterday was a different experience entirely, at least the first half of the day.

For reference, the listen was 3 minutes of Primal Nights, 1 minute of RotNW Friday morning.

Before Work Saturday

Got laid again in the morning. Wife got upset because I went down on her without asking, knowing I expected the same in return. Despite this, she extracted the nectar.
Usually finishing like this means that I will have a big drop in my energy later on in the day. Perhaps it is my body switching over to replenishment. It’s noticeable.

While my aura was still strong, I got into work and started my day.

  • Gymfather came by to voice an irritation regarding call offs and other work nuisances, exclaiming at the end of it that they could, “suck my dick!”

I started laughing internally, knowing where that exclamation came from.

Lunch was busier than expected. There was some sort of Music Department event going on, and more parents and students were present.

  • This one mother kept coming back to the pizza shelf, trying to get her son to get some food…and trying to talk to me. “What’s your name? Oh, you’re PizzaShaman? I’ve heard about you, etc” It felt like she was interested in me, which also felt odd because her son and husband were right there as well. Big smiles from her.

  • Another thing I noted: The young ladies whom I think “like” me or respond to me energetically were attempting to make conversation with me, and I could feel a heat flush from within myself while they were there talking to me. I had the sense that I was responding to them responding to me. That would have been a wonderful awareness to have when I was 18!

As the day wore on, I felt my aura drop, so to speak, as my energy switched over within. I’m 42, working on 43. It’s going to happen.

Active semen retention practice along with the cultivation of healthy habits, combined with the magic of Khan Black would result, imo, a healthy, robust aura. A strong aura (that you nurture!) with Primal Nights (loops) will likely give amazing results.


1/22 Morning Time!

Wife’s birthday!

She’s out for a massage right now. Lunch will be at her favorite restaurant. Past that, I haven’t a clue. :slight_smile:

1.5 min Generator
30 sec Primal Nights

We’ll see what this does today and tomorrow. I don’t want to seriously give PN a spot in my stack right now. Could be fun in a RotNW/BDLM/PN custom though.


The story of the half-elf was really good. As good as off a published copy. Keep writing, brother.


Thank you gentlemen! There will likely be more, now that I had whatever block get unstuck and our DM figured out an appropriate written RP exchange.

It felt good to be able to get that out. I’ve wanted to write as such for years, and could compose wondrous scenes in my head, but always failed to get it out my fingertips. Some UWX bloom, I believe, is to be credited.


1/23 Morning Time!

Primal Nights Results

Heh. A quick finger before heading up to bed showed that she was quite wet (I believe I used the word “sopping” at the time) without any previous foreplay or anything. Just my presence was enough? Damn!
What’s in this stuff!?
She was more grabby and into it when we got down to business.
At one point though I felt the vibe completely change. She was no longer into it and it was time to go to bed. >.> I was still in that …calm waters area of the orgasm waterfall system. I withdrew, rather abruptly admittedly, and we just fell asleep in silence.
I remembered the ending during my morning constitutional and went to tell her that I wasn’t mad last night, just the vibe changed and I wasn’t trying to force an orgasm.
I was right! Apparently, heh, when I pushed her ankles back to get it, her body weight shifting made it difficult to breathe. She felt too fat for that position and was then really tired.

hmm. Gotta say it was cool to wake up and see the discussion in the other thread. Getting confirmation of my suspicions was sweet. Come to think of it: I thought about it last night-----> Woke up today and had the answer.

Could that be Generator at work? :thinking:

Hell yeah! Good stuff.

Speaking of: The decision to go with 90 seconds yesterday was the right move. I still had a period of time yesterday where I intensely felt nausea and had things at the edge of my vision. Things similiar to the early ZP effects during the testing of it, from what I read over in that thread.

But yesterday, they stopped quite a bit earlier compared to last week. I think it was over with by 5pm ish; around 9 am listen. I don’t mind such things on a Monday either, as it’s my weekly day off from work. But it was good to experience the much earlier…lightening is the word, for some reason.

Also, no real headache or sense of brain tiredness today. I had that lasting until Friday last week from the 3 minute Monday listen.

I am undecided at the moment regarding changing this listening. It might behoove me to keep it here for another week, and note the immediate and after effects again.

More interesting ideas this morning. I actually typed out something that I would love to do. Feeling quite emotional upon reviewing the thought. Must be important. I would need help too. Still. Going to keep that one close for the time being. It needs time to incubate.


“The Need to Win

When an archer is shooting for nothing He has all his skill.
If he shoots for a brass buckle
He is already nervous.
If he shoots for a prize of gold
He goes blind
Or sees two targets –
He is out of his mind.

His skill has not changed, But the prize
Divides him. He cares,
He thinks more of winning
Than of shooting –
And the need to win
Drains him of power.”
― Thomas Merton, The Way of Chuang Tzu

This has been in my head for some reason.

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And done!

1 of 3 workouts this week.

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1/24 Morning Time!

1.5 min E:WTP

And that’s going to be it for that one today. :slight_smile: Thursday last week could very well have been recon rage at work, and I don’t want to do that again. On the other hand, I had legit complaints. :upside_down_face: Imma just cut the listening time this week and move forward. If I do alright tomorrow, I’ll add 30 seconds next listen.



Primal Nights!

What a product!

I asked yesterday what’s in this stuff. Bossman SaintSovereign gave me a response!

heh. I suppose I should explain my perspective a bit before I get into my review.


I’m a 42 yr old man, been married for 20 years to the same woman. In retrospect, I have to give credit to the power of the internet for my marriage being possible, as my poor habits in my youth didn’t help me with the ladies. Starting in my teens, I became obese, had/have some level of bipolar disorder, and was a chronic masturbator and porn addict. When I met my wife, I think I had maybe dated 4 girls total, nothing longer than a couple months. I wasn’t some seasoned gent settling down.

Bah, I’m rambling. Bottom line is that I did not do well with women, and never saw that changing as it seemed not even my wife liked me too much.

All of that changed 4 years ago when I quit porn. I had an easier time losing weight. I quit jerking off too, as I wasn’t looking at porn to prompt the activity. My moods and reactions started improving. Everyone started treating me differently, including my wife!

I am aware of how things can improve when one improves oneself.

I wasn’t prepared to walk into work yesterday and experience (to me!) the huge change in the interactions with the various women around.

  • Waiting at the timeclock to punch in. My schedule was adjusted (grumble) so I’m here early to ensure punctuality. Newish coworker (60’s F) says hello with a smile as I walk up.

I found it unusual. We haven’t spoken before other than her asking me a couple work questions. ( Seriously, 2)

  • Within 15 minutes of clocking in, the entirety of the downstairs female office staff came through my area for food, giving me a greeting and a big smile each. (35ish F, 50ish F, 60ish F).

Normally only the 60ish F would greet me, and not quite as warmly.

  • Salad Lady (50F). Can’t stand her. Her vibe is a NO. Had a confrontation with her last school year after she tried some sarcastic belittling shit with me. Told her I didn’t like her and that I didn’t want to speak to her at all. Today she walks by and looks over, smiles big and says, “Good Morning PizzaShaman!”

She knows nothing has changed, or at least she should. I still don’t want to talk to her or have her around me. I knew PN was working then.

  • Female students who I think like me or have little crushes or whatever: Yeah these young ladies were smiling before I made eye contact. Some, who had only smiled at me before, spoke to me for the first time yesterday. Hair touching. The looks. Alla dat shit.

  • Another office lady stopped by, wanting to talk about allergen labeling on one of my signs. Late 20’s. Attractive. Married.The conversation wasn’t really necessary, IMO. She was smiling the whole time. The vibe–my goodness. I had the sense of an energy match, I suppose. The sense (or was it confidence) that if you were both single, it would be easy to seal the deal if you wanted to.

Then, an internal WTF observation of that…awareness. I am not a philanderer, I run subs to see what can attract my wife.

Biggest thing I noted was any woman I had spoken to before, someone I had rapport with, that encounter was “boosted” or better. Words fail me at the moment to adequately describe the sense or knowing.

Edit: Realized I didn’t mention the administrative staff ladies that came through. I don’t want to type so much. The above (boosted encounter) applies and the interactions were similar to the office ladies.

Edit #2: I’ll write this one. I owned Libertine already; I gave it a few plays in the past. The first time I gave it a loop, one particular woman, Imma guess mid to late 40’s, attactive, stopped by for pizza for the first time ever. She comes through on a regular basis for food, just like the rest of the employees and students there. Never pizza though, until my listen of Libertine, and not since.
At one point during lunch yesterday, I turned around and you know who was grabbing a slice and giving me a smile. Inner monologue : Yup, this stuff is working.

I think I noticed at least 20 instances yesterday of PN working with interactions. I’ll admit I felt my aura energy drop a bit after I ate lunch, which lead to the decreased effects during the dinner shift, in addition to me just being busier and not having any sort of time for chit chat.

End of the evening, at bedtime, my wife was very sleepy.


When I put her hand on me, she started jerking me off, and then switched to using both hands.
She’s never done that before!

I slept good.

This morning I figured most of that PN was out of my aura.

Boy was I wrong

Felt super horny even after releasing right before falling asleep.
While my wife was getting ready for work, I asked if I could hit it from the back real quick?
Fake exasperation as she got down on all fours. heh
quickly turning to "oh god oh god’ “OH MY GOD” and some gibberish I couldn’t understand as I was finishing.
