PizzaShaman’s journal - Ongoing

Maybe for today. :slight_smile:

I hope the whole-day conference was interesting. I would take that over making pizza for college kids provided it had intriguing material. Although I got something special for the young’uns tonight.


9/1 Morning Time!

Well, loops on deck. Let’s record times and get the listening done.

3 min KBC4
5 min Self Enhancement Custom

and done.

I need better names for my customs. Something shorter.:slight_smile: The long names feel inefficient.

I want to get a list going regarding subs I want to run. Take the time to sit down, look over the storefront, see what looks interesting and speaks to me, and write down why. Maybe I can organize after that and figure out some stack combinations for myself. I KNOW I want to run PCC at some point, but I’m not sure with what, hence the list idea.

Saturday will be a long day. I’m planning on ‘eating the frog’ and going to row before work tomorrow. Should be doable even with the 10 hour shift. Getting that done will get me over the mental hump of the short term gym goal. With the holiday weekend however, work should be fairly slow. Just about halfway there on this work period slog.

I wonder what sort of action I can take or should be taking with ALCH1, to help Pathfinder along. I suppose I could reread my differing materials and texts to see what jumps out at me. Might be some interesting synergy there between ALCH1 and KBC4, the energetic channel purification interacting with the increased flow of my energy. Time will tell.

Feeling pretty good right now.:smiley:


9/3 Morning Time!

Yesterday did not go to plan. How does it go? “Man plans, God laughs”?

Woke up early with a massive headache and nausea. Threw up twice. Called work 4 times before someone answered and I was able to be out sick. Threw up twice more. Smoked and slept until 2ish in the afternoon. Finally had a protein shake at 3:30ish and was able to eat solid food later on last night.

I’m not sure. I don’t think it was overload. I half believe it was a sub manifestation. It was very out of the blue for me to get ill like that, especially since I’ve been taking strides to be more healthy lately. I know, what kind of sub manifestation would get someone sick right? Don’t make any sense there, PizzaShaman!

Yesterday, early evening I started getting some messages from my daughter, asking me what happened at work since an email had gone out ‘talking about an incident’ in my area of employment. Mid afternoon, a couple of my coworkers got into a verbal altercation which escalated to a brief physical one, which resulted in the police being summoned. Had I been present at work, it is highly likely that I would have involved myself to diffuse the situation, whatever it was. So I was spared that by being off sick.

Found out when I woke up that a good friend at work was involved in that situation. (Like my wife found out before I did…jeez) I suppose I will start to see the fallout today, as I’m going in to work with this (now)head cold. Sudafed for the win!

I need this week to go according to plan regarding my work schedule. I want a nice padded paycheck for later on in the month for the rower!! Although, thinking just now, I may try to see if I can magic one up via Ascension Chamber. Can’t hurt to put some thought energy there.

Even with feeling a bit ill, I feel full of energy! Today is day 6 since last release. It is an odd juxtaposition, body feeling weak and weary yet energized. I am uncertain if I want to keep this little streak going or release some pressure tonight and start anew. I find that I have a far easier time with retention when my wife is on her period, and according to the tracker that’s 9 days out. If I let loose tonight and start fresh, I could get a 2 week streak in, easy I think.

Or I could say No. Keep my energy for my own use. I want to get to the gym tomorrow since I couldn’t yesterday and it was closed today. Half hour or so on the rower will take the edge off the energy level.
Might end up being a coin flip.

Sigh. If I was single, retention would be easy. Well, now. No wife in the picture ever, I would likely still be a porn addict. But that’s a story for another time.

Switching tracks: One (Of the many!) things I like about SubClub is the emphasis on Action! Psych-K was/is great for precise subconscious adjustments, but it falls short, IMO, because of the lack of weight placed on Action. “Consider” an action step vs. Take Action!

Maybe an Action Guide would be handy for my fellow SubClubbers? I saw one around here before. I believe it was written by Simon for EoG stage 1, a solid plan of steps one could/should take to get the most out of that stage, and a guideline for when you’d be ready to move on to the next stage. Sometimes its easy to figure out. KBC for instance! Feel free to disagree, but I think the first action step is to decide to retain your essence.

I don’t know too much about what steps people should take for each sub, but I know that amongst the community, it would be possible to craft a list of action steps for each sub (or stage in a multi stager) to get noobs started. Noobs was written with love, there. :slight_smile: I’m still noobish too.

Motivated to create some goals today. Here goes:

Current Continuing Knowledge Goal: Find out what SubClub products are capable of based on personal experience.
Short Term Knowledge Goal: Construct list of desired subs, prioritize and plan usage. Finalize and order KBC4 custom when core is available. That name embed is NICE.

Current Continuing Mastery Goal: Obtain complete mastery and control over my sex drive.
Short Term Mastery Goal: Make it to the neurochemical/hormonal calm period after 2 weeks or so of retention. Not feel like I’m fiending for some ooey gooey.

Current Continuing Fitness Goal: Get a rower’s build. Lean and strong.
Short Term Fitness Goal: 3 more workouts by next weekend off.

Current Continuing Family Goal: Develop better relationship with my son.
Short Term Family Goal: I’ll have to plan some things for us to do together. We can exercise as an activity when I get the rower at the end of the month. He just wants me to talk to him. Sometimes I don’t know how to. We did have a good talk night before last. Set aside time for that.

Kinda wanna cram RM:UW in a custom with KBC4. I feel I could use the boost. It takes me so long to type up these entries! Oh well. Don’t force it, PizzaShaman. That ends poorly, you know that.


A big Wheel of Time fan here myself. Read the series 4 times.

Did you notice that the CHOSEN title was also Wheel of Time inspired? That’s what the darkfriends call the Forsaken.

The TV series was a big disappointment though.


Always pleased to meet a fellow fan!

CHOSEN honestly tickled my brain but I didn’t make the connection until I read your words. Thanks brother! :slight_smile:

I read and reread the books so many times. I could devour one in two days at my reading peak in my teenage years. Last year I ordered most of the set off of Ebay. Pretty sure all the original covers. :slight_smile:
It wasn’t til a few years ago I came to understand Saidin/Saidar as an allegory for sexual energy. YMMV
The breathing trick to ignore temperature and weather, I found the real world equivalent in Monkey Kung Fu. That series had a big impact on my life.

The TV show, I agree, was disappointing. It had its moments. The first instance of Moiraine channeling in the village, actually seeing it on screen after having read it so many times, well. I felt it powerfully. Past that I felt it was kinda rushed, cramming most plot points from the first book into what, 8 episodes? I may give season 2 a watch. Home sick today so not much else to do.


Now I know another reason why I want to keep running Mind’s Eye, even put it in QTKS. Couldn’t explain it til I read this.

The expanded box doesn’t show it unless you click, I think. Anyways, the questions referenced, paraphrased:
a. Does Mind’s Eye contain scripting to improve ESP type abilities
b. Does Mind’s Eye contain scripting to “detox and decalc” your pineal gland.


And that’s why I loved Robert Jordan’s writing. So many mythological and psychological references in these books.

Saidin/Saidar = masculine/feminine energies. Saidin need to be taken. Saidar to be surrendered to. And many more such inferences.

Also the women depicted in his books behave like real life women (even though modern takes say otherwise). For example, women group together with other women even if they hate each other just to confront a man. Things like that are so true lol.

Too many mythological elements like Arthur Hawking being a reference to King Arthur.


Rand al’Thor, the Dragon Reborn, is confirmed by author Robert Jordan as sharing traits with the Norse god Tyr, Mat Cauthon is clearly based on Odin, and Perrin Aybara draws inspiration from the Slavic god Perun. The three also embody aspects of the Hindu “Creator-Preserver-Destroyer” trimurti.

There are also several indications that the central character, Rand al’Thor, is patterned after Jesus Christ. He has several stigmata (namely, marks in his hands/wrists and a spear wound in his side). Prophecy says he will give his life to save the world. And he will fight in the final battle, Tarmon Gai’don. There is also reference to his rebirth (to live, he must die), another parallel with Christ. He also wears the Crown of Swords, which can be a direct reference to the crown of thorns christ wore.

(above copy-pasted from the Internet)

Perrin’s hammer reminds me of Thor’s.

Can go on and on. It’s rich in cultural and religious references too.

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9/4 Afternoon Time!

1.5 min KBC4
2 min ALCH1
1.5 min DR:LD
7 min AsC

Going to see how this sits today. I like the DR:LD feeling. Gets me up and moving. Hopefully I’m feeling better soon.

Hmmm. A pause before the Ascension Chamber listen. What to aim for this week? What to boost? Can I magic up something? I usually just speak it in my mind while the loop is playing, and things happen later on. Maybe it’s time to record something prior, like a …goal? Ha! What sorcery is this?


  1. Boost Subliminal Processing. I’ll keep up my end and get plenty of water and appropriate food. Retention helps too.

  2. Ensure I have a peaceful work week. Thanks to Mind’s Eye in a custom, this request happens consistently.

  3. An affordable particular model rowing machine (RowErg Concept 2 Model D) within an easy pick up range on Marketplace. I’ll buy new if need be but I’d like to find a steal. Usually my luck is good that way. “I always find the best deals.”

  4. Enhance KBC4 execution. 'Nuff said. This stuff is Fire.

  5. Boost Health. I must get back to the gym and outta this sickness.

  6. Unexpected Income! Receive some sort of income or opportunity for such.

Alright, not bad for me. Time to do it.

And done.


Idea drop

Throw PCC in with WB at some point in the future. I’ve been looking for something to run with it. Ding ding ding! Sound logic to this guy. Thanks Emp!


9/6 Morning Time!

1.5 min ALCH1

Keeping those times low today. PizzaShaman is still feeling under the weather although returning to work is planned.

Something feels different this morning. It’s hard to put into words. I shall try.
As I progress along with KBC, anything sex related seems trivial? Bigger PP, being WANTED and desired, all well and good I suppose. If I am aiming for total sexual energy mastery however, do these goals bear any fruit?
Perhaps I am internalizing Fire’s answer to me in the KBC thread. Anyway.
Sexual Energy is a resource, right? Mastery is gained through practice of Control. Control is necessary throughout the entire process, from guiding and curbing stimulating thoughts to deciding if you want to release or not.

Sigh. The thoughts are slipping away. A sense that sex and release are wasteful compared to the alternatives. That I know better and I can be better. Hmmmm. There will be a lot to think about today.

A few minutes ago I recalled that I asked for a boost to KBC4 in Ascension Chamber 2 days ago. LOL!
No wonder I had that thought stream. Interesting expression.

I would like to craft a subliminal that would assist me in collecting old and lost useful knowledge and make it applicable and helpful now. I know that’s pretty broad, but I feel there is a secret out there that I am meant to find and share with others.

Or it could be the head cold.

Best of luck to everyone today in the SubClub!


9/7 Morning Time!

Feeling hot this morning. KBC working some overtime so far today!

The morning wake and bake is still diminishing. Came down to smoke this morning but decided against it again. 2 days in a row. Hmmm. I’m not mad about it, just an interesting development.

Did my Buddhist Health Qigong this morning. Felt pretty good. Just reached 3 days again so it was appropriate.

I do want to record this, as it was most unusual for me:
I’m fairly popular at my workplace amongst staff and students. :slight_smile: PizzaShaman is a good enough stand in for what I’m called. It’s been going on long enough that there are jokes I should have my own brand and logo, etc. Well last Friday, I was struck with inspiration, and I designed one. It just came and plopped itself down on my mental worktable and I had to go draw it, right then. Turned out alright. Kind of an elegant symmetry to it, also looks old and maybe runic, the rough draft at least. I was pleased. I haven’t had a creative expression like that since I was in my early teens!

Don’t know what kind of result that is. I’m thinking KBC. Sexual energy is creative energy, if it lasts long enough.

Oh yeah. Mental note here: Consider a sleep module for the KBC4 custom build, QTKS or ‘plain old ZP’ lol. Last night’s sleep was not good again. I’m not sure if it was due to sickness or what, just didn’t sleep well. Deep Sleep or Paragon Sleep or RoD would cover that end.

I am aiming for a post work workout. If anyone reads this today, I would appreciate a moment of positive thought to assist me there. Good luck today, SubClub!


More good stuff:

GLM being “lighter” is good to know. The info about Sanguine:The Elixir is useful too. Would it assist the stack as well as the custom if used in a custom? Ha. Looks like a yes as I reread it.

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sending good vibes


Thank you all for the good vibes today!

Still at work. Update: Ascension Chamber hit at lunch today! 6!


30 min rowing
Top resistance
6200 meters

Thank you gentlemen!


9/8 Morning Time!

1.5 min KBC4
1.5 min Self Enhancement Custom

Qigong before the microloops! I felt my energy moving today.

So. Yesterday at lunch I got an Ascension Chamber hit. #6 on my list, Unexpected Income. This week was intended to be a bigger padding to that next paycheck, with all my overtime and the inclusion of Holiday Pay for Labor Day, my normal day off. I had been sick however, so I called out this past Tuesday. Almost felt like the 'vid. Anyway, policy at my job is that if you call out sick the day after a holiday, you lose the holiday pay. I knew that going into the week, and I knew that getting sick was going to cost me.

At lunch yesterday, …hmmm. Title… Department Secretary Lady! came up to inform me of my loss of pay for Monday. I had been expecting this, and told her as much, thank you for reminding me ma’am but I remember from last time it happened. After about a minute of chatting she decided to see if anything could be done for me, as the policy was intended (she thought) to discourage call-offs and I had called out sick on 9/2 as well, so I wasn’t faking it.

I don’t think ten minutes had passed before the General Manager for my department stopped by, said Department Secretary Lady had spoken to him, and he had reached out to HR on a phone call and got an Exception for me, and I would have my holiday pay reinstated!

I immediately knew Ascension Chamber had delivered.


9/9 Morning Time!

No Qigong today! Instead, we fed the demon. Last night, and this morning. With my wife’s monthly visitor due in a couple days, there will be ample opportunity for qigong coming up.

I think Ascension Chamber hit again, #3! Just sent a text about a rower I found. Good vibes for that! It would be a 2 hour drive after work, each way, but my wife and I could get dinner afterwards. Pending my question about the machine’s computer, it would be a fucking steal. Just how I like it. :smiley:

Short entry today. Good luck SubClub!


9/9 Supplemental

Gave myself Star Trek TNG vibes! Lol

So, riding shotgun currently as my wife drives. Got my rower and a mat in the back at a 41% discount off brand new price. A steal!

I half wonder if I cracked some code for myself with writing down the AC goals first. What else is possible? I almost want to take suggestions!

And Saint is uploading KBC 4 core today!?!?

Awesome Saturday at SubClub!


9/10 Afternoon Time!

It’s raining here this afternoon, a dreary ass day. I think the weather has contributed to me feeling tired, aside from the little bit of moving furniture around. Now my bedroom corner is occupied by the rower, and I already got a little bit of time on it.

Got some support ticket answers since yesterday. One of em—Question:
Hello Support, I hope your day is going well!

From the sales copy for Renaissance Man: Ultimate Writer X

First and foremost, Ultimate Writer X will help you bridge the connection between the subconscious and conscious minds, as well as the diverse hemispheres of the brain when you write. This is the key to unleashing your creativity’s full potential — a beautiful symphony of brain elements converging into one harmonious masterpiece.

Is this sort of scripting or goal present in any other Major Titles or modules? Uniting the mind, bridging both hemispheres of the brain.

Thank you for your time!

I figured it was near the same as what’s in QL1, but I wondered what others.
I tell you what, opening an answer and seeing:

Hello –

This is Saint Sovereign.

This scripting is inherent to Revelation of Mind, Revelation of Spirit, Revelation of Dreams, Index Gate, Mind’s Eye and all the Limitless titles. There are others, but I’d have to check. Anything that deals with the mind or art, it’s there.


Like opening a booster pack and getting that rare card! :smiley:

hmmmm. Been thinking alot today on switching up my stack a bit. Consolidation. I don’t want to quit Alchemist, and name embedded KBC4 is something I’ve been looking forward to as much as the birthday BJ. I came to the conclusion that I need to think out a plan and some goals and design a stack around that, something long term worthy of the QTKS investment. There’s also the fact that NFTW season is about what…9 weeks out? New modules? I’d berate myself severely if something dropped that I’d want in QTKS that I made 4 weeks prior (or some such). Better to wait on planning/designing that whole thing until after the releases.

So, the idea is to combine Self Enhancement with KBC4. I thought about dropping WANTED:BDLM but I just bought that rower and I want to keep this drive going. Since I think WB got me going on it, Imma keep going on WB.

So, taking time this afternoon to build that new new. Then maybe some BG3.

Edit: OMG, it’s as simple as taking out Inner Gasoline. :pray:
Edit2: It COULD be that simple. lol