PizzaShaman’s journal - Ongoing


3 min ALCH3
3 min EWTP
1.5 min Innerwork
3 min AsC

and breaking until Jan 1st!
I could likely use a good washout. It’ll give me some time to decide upon direction, and provide opportunity for more sweet drops.

Not sure what to do for goals for myself. Increase wealth would be worthy, I suppose, however I need to keep my current job for at least 2.5 more years as a major benefit is free tuition for my children, and while the younger 2 seem disinterested in college, my oldest is working on her degree. So yeah, with the need to keep the same job, would any sort of wealth scripting be worthwhile? Likely so, but I could prolly put the processing power elsewhere.


Gotta be accountable somewhere…


1/8 Morning Time!

And I’m back to work this morning. Weee!

4 Weeks off. Rest and relaxation, and little else!

I wanted to make some new goals for myself, for this year, but I don’t do well with such things just yet.

Anywho, the current stack was started 1/1, consisting of

Emperor: The Will to Power
Alchemist Stage 3

Generator v1.0 Terminus

1 Revelation of Mind Core
2 Mind’s Eye Core
3 Ascension Chamber Core
4 NLE Core
5 The Architect
6 Jupiter
7 Dominion
8 Divine Will
9 Wheel of Creation
10 Void of Creation
11 Yggdrasil
12 Omnidimensional
13 Mosaic
15 Pragya
16 The Flow
17 Fortune’s Favorite
18 Tyrant
19 Current Invoker
20 Inner Voice

My version of the manifestation sub that Sir Patrik and Invictus have been working with.

Today’s listening:
3 min Generator
3 min EWTP

Wednesday and Friday will be Alch3 and EWTP both days. I’ll say my first listen of ALCH 3 this year prompted something interesting, the following day I had a massive migraine headache! It was energy related in some fashion, as my attempts to move that energy would result in differing sensations in my head. So much pressure my eyes were watering! I wasn’t sure if it was related to that massive solar flare last week or what, just that it came on within a day of my first listen this year. I’ll see what happens this week obviously. Hopefully that is not as bad, if it happens again. One month or so more of Alchemist 3, and then on to ALCH4 for a month or two, and then back to KBC, cycling through the stages. That’s the plan at the moment, subject to change.

I started reading “The 48 Laws of Power”. Good stuff! I’m hoping there is enough scripting in there to assist me with keeping up with the rower; if not, I foresee a Spartan/EWTP custom in the middle future.

Good day, SubClubbers!
:pizza: :pray:t2:


1/9 Morning Time!

Audio Rest day. :slight_smile:

The first day back to work went well enough. I did some cleaning in my own area; caught up a bit with a few coworkers. I received several compliments on my appearance, which was unexpected. My wife thinks it was due to my change in uniform for yesterday, as I didn’t wear my normal one. My regular cook jacket is …concealing, I suppose, at least of my true size. Anyway, that was enjoyable.

I don’t have to bother about any work things until next week, when the students return. I’m thankful for the first week back being a light one.

I read more of 48 LoP last night. I think I stopped after part of Law 10. It’s good stuff.

Oh. Now I remember. Last night, after work, I was passing through my kitchen when I saw the half full sink of dishes and I decided to wash them, even though none of the dishes were mine. I was partway through that when I realized what I was doing, and I thought loudly, “Man, what did Saint and Fire put in this stuff? I’m doing the dishes and I’m not pissed about it.”

Also noticed an upgrade in my inner talk. While I’ve been doing well in my mental speech to myself, last night was even better. I’m thinking it was “inner voice” in that Terminus.

I am planning on a return to rowing next week, when my work schedule is back to normal. Perhaps a row this coming weekend. I don’t need to wait for perfect (re)starting conditions, I just need to get started again.

I am uncertain if I should keep Generator to one day a week or give it some more playtime. I suppose I’ll figure it out. I do know I felt some recon yesterday morning after my listening, but it wasn’t too bad at all. Perhaps that is an indicator of a good listening length for me currently regarding my stack.

Good day, SubClub!
:pizza: :pray:t2:


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1/10 Morning Time!

3 min Alch 3
3 min EWTP

Real short one this morning; I spent too much time figuring out a phone problem!

This from RoM came through quite strong yesterday, as I spent about half my shift in a discussion with Gymfather regarding my beliefs and faith. We don’t quite agree on things, but we were able to have a good exchange of ideas.

Yeah dude!

:pizza: :pray:t2:


1/12 Morning Time!

3 min Generator
3 min E:WTP

Four years ago today, upon arriving home from work, I was informed by my wife of her distasteful actions. It was a rough night. I even made a FBook post at the time!

Today, an oddity: Sitting down for my morning constitutional, FBook shared that memorial shit post with me. I felt nothing when I read it while the memory was refreshed. Awesome!

:pizza: :pray:t2:




From Day 7 of the Masterclass:

Taking Action – Ideas To Get You Going

When you start listening to a subliminal you already have at least a vague understanding that you desire to improve yourself.

Consider your goals, write them down into your journal so you know them and contemplate them.

Think – what actions will help you get closer and closer to achieving your goal?

This is important, as taking action is an integral part of the process of achieving incredible results.

To get you started, here are some actions you can take depending on what type of subliminal you are running. If you are running a stack, you’ll do best to combine/do the actions of both.


Be aware of and act upon opportunities to boost your status.
Utilize body language to your advantage.
Dress well.
Notice your own behavior with others and modify it to be more authoritative.
Take more calculated risks.
Build your discipline.
Develop your voice.
Work on your dominance/authoritativeness directly.
Be more social and build your social circle – be unafraid to meet others.
Help others meet other people.


Get onto dating apps and start messaging.
Be active – go out, meet and talk with your potential romantic partners.
Ensure you look your best.
Read up on romance and its intricacies (but do not replace action with reading).
Monitor any mistakes you make and fix them.


Make the most out of opportunities that present themselves to you.
Utilize all the resources you have, including time.
Think deeply and out of the box for ideas.
Start the side-business you’ve been thinking of (or a main business!).
Accept the gifts that you are given.
Read wealth-building books and utilize the advice given there.
Optimize your life and your work.


Research deeply the different traditions that exist and try some of their practices.
Develop your own daily spiritual practice and constantly improve it (and do not miss it!).
Build your connection with your religion/spiritual beliefs.
Follow the spiritual guidance provided in your religion/spiritual practices.
Work out your inner world through removing negative emotions that hold you back.
Look into your family’s history.


Build out or find a well-research workout regime and follow it.
Do not miss workout days.
Keep your nutrition top notch.
Research nutrition and supplements – utilize them to the maximum.
Visit your doctor and follow his directions well.
Rest when needed, do not force yourself when sick/injured.
Research ways to help any sickness/injuries and have your doctor weigh in.
Get plenty of sleep.


Workout – both your muscle and cardio.
Train your technique as much as possible.
Have experts help you take your technique to the next level – listen to your coach!
Avoid suspicious individuals – listen to your gut.
Avoid bad neighborhoods, do the research beforehand.
If legal, carry a weapon and know how to use it.


Try out different interval productivity schedules such as the Pomodoro technique.
Look into supplementation and nootropics.
Make you are pushing yourself to sit down and study/be productive/practice without distraction.
Let your inhibitions go when you need to be creative – let your creativity flow.
Create an environment where you can enter into the flow zone easily without distractions.
Measure your intelligence and make sure you are utilizing it through learning new things such as a new language.
Explore different ways to improve your skills and abilities – utilize them.
Find mentors.

Inner Healing

Be kind to yourself and mindful of your inner state – rest when needed.
Limit your exposure to others when in heavy reconciliation and try not to react to any slights that you might perceive.
Take action in the direction of where the healing is taking you – if you notice you are healing many wealth-related beliefs, then take action towards building wealth.
Meditate and notice your inner states and emotions – feel them and let them go.
Get enough sleep and rest.
Eat well.

Boom! It just showed up! The physical copy!

My oldest daughter picked it up. I had mentioned it to her.

Subs working fast!



3 min Generator

Not bad for a few weeks off!




1/17 Morning Time!

3 Min E:WTP

  • I’m setting aside Alchemist for now. I noticed that the day after my Stage 3 listens, I would get massive “energy” headaches. This is a new development this run. I surmise that I was listening to too much before, and scripting was getting lost in the queue somewhere. This year’s listening started after a 2 week washout and my initial listening day being Alchemist stage 3 only. Yeah buddy. With the knowledge of …maybe not exactly where, but in what direction it would take me, I want to prioritize my mental bandwidth differently. At least for now. It also frees up a slot in the stack, and with tomorrow’s HYPEDADDY event, an open spot is most welcome!

  • Generator is strong. Terminus Baby! I feel an odd tiredness in my head towards the end of my listening day and a bit of the day after. It should get a bit better soon. How I felt this week after listening was much better than last week’s experience. My diet is better when I am back to work, with easier access to fruit, veg, and protein, and that will help things as well.

  • Work is a great vibe check. With so many face to face interactions every day, it’s easy to see what I’m putting out, aura wise. I noticed in December at one point that I could “feel” some sex scripting enter my aura, that awareness granted, I think, by ALCH3, and the whole episode coming 2 days after a WB/BDLM custom listen. Anyways, now the major information contributor to my aura is Emperor: The Will to Power. It’s a very different feel. I had roughly half as much conversation with students as normal yesterday. I felt like they didn’t want to bother me, which was fine. Interactions with coworkers feel different. Can’t quite put my finger on it.

  • An odd inspiration: I’ve been working on a few different curry pizzas. I was out this past weekend and hit up a new Tikka spot, and damn it was delicious. Next couple days I tried out some curry sauce chicken pizzas at home. Today we got Tikka Masala for lunch, so I’m going to demo the concept for my coworkers. Hopefully the lunch entree is good on it’s own and I don’t need a coworker to doctor it up for my pizza. Get some fine diced chicken in there and it’s over! :pizza:

  • :slight_smile: My wife is working on self love and feeling better, so her stack is Love Bomb and Sanguine: The Elixir.


This week while listening to Generator I envisioned 3 completed rows or workouts. 2 outta 3 done!

This was not a record setter, but I got laid this morning and still worked out. :grin:


I have had some Tikka pizzas here in India. I think Dominoes made a version for the Indian franchise. I quite liked it.

Am sure yours would be awesome, PizzaShaman!


It was a hit with my coworkers. We had some masala on deck for the lunch entree. The seasoning was correct but it was missing that certain something. I got Gymfather to doctor up a portion for me. I took a bite afterwards and he had nailed it. Delicious! I told him his real name must be Pardeep, the masala tasted so good!

So I took that good masala and made good pizza. I ate a slice myself. :slight_smile:

Yeah dude.


Haha brilliant!Literally!


Late night thoughts

Had to type this down for some reason. Compelled!

an interesting feeling thought

how i think the subs work to move things >>>>>

once they are loaded in the queue and you start processing the scripting, that information will be constantly fed to or running by the reticular activating system, where habits and beliefs are reinforced, and which is always looking for reinforcement from the environment for confirmation of beliefs. Since changing your beliefs changes your reality, and the scripting load What beliefs you Want reinforced into the RAS, your mind will be on the constant lookout to move its recorded or set beliefs in the direction of the sub/your stack/your choice!

my father did not do a lot of the dad stuff with me. i should not let that, or my feelings about that, get in the way or affect my relationship with my son.

hmm. is this rom?

It was a few powerful feeling thoughts. I dunno.

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Exactly! And the name is sometimes pronounced Pradeep which also means the same:


It’s funny, I was thinking of typing Pradeep, but I thought that was wrong!

Thank you gentlemen!

In other news:
I will not recon rage on my female boss who is shit checking me today.
I will not recon rage on my female boss who is shit checking me today.
I will not…