Paragon ZP vs. MS: My wife’s story

Please note: I am writing this journal at my wife’s request and with her permission in order to help the developers with subs to help people with MS and similar conditions, and help people with them make good decisions about adding subliminals to their normal treatment plans.

  • My wife started running Paragon ZP last night primarily to alleviate the symptoms she is experiencing from Multiple Sclerosis.

  • She’s 42, and was diagnosed in 2015 after she started having vision problems in one eye. They tested the pressure in that eye when she went in to get assessed for Lasick, and it was off the charts the first time, but they couldn’t replicate that later.
    A number of different types of doctors looked into it, and they found indications of MS. They soon confirmed that, and unfortunately looked at that as the sole cause of her encroaching blindness. Unfortunately because it turned out that it was a completely unrelated condition, which they found only after she had permanently and totally lost sight in that eye in 2017. Her other eye is fine.
    She had been showing symptoms for a lot longer than that though, we just didn’t really notice it. We noticed that she started having balance problems, and issues with coordination in her late twenties as she approached thirty. We (myself, her, our close friends) just thought she was clumsy because she has never been the most athletic of people.
    Thats also about the time the personality and mood changes started to show up. By personality changes, I mean she became meaner than hell. By mood changes I mean frequent sustained outbursts of extreme anger. Usually directed at me. It was bad. It went on for years, and by the time I had reached a point in my own journey that I knew I didn’t deserve to be treated like that, she had her diagnosis and I knew that the behavior was at least mostly a result of a brain disease.
    There is also a large amount of cognitive decline. She is one of the smartest people I know, but her inability to follow simple directions or pick up on tasks that she would have found easy ten years ago cost her her last two jobs.
    She has many symptoms as of right now, including, poor balance, muscle spasticity that just about drives her nuts, difficulty speaking (loses words, frequently pauses in the middle of a sentence), frequent falls, low energy and becomes exhausted, often can’t stay awake and spends all day sleeping, unable to stand or walk for long, and more.
    She is currently on a disease modification medication, two antidepressants which have the personality “changes” handled nicely, and doing physical and psychological therapy. Also she has been on the first version of Paragon since it came out. We are throwing everything we can at this, not just relying on subs.

  • They just released a study which conclusively proved that the number one triggering factor for MS is infection with the Epstein Barr virus (number one cause of mononucleosis) with MS setting in an average of ten years after infection. This tracks, she had Mono when she was twenty, and symptoms started sneaking in when she was around thirty.
    It’s good to hear. If they’re figuring out how it happens, they’re that much closer to maybe being able to cure it, or at least treat it more effectively.

  • Are we expecting PZP to cure her? No. The goal is to get as much remission of her symptoms as possible and get as many of the parts of her life back as possible with all means at our disposal.


That’s interesting. Do you have a link to this study?


Here’s one.

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I really do hope she gets better, my friend. For her sake and for the sake of her loved ones :pray::pray::pray:


Ah. Thank you.

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  • I asked how she was feeling today, and she said “fine” but that she didn’t particularly notice anything.
    I gave her a wake up call on my way home this morning because the roads sucked and I was running late. I did notice that her voice had a lot more energy in it than it usually does when I wake her up. She sounded downright cheerful.
    She continued to sound more energetic all day.

my mum broke her hip and I introduced her to subliminals.

At first, I had her listening to regeneration AND paragon and that was really helpful.

Then, we decided to focus more on Paragon and she started listening to two loops of paragon back to back instead of one loop of paragon and one of regeneration.

Regen + Paragon was actually MORE effective than 2x Paragon.

Two reasons.

  1. Listening to two loops of a program is probably less effective than one.

  2. Crippling or life-changing injuries, and the road to recovery, is an emotional journey as much as a physical one. When she was doing emotional healing, she was clearing traumas and anger around her injury, removing fear around her injury, coming to terms with her injury and accepting it, learning how to be happy even if she wasn’t going to walk for 6 months, finding reasons to be grateful in spite of it, and most of all, becoming more optimistic about the healing process and the fact that she WOULD be healed.

Even that last one on it’s own would be a powerful healing program, to make you positive and knowing you will be healed. That’s what’ll manifest, if you believe it.

I’d highly recommend adding in Regen and listening to both on a Monday, Wednesday, Friday schedule, taking every third friday off! That way it’s a classic 17-day-on 4-day-off listening cycle, with an extra rest day every week, and it’s extremely easy to remember, so she’ll be able to completely manage it herself through memory and google calendar events, instead of relying on you to keep track of listens and washouts for her.

Good luck!


I’ve currently got her on one loop of Paragon and that’s it. We’re not going to even up it to two for a while. The reason is that her doctor told her that she is losing her neuroplasticity due to her disease, and I’m not sure if that means she’d have a reduced ability to process subs or not. So we’re starting slowly.
Also, she really wants to try Seductress and I don’t know if we should be going over two titles.

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I’ve got her doing three weeks on one off and listening every other day same as I am. Really easy.

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Glad you got a system that works man! I’ll be watching this journal and wishing you guys well

  • I’m off today so I got a closer look at how she’s doing. She definitely has more energy, and she seems to be dropping and garbling her words less than she has been since starting on the ZP version.

Have you taken a look at magnesium threonate? It’s a patented form of magnesium by MIT.


My wife and I always get noticeable effects from the “Mag-Tech” at NaturalStacks. Cognitive/energy boost like clockwork. It has all three of the “main” kinds of Magnesium, including the threonate form. I think it’s 3.


I’ll check it out, thanks.

  • For most of last year and the year before, the wife suffered from alternating insomnia and supersomnia. She often couldn’t sleep at night, and often spent all day sleeping even if she had slept well the night before.
    I would come home from a night shift, and if she’d asked me to I’d spend an hour or so trying in vein to get her up. Then I’d sleep my normal amount of time and she’d still be out like a light when my alarm went off. It would still take her quite some time to actually get up.
    It got a bit better by necessity when the kid started going to school, but it still took quite some time for her to get up.
    She had a hard time getting up because she felt exhausted in general, and also had to spend some time moving and stretching her feet and legs because cramps and spasticity made her feel like they would not support her.
    Since she switched to Paragon ZP she has comparatively bounced right out of bed with obvious energy in her voice and movements, and no complaints of cramps or spasticity.
    Today she did fall back asleep after she got the kid to school, but she said that’s because I ummmm exhausted her. More the result of me running Diamond.

  • On a concerning note, she is complaining that she is getting some blurry vision and seeing rainbow halos around lights with her remaining functional eye. That is the first thing she noticed from the ocular stroke that blinded her other one. I’m concerned, but she has an optimologist’s (however the hell you spell that) appointment on Thursday.

  • The wife went to her ophthalmologist today, and they found that the pressure in both of her eyes was extremely high. This is concerning because when they first found that in the eye that she eventually lost her sight in, the other one didn’t have that.
    They also said that there was a cataract on her blind eye that she couldn’t even see through. It is apparently blocking all of the places that pressure can get out of the eyeball.
    That’s actually good news. If they can fix that, she might be able to get some of the sight back in that eye.
    They are taking the pressure issue seriously enough that she is going to see a specialist tomorrow. It usually takes weeks or months for her to get that kind of appointment. This may not be the best thing to hear, but at least the medical system that she gets service from now is on it.
    I’m not thinking that it’s any kind of evidence that Paragon isn’t working. It getting caught quickly may even be some kind of manifestation.
  • Her ophthalmologist’s appointment ran a ridiculous amount of time today and they have no clue why her eyes have such super high pressure.
    She has to set up another appointment for next Wednesday.


  • She continues to show more energy than she did before.
    Yesterday wasn’t good though. She took what could have been a bad fall in the parking lot. She wasn’t hurt, but could have been. She wasn’t doing well the rest of the day.
    In the evening she had some trouble getting up from the couch. She said that she felt like she was drunk despite not having any alcohol.
    She has been feeling kind of weird all week since her disability hearing. She says it feels like that was a tremendous energy release that left her feeling exhausted.
    She said that it felt like a lot of tension was released, but replaced with new tension of waiting.

  • She begins her first washout week tomorrow.

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  • My wife usually has muscle spasticity as she is trying to go to sleep, and it often keeps her awake for a long time.
    She had a pretty bad case of it three days ago and took two doses of Blue Vervain. She took a dose when one leg was doing it. That stopped it, but then the other started bothering her. The second dose stopped that.
    She says that she hasn’t had any spasticity since then. Considering she usually has some level of it every day, that’s very noteworthy.

I hope your wife feels better soon.