Paragon and index gate

Dropping everything in favour of paragon and index gate,will play just these 2 subs for the forseeable future or until Lions gigachad requsted subliminal gets made

Want to go from a complete coding newbie to 6 figure salary within the next few years if its even possible

1st day of washout tomorrow


But one thing iv already noticed from this new updated index gate is that its not reversing my results like last time wich is nice, ig less recon?

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Ultimate Programmer + Paragon Complete. That’s a very good stack due to its tight focus.

My guess is that for some reason the script was taking more time to show itself due to various factors. Either because of more titles in your stack or reconciliation.

Which means that over time you would have seen results but you should always do what is optimum for you which is possibly this stack.

Maybe after the full script of Index Gate: Ultimate Programmer X gets into your subconcious over the course of a couple of cycles, then you can add more titles to your stack.

Am considering something similar at the moment too.

Use Wanted or Legacy of the Spartan for this. It has most of what we want.

Legacy of the Spartan if you want to only focus on physical development at the moment and not on seduction.


I think its better to wait, i feel like they could come out with something with better shifting for men plus the gigachad request had alot of likes 40+ ,plus im tired of changing subs and stacks just gonna max out wealth and health and see where index gate takes me

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I understand.

Hope you get excellent results on Index Gate :+1:.

@Lion thoughts?

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Thank you, @oloy. I guess Wanted has more of ME and HI in it. Can’t wait for the NSE Wanted.

And if they do this…

…i would be very happy.

Something along the line of this roadmap request.

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Isn’t that BDLM?

At least that’s how I’m reading this.

LotS doesn’t have ME, but they’re bringing a product for just ME, aka BDLM.


You might be right. I read it a couple of times and it does seem that way.

And I just checked the passage you quoted was three months before BDLM release