Pacman Ascended Mogul to Khan

What the heck…i didnt know it works that way :thinking:

What…I"m confused lol
You’re on stage 1?
Did you run stage 2 ?
I remember you saying stage 2 gave you god like confidence but aggro from

Yes im on stage 1
I used stage 2 once only just to test it.

Dragon Reborn
Should i should i not …

No. Stick with Khan man.
It’s rich coming from me as I jumped on it, but I’m holding you accountable with Khan dude. Finish your Khan journey first.

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Thanks @Brandon
Im going to finish khan

I don’t mean finish Khan and start DR at the same time, I just mean finish Khan out strong.

You can do this man, I can the change in you and see it in your journal posts. Khan is pulling you in and it’s amazing to read in your posts.

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Very encouraging @Brandon

Ohk back to khan now :laughing:

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I got you for the accountability my man, it’s super important.

How are you finding Stage 1? Have any of your goals changed that you posted? How about your beliefs on why they wouldn’t work that you did from Simon?


Im noticing lots of confidence and approach anxeity almost gone. Im feeling brave when im out and about. I also make it known to women my intentions. I no more have fear of extremely beautiful women. Infact i look for extremely hot ones.


That’s super awesome man. Like incredible. You should be super proud of the change and transformation already.

How many days in are you and how many loops?


I just went on to three loops recently.
Im doing just over 2 months now


Damn bro, that’s awesome. Is that a good sweet spot for you?..

Were you aiming for 90 days? I can see why you wanted to switch to Stage 2. 60-90 days is great man, be super proud of yourself. If you can hang in there 90 days would be phenomenonal.

I personally feel like you need 90 days each stage to truly experience and reap the benefits. More if possible. I just wish I wasn’t as impatient as I am.

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Depends on your state of the subconcious at the moment…thats how much time it will take to show results.
I dont want to go to stage 3/4 and realise that my blocks are still preventing me from full execution.
Mental blocks do take lots of time to get removed.
I am already starting to feel to good for ladies…now imagine thats only stage 1…imagine what stage 2 and 3 will do for me long enough…


Agreed bro. It takes some time but it’s worth it.

Super proud of you for this brother. Gotta erase them blocks for full execution, you’re doing so well dude. I admire your consistency and smartness for this.

I’m aiming to do the same with DR for healing so that I can erase the constant blocks with my goals so that the other subs I’m using can execute better.

Going to take some time but it’s worth it.

My man, I’m here for your journey and I’m waiting to see it unfold in magic for you.


Been listening to the 48 Laws of Power


To keep some balance…
:innocent::innocent::innocent::innocent::innocent::innocent::innocent::innocent::innocent: and then an extra just to make sure… :innocent:


Does anyone have an idea if elements of PCC is in Khan?
Wondering how i came into contact with the 48 Laws of Power

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@pacman - having played both Khan and PCC at different times, I would say there are some overlaps

But the difference is that Khan is more sexual and social dominance and charisma regardless of what people think of you

Whereas PCC is a sort of “political” and flexible dominance and charisma that comes from understanding others

PS: i don’t think PCC is in Khan


I really need to listen to this…need to find it for sure. Excited to have PCC in my upcoming stack.

Also like Raphael said there will be overlaps but different end goals. Don’t think all of PCC is in it. Even if it was it would be aimed towards Khan goals.