Pacman Ascended Mogul to Khan

Not usually, usually I’ll do a different sub half loop and then finish both loops the next day or the day after that. If I was running only one sub I would do that though. Split 1 loop into 2 chunks through the day.

I’m doing it for specific reasons and also am at a time where I need to minimize recon day to day, but it works great. Although I found so far, the recon is even harder on days off, likely cause I am closer to processing and integration, with less in processing que.

It’s just been a bit over a week of testing this.


Seem like a great idea.l since the full loop will be very very dense at one go. I will try this and see how it feels. This way the processing and integration will start faster since it’s half dense.

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tag me with what you think.

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What’s you take on running half a loop of a QV2 subliminal then running the other half later or on the next day?

Tough one.

I know the script is repeated multiple times inside a sub.

I also know that when somebody asked Saint if they could run a sub for 30 minutes, the answer was that if that was the case, subs would be 30 minutes long. Instead, they are 60 minutes long because that works better.

Finally, I know there’s an experimental that hits so hard that Saint told me to run it for only 30 minutes, to limit exposure. But that’s an experimental and not yet calibrated correctly like the ones you have access to.

Usually when I walk away from my desk I pause the subs and continue when I get back. Short breaks. I do try and time me walking away at the end or start of a sub so I don’t have to pause.

Sometimes if I’m late with the subs, I will stop them partway through and go to bed. But then I will start from the top again the next day. I don’t resume where I left off.

So in short: my take is that you can pause, but if the pause becomes too long you should start it from the beginning instead of where you left off.


Mini Update
Guys I’m experiencing intense bloom this afternoon. I went into the shop I couldn’t help but talk to people and just be friendly. Lots of eye contact from ladies and men. There was something that was urging me to talk to people and make conversation.

It feels so good. There is like a feeling in my body like a tickling feeling that feels really good. Like a warm energy that circulating my body. It feels euphoric. I felt so natural to talk to women and greet and just pass comments and compliments.


Any intention of going back to DR? I know that you were going through some really intense recon while using it. Also, do you think that all this time doing khan stage 1 will make DR stage 1 easier?

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At the moment I have no intention going back to DR with way I’m feeling today with Khan. :grin:

I definitely think after going so long on Khan,DR will be a little easy. On the other hand DR is definitely an intense program and definitely not a joke.

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7th Day washout out
Woke up this morning with pressure kind feeling in the head and face. Felt like my head was going to explode. No headaches today.
That feeling I described yesterday about the warm feeling is still present today. Confidence is very high. Still feeling the urge to approach women. No fear as well. It feels like I can approach any women. And I am approaching them alot but I am very selective.


I get pressure around my ear area. Just in front of the ear, between the jaw and the ear, I get the pressure there. Sometimes it radiates to my jaw and temple.

I wouldn’t expect anything less than that from a Khan.

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The best part is I can get sexual right of the bat with no fear.


I love it! I’m nowhere near that now. I suspect when I get to stage two, I’ll begin to feel some of that. Although, I do feel a slight uptick in my confidence and horniness in stage 1.

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Keep going with stage 1 bru. You will definitely feel when the blocks are removed. I felt it.

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Thanks, will do!

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@RVconsultant how fundamental is the module I AM in stage 1 of Khan do you think? Would me having I AM sort of give me the khan stage 1 special? I know it wont be as complete, but how much of a void does it fill?


8th Day washout.
Fatigue still present but slowly subsiding. Feeling very horny last night. Also felt angry yesterday late afternoon.

Today I asked a lady to photocopy some documents for me. She’s always very friendly with me. I told her I will come back to fetch the items and told her to message me…lol she said I don’t have your number. I asked her to give me hers. She then wrote it down and where items were ready she messaged me. I asked her to model and bring it to me lol she did lol.
What’s you guys take ? Where to from here :laughing:

Edit : she Is married lol


wherever the fuck you want it to go, I say walk away with the W (win), pursuing is a fool’s celebration, wait till they start throwing themselves on you and at that point you know your game is tight without having to try and appease to their romantic fantasies.

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Most times they wait for you to take it forward…

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thatll happen naturally if itll ever happen, also she’s married so it’ll never really be worth it


8th Day Washout
Still feeling extremely tired. The fatigue and tiredness only tends to set in certain times of the day.
The head sensations @Malkuth described is exactly what I have been feeling all this time. Like a pulsating feeling. Hard to describe it exactly. The best I can do to describe it is it feels like brain massaging…:laughing: