Ouroboros goes all in on Stark Black

I’m doing 3 minute loops of SB + RICH right now. Nothing else! Except for the 3 minute loop of Asc Chamber that I throw in once a week. No recon so far and first results are looking promising!

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Yep, I’ve had a totally smooth experience with ASBR so far, no recon minus today’s slight overexposure, and even then it doesn’t feel like the usual recon hell

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Jeez talk about “good quality leads”

I literally had a client who was so bought in she just straight up told my setter “I expect to be closed on this next call.”

Had her signed and paid for our biggest package within 20 minutes, plus I asked her if she knew anyone else that would need our service and she said “she has a big mouth, once she sees it’s working, she’ll be telling everyone” - she wants the referral fee.

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Even though yesterday was a recon, lower productivity day, I still felt in control, and I still felt able to be conscious of what was happening to me to adjust in real time. I controlled the negativity rather than let it control me. After the date I went on with my fiancee (it was our four year anniversary last night, yay us) i felt 100% better and had a great sleep.


Excited for the new love bomb. Might throw Exec and LB and/or RM together into a long term development custom. Maybe sanguine instead of LB depending on the copy for the pages.

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Course that i bought is actually from a behavioral profilist for the FBI etc. etc. on Influence. But it’s who Eli Wilde is business partners with and is a year long program going DEEP into the psychology and inner mechanisms of how people, interrogations & interviews, authority, profiling, etc. works. Eli recommended it to me, but, I spoke to a guy I know who’s closed for Eli’s offers, Chase’s offer, several others, but isn’t affiliated at all anymore,

and he said this course is just bonkers in it’s quality that if i’m willing to spend, I have to spend on this.

Okokokok let me explain.

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I wouldn’t make a sales tactics course because I’ve seen all the mid/low-level sales course guys and they are just total BS. It’s all one massive circle jerk, everyone is borrowing everyone’s stuff, everyone is trying to pretend their system is different when pretty much it’s all exactly the same minus a few key details.

Discovery, future pace, consequence, commit, pitch, objection handle. Everyone has slightly different things to say in each stage, or they pretend they made up the stage when they actually just renamed it, but it’s all the same. And that’s the way it has to be because it’s the ultimate framework, you can’t innovate on it no matter how hard you try, and even if you do, it might be a different process, but at best it’ll get the same results, not better. So long as you have a framework you’re good, which one exactly doesn’t really matter. In reality, you should ultimately learn all the frameworks, and develop your own.

Meanwhile, Flow, Performance, Habits, Personal Success, Emotional Development, Shadow Work, Confidence, Work Ethic, etc etc, those are the things that make sales people successful with barely any training, and if you give THOSE people even a tiny bit of training, they blow up and go to 70% close rates right away.

So I’d rather position something that’s NEW first of all - because noone is coaching on this - and second of all, something that’s much more important than whether or not you should say “do you feel like this could possibly help you get to where you want to go?” compared to “do you feel like this would definitely help you get to where you want to go?”

Like ultimately it’s just a very slight linguistic nuance and neither one will work if you’re an autistic neck-beard and they’ll both work equally well if you’re all the character traits I described.

And of course I do agree that 1-1 coaching is an issue and group/course stuff is the way to go. I don’t have time for 1-1 stuff unless it’s for free for my friends


Why don’t u package all that up into an ultimate program?

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I’m coaching my business partner on sales right now actually, and i’m talking about shit like this with him. I could see shit like this making it into my YouTube content, but, i really believe in “give away the information, sell the implementation.”

If I can have a YouTube course that’s as good as people’s 10K courses, and then only take serious sales pros and help them dial in everything they’ll need to be rockstar sales people, maybe that’s cool.

I just don’t want to get into a “my line is better than your line, and I know because im the best sales person in the planet as measured by Forbes” d*ck measuring contest


in other news, I’ve had MULTIPLE people in the last 48 hours offer me highly lucrative positions. Just all of a sudden. I’ve turned them all down but it’s kind of insane how quickly they came, how big some might be, and how they all happened at once.

I don’t think any of them are truly right for me, or stable, although I might help one of them part time.


Dude which rule does this break why are you editing this out @RVconsultant - show me where in the guidelines this is any sort of breach and I’ll be sure to never do it again

The Mastery course? I’ve heard insane things about it

What course?

For context - i spent a long time with Safety Net, the Q-store module, in a custom… i wonder if this helped. Because the fear of a bad week is an extremely normal part of sales - and I’ve experienced that for a long time as well

(Now that I write this, I specifically had Safety Net in my HOM/PCC custom - so I wonder if it worked especially well on connections?)

Chase Hughes Mastery Program


@JCDenton i accidentally posted this on Stark Black thread meant to redirect here.

Do you really want an answer to that question or was it more just a statement? Happy to oblige with a response I just don’t want to waste time if you believe what you believe, and were more so looking to express that than looking to be curious about why. Feel free to be “highly skeptical” but I’m not really interested in diving deep into any reason behind this if you’re more skeptical than curious, if you catch my drift.

This really piques MY curiousity, though. Why have you taken sales courses? Are you in sales? Is it the most important thing in the world to you? Does one tiny tiny perspective shift have the possibility to triple your income literally overnight?

You have to understand… and we can dive deeper into why… but the first Sales course I ever bought was from Eli Wilde, and after watching 3 hours of that content, I went from a 5% close rate to a 50% close rate, and I went from making 3K/mo to making 15K/mo+. Not revenue, etc etc, that’s what landed in my bank account. My next sales course added some numbers to that paycheck as well.

In that sense, every sales course I’ve ever taken has been free, because it’s paid for itself instantly and 10x, 100x, 1000x beyond what I paid for it.

I only need to make 20 sales that I wouldn’t have made because of this course and I doubled the money on my investment, short term.

On a extremely low volume week, let’s say I take 10 sales calls a week. The number is more like 15, but let’s say 10. That’s 520 sales calls per year. To make 20 sales, I need a closing percentage increase of 4 percent. I need to go from a 31% close rate to a 34% close rate.

So on my first year, I’ll double my money if that’s ALL that happens.

Worst case scenario… I don’t hit my goal, and this sales course does ALMOST nothing for my goals. With ZP, and the fact that I’m making personal commitments to study sales intensely on a weekly basis now, making “no improvements” is literally impossible. So I only increase my closing percentage by 2%. Well… I basically break even the first year. But if my closing percentage increased by 2%, it stayed that way every year. So the first year, I made 16K based on increased closing revenue - that pays for the program, but I make no ROI. The next year, I still have a +2% closing percentage, so my annual income went up by 16K. The year after that, another 16K, etc. etc.

Mid-case scenario, an extremely conservative estimate, my closing % goes up by 4% instead of 2%. Now I double my money the first year, and additionally make 32K/yr on top of what I’m currently making.

Best case scenario… well, the math gets crazy.

And here’s another thing.

I didn’t really buy a “sales” course. I bought the deepest course humanly possible on understanding the inner workings of psychology and human influence, and will be using it to understand humans at an entirely different level for the rest of my life. It’s also a course of learning how to become the type of person that IS extremely influential, through a variety of methods, ultimately aimed at increased confidence and authority, and I’ve already had an LSD trip which completely eliminated any social anxieties, since starting this course, simply because I was able to apply those concepts to myself while in an altered state.

And finally, my ultimate business goal is to create a non-sales-sales coaching program for sales people who want to level up their identity, not their sales skills - aka they want to become uber-disciplined, they want to become master influencers without the need for any scripts, they want to understand human psychology at the deepest level, they want to enhance all the social and personal elements that come BEFORE “what closing line should I use?”, so, me buying this course is also a way for me to take something that hasn’t been applied to the sales world and apply it to that world more directly for long term business.

For all those reasons and more, yeah, I don’t lose sleep over the course.

As per the question… isn’t ZP more effective than anything else?

Let’s apply that to other domains.

Is listening to LoTS more effective than learning proper exercise form?

Is Primal Seduction more effective than learning from the best people in the world about seduction?

Is listening to Love Bomb more effective than journaling about self love and meditating?

Why compare when you can do both, is my question?

LoTS is more effective IF you learn proper exercise form, Primal Seduction is more effective IF you also learn from the seduction coaches that resonate with you, etc etc.

Let me put it to you this way. I am very very good at taking sales courses and making an ROI. That’s not in replacement of ZP that’s BECAUSE of ZP - ZP makes you hyper effective at learning, activating the reticular activating system to find the exact information out there that will help you accomplish your goals - but you still need to expose yourself to the information


Revelation of Product Creation, the module, is speaking to me.

Pretty clear on the coaching for sales people angle now, just need the actual product. Might do that “Long Term Development” custom I was talking about, and throw in the modules from the Nouveau RICH module pack.

I literally wrote this in response to the question yesterday and AFTER I WROTE IT went… “Oh shit, that IS what I want to do.”

I don’t know who possessed my hands and wrote this but I’m glad it was written and I was able to read it - I’ve had abundant clarity since that moment.

Man… this sleep hypnosis from the course I bought is life changing. Falling asleep way faster and deeper now plus, stopped taking melatonin, plus it’s hypnosis around confidence which is their foundation for authority and influence.


I keep on being surprised at the sales I get.

I’m noticing a nagging sense of pessimism at the moment that’s completely unsupported by any of the numbers, it’s totally senseless.

I just broke a monthly record and Feb 2024 is my highest contract-value month ever. We’re only 15 days into the month.

But… internally, I have this nagging thought that I’m in a slump, I just got lucky the first week (even though I’ve continued to crush it since then) and that it’ll all crash down on me and the last 2 weeks of the month will be done.

So… a bit of pessimism, or whatever you’d call that, even though it’s completely unsupported by any rationality.

Is this just my brain trying to enforce homeostatis? (Brain = First half was good so second half has to be bad???)


You’re not afraid the hypnosis is going to interfere with the subs?

I stopped using night-time hypnosis tracks because it’s always “don’t mix modalities” over here