Ouroboros goes all in on Stark Black

there are some men who don’t need to improve their willingness/ability to express themselves sexually… some men just gotta get their damn lives together, get drive, purpose, the respect of other men, some basic status before sexual status. That might be more for people looking for actual partners rather than just one night stands - again, that’s even more reason to identify your goals, your bottlenecks, and the subs that will help you get there.

Everybody skips the “your bottlenecks” stage and just goes to “I want women therefore I’ll run Primal” without even doing a self-assessment of why they don’t have women in the first place.


this sounds cool af

Post the link to buy the design/print/hoodie when you’re done :rofl:

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hot business idea haha

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“Poverty is all of me”

“I’m so ugly nobody loves me”

“Why try when I’ll almost always fail?”

“No problem can’t be solved with Alcohol”

day 4 of washout

i publicly proclaim i will go a full 5 rest days before listening to subs.

Stack next cycle will continue to be LE + ASBR with some space for a third title ran for a few loops here and there if I need something. Maybe a paragon/paragon sleep this cycle, idk. Sales is good, but maybe this cycle i re-introduce a few loops of NR, as it’s been a while since I’ve had wealth scripting.


Super excited for this custom. It’s beautiful. Just arrived but I’ll wait for the end of my washout. My only regret is there’s no wealth modules in it, but I really really needed to test out the smallest possible LE custom, optimized for same-day productivity and only my absolutely biggest addressed bottlenecks (prioritization, LE hitting deeper and faster, energy throughout the day, waking up in the morning) before I added density to it with direct wealth/sales enhancement.

If it works extremely well, I’ll add one or two wealth modules to round it out to an even 10


Executive is directly stated as improving sales acumen,

While Limitless executive does not. Fascinating.

Have you tested executive?

I may test just ASBR and LE next week.

My main goal with sales at this point is lead quality manifestation. I crush when I have closable leads, I even close some un-closable people lol, but I don’t consistently get the flow I need to hit my personal goals.

I’ve taken on too much responsibility in my personal sales performance. While I will always continue to improve and grow I am really really fxxxing good at sales in my field at least and see the consistent high quality leads as the missing factor to get to where I need to be. 10-20% of my leads have to be quality. Meaning intent and buying power. Right now it’s about 2%. At best it’s been 10%. I feel I could do half a million a month in net revenue if it was 20%

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[quote=“ouroboros, post:71, topic:21297”]
On the flip side, there are absolutely guys here who are on a wealth journey, when in reality, their bottleneck to acquiring more wealth is they don’t have enough love, social support, emotional fortitude, gratidude, hobbies, etc.
[/quote] :sweat_smile:

I have friends, I swear! I could use some good hobbies :joy:


I would have added Cosmic Navigator. But besides that- it’s beautiful

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A long time ago. And it gave me recon. But I was a very different person. And Qv2 was a very different product.

I’m thinking that for this cycle, I need to let the new limitless executive custom start to take hold. But once I’m used to it, I’d like to run a stack like ASBR + LE + EXEC


Well… Limitless Executive has Exec in it so I doubt that’s fully the case.

But also guys @azriel @niles did you see new sanguine? Looks perfect for all of us to try out. Negative energy transmutation for Az. An ROM like mental clarity for Niles. Sleep and focus for me. Wowowowowowowowow. Next cycle will simply be ASBR + LE + Sanguine.

Reminds me of my HOM + LE + SE stack which is when i made my most money and was the happiest ever


Was so hyped when I saw it and read the objectives, basically everything I was looking for, except I’ll be Khan instead of SB.

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i’m feeling so rushed to get back to subs. I have my new LE and Sanguine both to look forward to

One more day to washout, it’s thursday, morning now, i’ll listen friday night to Sanguine solo and see how I feel the next day just to test the results. ASBR/LE can be sunday morning.

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just gonna leave this here


Understandable question. Please let’s not mention or talk about people who have been banned.

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Did you get this question answered?

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I got chase hughes mastery - just to restate it !

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Booting up 15 mins of sanguine now - haven’t been so excited to run a sub in a long time. This isn’t an intellectual curiosity - my body is teeming with anticipation at how good I’m expecting sanguine to make me feel - my subconscious must remember sanguine/elixir and how good that made me feel and is expecting the same


New sanguine is good! Been quite happy… That’s not a very complicated emotion so I really don’t have much to say apart from that.

What I want to write a bit about is just overall how crazy life has been, all for the better, over the past month.

Personal development since Stark Black began has been continuous.

Not just my “development”, which is usually wealth, but at its core things about my personality and perspective are shifting for the better.

I’m also dealing with my fear of fame/attention rapidly. I’m developing a much more social mindset - redefining what it means to be “social.”

That’s actually something I’ve always had some small-t trauma around. Bullied a lot in high school, etc.

Over the last week I’ve started to develop a real reason for socializing. It’s starting to click for me that socializing is an opportunity find people who will become deep deep connections that’ll last me the rest of my life and them and I will share major life milestones together - getting invited to each other’s weddings, other major milestones, etc.

Before this I think it was either trying to impress people, trying to be impressed, or occasionally getting “lucky” and somehow finding someone new i like and talking to them


Last Cycle:


This cycle:

Sanguine + (LE–8-module-Custom) + Nouveau RICH


  1. Cycling wealth out was great, now I want to reincorporate wealth titles (re-introducing NR)

  2. ASBR has a lot that needs to be healed/bloom. I’m accepting the possibility that I’m limiting myself and can be 100x more successful/famous/wealthy/respected than I ever aimed to be. But I need to let the current level of ambition integrate, and the fragment parts of my psyche that are arguing with themselves over the proper path need to find alignment… i need to let the foundation bloom before building the skyscraper (removing ASBR)

  3. Stark Black has helped me envision myself as a content creator, thought leader, respected voice in the sales industry, and I can imagine myself with a successful YT channel and High-Ticket product that I sell… so… that’s on the personal level. Now Nouveau RICH needs to be re-introduced to help solidify the exact product/avatar/branding messaging/biz-plan that will push this over the edge.


First loop LE custom observations

I don’t even truly know if this is from the LE custom - which means it almost certainly is…

But I just had a very simple realization, one so simple that I can’t even say it’s the first time I’ve thought it. This time, it just hit me 1000 times deeper.

The size of my productivity will only ever be equal to or less than the size of my goals

Small goals? No productivity.

Medium goals? Small productivity.

Huge Goals? ENORMOUS productivity.

Once I realized that, thoughts just started coming rapid-fire. The uber-successful people I’ve met, and their absolutely insane work ethics, are all clicking for me. They had big drive because they had big dreams.

I can feel those “big dreams” clicking for myself, as well, and being at the level I’m at right now is good but I’m nowhere near world-class… which is where all the results in life truly come from.

Good Skills? Poor Results.

Great Skills? Good Results. (i’m probably here.)

Amazing Skills? Great Results.

World-Class Skills? Infinite Results (wealth, fame, power, all of it)

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