Ouroboros chess improvement journal

Completely non subliminal related

I’ll be documenting & analyzing chess games and practice here.

Mainly just to have a public place to do so, force myself to think through games in written format, to help sequential and logical thinking


For any curious, my username is xxxkingslayer on chess.com

I usually play blitz and bullet when I’m distracted or otherwise extremely stupid

So feel free to laugh at my blitz/bullet games and analyze my rapid games, which I take seriously (but still am an idiot)

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Just to get this thread activity here’s one of my recent games that I’m the MOST proud of.

Memorized the entire line up to checkmate from Eric Rosen’s “crush the caro kann” video

Notice how it’s a 3+2 game and I started the game with 3 minutes, ended it with 3:14 on the clock, literally blitzed out the entire sequence

Repetoire currently:

  1. E4 sidelines
  • against caro: two knights attack (well studied)
  • against Petrov (knight takes, nothing studied)
  • against French, I lose
  • against scandi, I lose
  1. e4 Italian game
  • against two knights, fried liver attack (so-so studied)
  • against Bc5, I lose
  • note, I bought “the dynamic italian game” on chessable to work on this

As black…

  • against e4 I lose
  • against d4 I lose
  • against c4 I haven’t even played enough games to say I lose, so…

Rated about 1350 rapid, I want to get a solid set of openings from a basic repetoire, have some traps in my arsenal, and make sure I don’t have any opening weaknesses, yet I’m not looking to master extremely complicated lines unless they’re EXTREMELY common

Repertoire’s I’d like to study are


  • Evans Gambit as white
  • Fried liver attack as white
  • “Kings Indian Attack” against French defence
  • maybe the Two Knights Caro Kann as white, maybe the fantasy
  • grand priz against Sicilian


Oh god I don’t even know. King’s Indian defence? I’m almost desperate enough to play the Scandi.

I have Vincent moret’s chessable repetoire for the stonewall but idk if I wanna do the albin or the Portuguese that are also in the book

Okay so making progress on the repetoire choices.

I have Vincent Moret’s “First Repetoire For White” which covers, pretty simply but well-done

  • Caro Kann Advance Variation
  • St George Attack against Modern/Pirc
  • King’s Indian Attack against French Defense
  • Basic Italian Game principles if 3… Bc5
  • Grand Prix against the Sicilian
  • A little bit of stuff on the scandi (not thorough)

Which covers ALL my bases in an “easy to learn and then move on to studying other things” level of depth.

Meanwhile, I have a much more advanced repetoire for the italian game as white, I’ll be using it for 3… Nf6 because then I can get into the fried liver, but for now, I’ll avoid playing the Evans Gambit because that’s EXTREMELY complicated. I’ll practice the basic italian against Bc5 then see if I even need a gambit or if I’m just happy playing that.

Deutz Gambit is fun against Bc5 as well, a bit less theoretical than the Evans, but still sharp. With my 20 minutes of Evans Gambit study, I’ve been losing every Evans Gambit game I play :joy:

I love chess, i am mostly on lichess.com . Used chess.com a kong time ago not sure if my account is still there. We should play a match soon!

Chess= thee self improvement method before the digital age

For sure dude! I’ll DM you

Played two rapid games today. I sat down with a coffee and was fully intending on giving it my best and analyzing the result.

Game 1: Vienna gambit as black
Literally crushed the entire game, had an overwhelmingly winning position (5.0) but lost on time & not knowing how to proceed in and endgame

Game 2: black against 1. D4
Played double fianchetto.
Opening: slightly better (0.5)
Middle game: way worse
But he blundered and didn’t capitalize so I won :joy:

Weaknesses today were d4 openings & multi-piece endgames (all endgames really)

Actually goes to show I DONT need to study an opening unless I’m actually losing games in that opening.

Endgame and tactics and mid game strategy are huge and universal… openings come up when needed considering I’ve already studied opening a fair bit.

As black, I need a weapon/system against 1. D4 and white’s E4/NF3 set ups… I feel pretty weak in the Italian as black, but I definitely wanna play e5!

as white, all I need is a bit of study on the smith morra gambit and the French defence, otherwise I’m doing great lol

i’ve come to realize openings are not why i’m losing games. at 1100, my old rapid rating, openings were decisive, but now that i’m pushing 1400, it’s the tactics that are holding me back.

I was thinking that too. Tactics are a lot easier when you play untimed. That’s why I’m not a big fan of speed chess. I think you should mix in some over the board or online, untimed, to improve your tactics. The games are longer but you can improve on strategy and tactics.

You can also research chess tactics online or buy a book.

Im using chessable to practice tactics now that’s been really fun and helpful.

I was analyzing my games and just straight up saw that my openings were fine and the games I lost came from missed tactics, so, working on that now.

AND ENDGAMES but that’s a lower percentage of my losses… but if I do get there I’m screwed lol

You can also practice tactics and strategy using the chess engine on chess.com. Sometime the engine comes up with moves you would never think of. You can then try to think about why the engine chose that move.

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lets gonna try this course bro

Thanks for posting that! I don’t like the caro personally.

The one opening I do need to study though is black against e4/e5 and white against the Sicilian.

Still priotizing tactics tho that’s a good lesson learned - I just lost a Sicilian game but I lost tactically, not from the opening

Let’s play some games together :pray:

Let’s do it champ that’d be fun

Xxxkingslayer on chess.com send me some friend requests